Bea-Tzu Animal Pictures
Canis lupus familiaris
Rattiya Thongdumhyu/
When A Beagle and Shih Tzu are crossed, the puppies are usually small and have long hair.
Bea-Tzu Hybrid Dogs Are Small And Fluffy
This Bea-Tzu has been clipped recently.
Bea-Tzu Dogs Must Be Brushed and Clipped Frequently
You can use baby wipes to clean the face of a Bea-Tzu.
The Bea-Tzu Has A Fuzzy Face
Toy dogs like the Beagle and Shih Tzu cross need protected areas to play outside.
The Bea-Tzu Loves To Play Outside
The Bea-Tzu Is known for its loyalty towards its owner.
A Bea-Tzu Will Always Guard Its Owner