Beetle Animal Pictures

Mark Brandon/


The Five-horned rhinoceros beetle (Eupatorus graciliconis) known as Hercules beetles , Unicorn or Horn beetles , in tropical forest.

The Five-horned rhinoceros beetle (Eupatorus graciliconis) known as Hercules beetles , Unicorn or Horn beetles , in tropical forest.
Mark Brandon/

The Five-horned rhinoceros beetle (Eupatorus graciliconis) known as Hercules beetles , Unicorn or Horn beetles , in tropical forest.

Asbolus verrucosus (desert ironclad beetles or blue death feigning beetles) beetle on desert driftwood.

Asbolus verrucosus (desert ironclad beetles or blue death feigning beetles) beetle on desert driftwood.

Asbolus verrucosus (desert ironclad beetles or blue death feigning beetles) beetle on desert driftwood.

Dung beetles with a dung ball.

Dung beetles with a dung ball.
Neil Bromhall/

Dung beetles with a dung ball.

A rosemary beetle with wide-open hard wings.

A rosemary beetle with wide-open hard wings.
ozgur kerem bulur/

A rosemary beetle with wide-open hard wings.

Colorado potato beetle and red larva crawling and eating potato leaves.

Colorado potato beetle and red larva crawling and eating potato leaves.
Afanasiev Andrii/

Colorado potato beetle and red larva crawling and eating potato leaves.

Beetle isolated on white background.

Beetle isolated on white background.
Tobias Hauke/

Beetle isolated on white background.

Carpet Beetle Eggs - larva in carpet
Tyler Fox/

Carpet beetle larvae cause damage in your home, as they eat various types of organic, animal-based products.

Most colorful beetles - Scarlet Lily Beetle

The Scarlet Lily Beetle is a colorful beetle with a reputation for being destructive because of its ability to harm the Solomon's Seal and Lily of the Valley plants.

Most colorful beetles - Fire-Colored Beetle

A fire-colored beetle on a person's arm. This colorful beetle is not poisonous.

Most colorful beetles - Goliath Beetle
Yan Lv/

A large male Goliath Beetle on wood. These colorful beetles are very strong and are able to lift up to 850x their body weight.

Most Colorful Beetles - Wallaces Long-Horn Beetle

Wallace's Long-Horn Beetle is isolated on white background. Although not a brightly colorful beetle as the jewel beetle species, these bugs have a subtle beauty that is impressive in their unique way.

Most Colorful Beetles - Atlas Beetle
Mark Brandon/

Atlas beetle (Chalcosoma atlas), famous exotic pet, found in Southeast Asia. The species is named for Atlas, the giant of Greek mythology who supported the skies. These are some of the most colorful beetles.

Most Colorful Beetles - Jewel Beetle
Digital Images Studio/

Jewel bug (Chrysocoris stollii) Beetle, which belongs to the Scutelleridae family and is actually a true bug.They are often brilliantly colored, exhibiting a wide range of iridescent metallic colors, making them one of the most colorful beetles.

The Life Cycle of a Beetle - adult beetle
Brett Hondow/

The last stage in the life cycle of a beetle is the adult beetle. Here an adult Spotted Cucumber Beetle (Diabrotica undecimpunctata) makes its way along a pine needle. These beetles are considered pests in many parts of the US and will feed on crops such as cucumbers and corn.

The Life Cycle of a Beetle - pupa

The pupa of coconut rhinoceros beetle in the ground. The pupa is the third stage in the life cycle of a beetle.

The Life Cycle of a Beetle - larva
Petr Muckstein/

Goliathus goliatus, African Goliath beetle larvae in some compost. The larva is the second stage in the Life Cycle of a Beetle.

The Life Cycle of a Beetle - the egg
pattara puttiwong/

The Life Cycle of a Beetle starts with the egg. Here is a Metallic wood-boring beetle busy laying eggs.

The Life Cycle of a Beetle
Tomasz Klejdysz/

The Life Cycle of a Beetle

Flesh eating beetles
Tomasz Klejdysz/

Dermestes - beetles from the skin beetles family (Dermestidae) on dead fish.

How To Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

How To Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

Carpet Beetle Larvae - Adult Carpet Beetle
Tomasz Klejdysz/

These carpet beetle larvae look alot like tiny fuzzy caterpillars

Carpet Beetle Larvae

These carpet beetle larvae look alot like tiny fuzzy caterpillars

Blister Beetle MISHRA

If you see the blister beetle, refrain from touching it; this insect shouldn't be handled.

Beetles eat a very wide variety of food, ranging from carrion to plants.

Colorado beetle eats a potato leaves young. Pests destroy a crop in the field. Parasites in wildlife and agriculture.

Beetles eat

Larva of a Hercules beetle, Dynastes hercules

Beetles eat

The Larva of a Hercules beetle, Dynastes hercules. The grub is a great delicacy in Thailand.

Tiger Beetle of the Genus Tetracha

Beetles eat
Vinicius R. Souza/

A tiger beetle with its prey. Tiger beetles are good fliers and can also grab prey on the wing.

Beetles eat

Weevil Crawling over the leaf of a plant. Weevils can cause great damage to plants they infest.

Japanese beetle

Japanese beetle walking on a leaf

Beetles excrete organic pellets that serve as plant fertilizers.

Tital Beetle

Largest beetles - Titan Beetle

This photo gives a true indication of the size of the Titan Beetle.

Largest Beetles - Caucasus beetle
Sanit Fuangnakhon/

10 Largest Beetles in the World - Atlas Beetle
Marek R. Swadzba/

The Five-horned rhinoceros beetle Beetles/Insects/Bugs : The Five-horned rhinoceros beetle (Eupatorus graciliconis) known as Hercules beetles , Unicorn or Horn beetles , in tropical forest.

The Five-horned rhinoceros beetle
Mark Brandon/

The Five-horned rhinoceros beetle

Animals That Spit Acid

Animals That Spit Acid

The Bombardier Beetle (Brachinus alternans) is very aptly named - these boisterous bugs can create a small explosion to ward off predators.

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The largest and one of the heaviest beetle in the world - Titanus giganteus. This species can be found in North-Eastern parts of Southern America (Guiana). Adults emerge in the beginning of the year.

Margus Vilbas Photography/

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The titan beetle (Titanus giganteus) is a neotropical longhorn beetle, the sole species in the genus Titanus, and one of the largest known beetles. Location: Presidente Figueiredo, Amazon – Brazil


Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals

Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals

Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals

Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals

Red-Headed Cardinal Beetle