Cichlid Animal Pictures

Herotilapia multispinosa

Steven Viemeister / Creative Commons / Original


An oscar swimming in an aquarium

An oscar swimming in an aquarium

Oscars are well known for being aggressive aquarium fish

Two Gold Ram Cichlid swimming

Two Gold Ram Cichlid swimming
RuthJM - Public Domain

Gold Ram Cichilds are attractive aquarium fish

A brightly colored Strawberry Peacock African Malawi Cichlid swimming in an aquarium

A brightly colored Strawberry Peacock African Malawi Cichlid swimming in an aquarium
Grigorev Mikhail/

A Strawberry Peacock African Malawi Cichlid displays its vivid colors

The Yellow Peacock cichlid in a fish tank, is endemic to Lake Malawi, Africa.

The Yellow Peacock cichlid in a fish tank, is endemic to Lake Malawi, Africa.
Arunee Rodloy/

Yellow Peacock cichlids are endemic to Lake Malawi, Africa

Flowerhorn Cichlid swimming in fish tank.

Flowerhorn Cichlid swimming in fish tank.
Huy Thoai/

Flowerhorn Cichlid swimming in fish tank.

Male Firemouth cichlid

Male Firemouth cichlid
Johannes Menge/

Male Firemouth cichlid

Baby Discus Cichlid fish swimming with parent. Discus fishes are native to the Amazon River.

Baby Discus Cichlid fish swimming with parent. Discus fishes are native to the Amazon River.
Studio 37/

Baby Discus Cichlid fish swimming with parent. Discus fishes are native to the Amazon River.

Cichlid - Kribensis Pelvicachromis pulcher pair guarding young fry

Cichlid - Kribensis Pelvicachromis pulcher pair guarding young fry
Toxotes Hun-Gabor Horvath/

Cichlid - Kribensis Pelvicachromis pulcher pair guarding young fry

Cichlid - The African jewelfish (Hemichromis bimaculatus) isolated on white background

Cichlid - The African jewelfish (Hemichromis bimaculatus) isolated on white background
Grigorev Mikhail/

Cichlid - The African jewelfish (Hemichromis bimaculatus) isolated on white background

Midas Cichlid
Andrej Jakubik/

Lars Plougmann - License Information.

Lars Plougmann / Creative Commons (Original)

Cichlids in the wild in Lake Malawi

Timmy Toucan - Public Domain

Male Pink Convict Cichlid against a black background
Timmy Toucan - Public Domain

Male Pink Convict Cichlid

Deanpemberton - License Information.

Deanpemberton / Creative Commons (Original)

Female Convict Cichlid with Eggs

Deanpemberton - License Information.

Deanpemberton / Creative Commons (Original)

Convict Cichlids (female on the left, male on the right)

Theatrus / Creative Commons (Original)

Electric Yellow Lab Cichlid

Steven Viemeister - License Information.

Steven Viemeister / Creative Commons (Original)

Steven Viemeister - License Information.

Steven Viemeister / Creative Commons (Original)