Madora Moth Animal Pictures

Gonimbrasia belina

Ondrej Prosicky/


Gonimbrasia belina beautiful big butterfly is a species of moth found in much of Southern Africa. Big colourful insect hidden in green vegetation. Wildlife scene from nature.

Madora Moth
Ondrej Prosicky/

The adult madora moth is scientifically named Gonimbrasa belina. They are large, robust moths that do not feed and only mate before they die in 3- 4 days.

Beautiful big butterfly Gonimbrasia belina is a species of moth found in much of Southern Africa, whose large edible caterpillar.

Madora moths
Ondrej Prosicky/

Madora moths are only found in South African countries.

Madora or mopane caterpillar on pine, cocon of larvae of Gonimbrasia belina

Madora or mopane caterpillar

Mopane worms are edible and are harvested for consumption due to their highly nutritious nature.

African Emporer Moth caterpillars, Gonimbrasia zambesina - an edible caterpillar from Africa and giant silk moth (sometimes called the mopane worm or mopani) - eating oak leaves

Madora Moth Caterpillar
Matt Jeppson/

The moth's larva, referred to as "mopane worm", feeds primarily on mopane tree leaves.