Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
A Meerkat (Suricata Suricatta) at Colchester Zoo, UK.
Olaf Leillinger - License Information.

Meerkat (Suricata suricatta), Zoo Leipzig (Saxony, Germany)
Olaf Leillinger - License Information.

Meerkat (Suricata suricatta)
Fir0002/Flagstaffotos - License Information.

Meerkat (Suricata suricatta), Melbourne Zoo, Australia
Jag Dragon - License Information.

A meerkat in the exhibit at Taronga Zoo, Sydney Australia
Scott Sandars - License Information.

Two meerkats at the Royal Melbourne Zoological Gardens
Olaf Leillinger - License Information.

Meerkats (Suricata suricatta)
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
Colchester Zoo
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
Barcelona Zoo
A Meerkat posing for camera

A Meerkat.
Meerkat or suricate, is small carnivoran belonging to mongoose family (Herpestidae).

A Meerkat.
NAPARAZZI - License Information.

A close-up of a Meerkat.
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
A Meerkat (Suricata Suricatta) at Colchester Zoo, UK.
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
A Meerkat (Suricata Suricatta) at Colchester Zoo, UK.
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
A Meerkat (Suricata Suricatta) at Colchester Zoo, UK.
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
A Meerkat (Suricata Suricatta) at Colchester Zoo, UK.
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
A Meerkat (Suricata Suricatta) at Colchester Zoo, UK.
Meerkat pups eat solid food, like insects, as young as three weeks old, subsisting on mother's milk for the first few weeks of life.
As omnivores, Meerkats eat insects, small reptiles, small mammals, and scorpions.
Meerkat, suricata suricatta, Adult sitting, Sunning outside Burrow, Namibia
Meerkats pile on top of one another to help protect themselves from predators.
Craziest Animal Adaptations: Meerkat
A Meerkat Family sunbathing. Their eyes have a clear protective membrane that shields them from dirt while digging.
Cutest Animals_ Meerkat
Meerkats are able to kill and eat venomous snakes and scorpions without being hurt, as they have some immunity to the venom.