Poison Dart Frog Animal Pictures
dart frog
Strawberry Poison Dart Frog stock photo Strawberry Poison Dart Frog, Poison Arrow Frog, Frog, Amphibian, One Animal Strawberry Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates pumilio), Bastimentos National Park, Bocas del Toro, Panama
The strawberry poison dart frog features unique traits in their eyes that enable them to differentiate between different color variations of their species.
Incredible Rainforest Animals: Poison Dart Frogs
Red strawberry poison dart frog on a big leaf. These frogs are commonly known as poison arrow or poison dart frogs because native Indian tribes reportedly rubbed their arrow tips on the frogs' backs before hunting.
Amazing Rainforest Animal: Poison Dart Frog
The male Poison Dart Frog care for the eggs in leaf litter and then carry the tadpoles on their back to sites with running water.
Adrian Pingstone - Public Domain
Poison Dart Frog
Adrian Pingstone - Public Domain
Poison Dart Frog
Adrian Pingstone - Public Domain
Poison Dart Frog