Poison Dart Frog

Last updated: May 27, 2024
Verified Verified by: AZ Animals Staff
Dirk Ercken/Shutterstock.com

Inhabits the jungles of Central and South America!


Poison Dart Frog Scientific Classification


Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals.

Poison Dart Frog Conservation Status

Poison Dart Frog Locations

Poison Dart Frog Locations

Poison Dart Frog Facts

Main Prey
Insects, Ants, Spiders
Fun Fact
Inhabits the jungles of Central and South America!
Tropical jungle and wet forests
Average Litter Size
  • Solitary
Favorite Food
Inhabits the jungles of Central and South America!

Poison Dart Frog Physical Characteristics

  • Yellow
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Orange
Skin Type
Top Speed
10 mph
2-4 years
2-7g (0.07-0.25oz)

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Poison dart frogs are a tiny species of frog that lives in Central and South America.

One of their main adaptations to keep them safe from predators is their brightly colored skin, which ranges from yellow to bright blue or red. This skin warns predators looking to add them to their diet that these tiny frogs are extremely toxic if ingested.

5 Incredible Poison Dart Frog Facts!

  • A group of poison dart frogs is known as an “army.”
  • One of this frog’s adaptations is its brightly colored body, from blue to red and black to golden yellow.
  • Poison dart frogs are sometimes known as “poison arrow frogs.”
  • The golden poison dart frog, the most toxic of all of the frog species, has enough toxin in its body to kill over 20,000 mice.
  • Some varieties of these frog’s poison show promise in the medical field, including one being synthetically adapted to be a painkiller for humans.

Scientific Name

Poison dart frogs are members of the



These frogs belong to a wide array of genera and species, with many different scientific names. There are over 175 known species. However, all belong to the family Dendrobatidae. This scientific name is formed from the Greek word for tree, dendro, which is also used in the word dendrology, the study of trees. Batēs is the Greek word meaning “one that treads.” Therefore, the family name Dendrobatidae means “one that reads in trees,” or simply “tree climber.”


red head poison dart frog Ranitomeya fantastica tropical amphibian from Amazon jungle in Peru.

Poison dart frogs have gorgeous colors and patterns on their skin.

One of the adaptations these frogs are famous for is their brightly colored skin. This skin serves as a warning to predators about their extremely toxic secretions. The term for creatures that have bright coloration to warn predators that they are toxic is called “aposematic coloration.”

The different species come in a rainbow of colors, including blue, yellow, red, green, golden, and black. The strawberry poison dart frog is one of the species’ most poisonous members and has a bright red body with blue legs. The golden poison dart frog is also especially dangerous and has enough toxins to kill over 20,000 mice. It is also the largest of the poison dart frog species.

However, the facts are that not all members of the poison dart frog family are poisonous, or brightly colored. Some humble species come in shades of tan and brown, and these species are usually not toxic to most animals.

These frogs tend to be small, with the average length being around 1 inch. Like most frog species, their skin is smooth and damp, and they have webbed toes.


Blue poison frog, Dendrobates Azureus

Their life-threatening toxins and picturesque patterns are the most notable traits poison dart frogs have adapted.

It is believed that Poison dart frogs first began to express their trademark mutations and evolve from their non-poisonous relatives sometime 20-40 Million years ago. In addition to developing a powerful toxicity and their striking warning colors, these amphibians also had to acquire a resistance to their own poison in order to survive, an evolutionary hurdle that all poisonous creatures must overcome. Poison dart frogs achieved this through the genetic manipulation of a single amino acid in their DNA.

The vast array of species and genera, all displaying their own unique color variants indicate a high level of genetic diversity in these amphibians, with scientist believing some new species first emerged as recently as 6,000 years ago.


Incredible Rainforest Animals: Poison Dart Frogs

Poison dart frogs use their vibrant colors as a warning of the deadly toxins within them.

Some facts about these frogs’ behavior include that they like to live in the trees closest to the ground, or the leaf litter of the jungle floor. They prefer resting on leaves and tree branches.

These frogs croak and squeak like other frog species, using these calls to establish their habitats and attract mates. They are mostly diurnal creatures, which means they are active during the day.

These frogs make little attempt to hide from predators, as their skin is warning enough. If their toxins don’t kill a predator, they will at least make them very unappetizing. Predators will remember the unpleasant taste of this frog, and will likely not attempt to eat another one again.


Many Poison Dart Frogs are endemic to the Amazon rainforest.

These frogs are native to the damp rainforests of Central and South America. They can sometimes be confused with another small, brightly colored frog species called the Mantella, but Mantellas are only native to Madagascar.

These frogs have also been introduced to Hawaii. They used to be imported to the US in great numbers for the pet trade, but this has since slowed down. In Europe, some species of frogs are smuggled into the country.

Because of their sensitivity to the environment, these frogs do not do well in heavily polluted areas.


Mimic Poison Frog

Poison dart frogs primarily eat small insects.

These frogs use their long, sticky tongue to capture insects. This diet makes the frog a carnivore. Their diet consists of termites, flies, ants, and many other species of insects, which are plentiful in the habitat where poison dart frogs live.

Tadpoles can be omnivorous and sometimes eat algae. They are also sometimes fed unfertilized eggs from their parents. Some species of frogs are even cannibals and eat the tadpoles of other species.

It is thought that the diet of the poison dart frog is responsible for its toxicity. Scientists are unsure which of the insects the frogs eat make them toxic. However, frogs raised in captivity and fed crickets and fruit flies do not release toxins from their skin.

Predators and Threats

Most Colorful Animals: Blue Dart Frog

Poison Dart Frogs are constantly threatened with habitat loss due to deforestation.

Because the toxins in their skin make them unpleasant or even toxic for most animals to eat, poison dart frogs do not have a wide array of natural predators. There is a species of snake, Leimadophis epinephelus that is immune to the venom of the poison dart frog.

Frog species, including the poison dart frog, sometimes fall victim to the chytrid fungus. This disease is a type of infective fungus that causes lethargy, weight loss, and eventually death. It is highly contagious and threatens over 100 different frog species.

Many species of poison dart frog are listed as endangered or critically endangered due to habitat loss and pollution. Large swathes of rainforest are often burned to make room for farmland as well as deforested for lumber. Some species are also captured and exported for the pet trade.

Reproduction, Babies, and Lifespan

Red Strawberry poison dart frog, Dendrobates pumilio, in the nature habitat, Costa Rica.

Poison dart frogs emit fascinating sounds during their mating seasons.

Poison dart frogs breed multiple times throughout the year, often in conjunction with periods of rainfall. Both males and females are combative during this time – males compete for ideal perches from which to call for mates, and females compete for nesting areas. Females are sometimes known to devour the eggs of other frogs.

The mating process occurs once the male has performed his mating call and located a female with which to breed. The male lures the female to a place where he would like to mate using an elaborate courtship ceremony. This courtship consists of wrestling, stroking, and leading the female around. The ceremony can last many hours before the two decide to settle, and the female can lay her eggs.

Females will deposit their eggs in the moist leaf litter. The amount of eggs varies from 1 egg to 40 eggs, with the average being about ten eggs per clutch. The male will then fertilize the eggs once the female has lain. Both parents will guard the eggs, taking care to make sure they do not dry out.

Once the young tadpoles hatch, about 10 to 18 days after the eggs have been fertilized, the parents will carry the tadpoles on their backs. When the parent frog sits in the cluster of young tadpoles, they can squirm their way onto the parents’ back. The parents carry their young, either all at once or a few at a time, to small pools where they can grow and mature. Tadpoles will grow into adult frogs after many months. In this young form, they are exceptionally vulnerable to predators.

The lifespan of the poison dart frog is not well-researched. In the wild, some scientists say they live as few as three years. In captivity, it is reported that some species can live to be up to 25 years old.


Many species of poison dart frogs are critically endangered.

Poison dart frogs, like many other species native to the rainforests of South America, are in population decline. Some species are endangered or critically endangered due to habitat loss, climate change, and fungal disease. Because of the number of species as well as their remote location, it is not possible to get accurate measurements of population data.

Poison Dart Frogs In the Zoo

Poison dart frog with tadpole on back, Andonobates bombetes

Many zoos have exhibits where you can safely encounter poison dart frogs.

These frogs are a common attraction in zoos and aquariums everywhere. The San Diego Zoo and the Smithsonian both have captive poison dart frogs, as well as Reid Park Zoo and the Seneca Park Zoo.

In zoos, these frogs are fed insects that do not cause them to develop toxins in their skin. They are fed insects like these because they frequently need to be handled by zookeepers and vets while in captivity.

Types of Poison Dart Frog

There are over 300 different species of poison dart frogs, you can find a comprehensive list of every kind below:

Montane Rocket FrogAllobates alessandroi
Spotted Nurse FrogAllobates algorei
(No common name)Allobates amissibilis 
(No common name)Allobates bacurau
Coastal Rocket FrogAllobates bromelicola
Chupada Rocket FrogAllobates brunneus
(No common name)Allobates caeruleodactylus
(No common name)Allobates caribe
(No common name)Allobates cepedai
Martinique Volcano FrogAllobates chalcopis
(No common name)Allobates conspicuous 
(No common name)Allobates crombiei
Brilliant-thighed Poison FrogAllobates femoralis
Yellow-bellied Stream FrogAllobates flaviventris
Rana Saltarina de MeraAllobates fratisenescus 
(No common name)Allobates fuscellus
(No common name)Allobates gasconi
Goias Rocket FrogAllobates goianus
Black-flanked Poison FrogAllobates granti
(No common name)Allobates grillicantus
(No common name)Allobates grillisimilis
(No common name)Allobates hodli
Bocono Rocket FrogAllobates humilis
Nurse Frog Of The Serranía De PerijáAllobates ignotus
Rana Saltarina de Santa CeciliaAllobates insperatus
Juami River Rocket FrogAllobates juami
(No common name)Allobates juanii
(No common name)Allobates kamilae
Kingsbury’s Rocket FrogAllobates kingsburyi 
(No common name)Allobates magnussoni
Mount Turumiquire Rocket FrogAllobates mandelorum 
Dull Rocket FrogAllobates marchesianus
(No common name)Allobates masniger
Mcdiarmid’s Rocket FrogAllobates mcdiarmidi 
(No common name)Allobates melanolaemus
Myers’ Poison FrogAllobates myersi
(No common name)Allobates nidicola
(No common name)Allobates niputidea
(No common name)Allobates nunciatus
Rio Rocket FrogAllobates olfersioides
(No common name)Allobates ornatus
(No common name)Allobates pacaas
(No common name)Allobates paleci 
Amazonian Nurse FrogAllobates paleovarzensis
(No common name)Allobates picachos
(No common name)Allobates pittieri
Llanos Rocket FrogAllobates ranoides
San Martin Rocket FrogAllobates sanmartini 
(No common name)Allobates sieggreenae
(No common name)Allobates subfolionidificans
(No common name)Allobates sumtuosus 
Striped Rocket FrogAllobates talamancae 
(No common name)Allobates tapajos
(No common name)Allobates tinae
Three-striped Rocket FrogAllobates trilineatus
(No common name)Allobates undulatus 
(No common name)Allobates vanzolinius
Fast Singer FrogAllobates velocicantus
Colostethus WayuuAllobates wayuu
Zaparo’s Poison FrogAllobates zaparo
(No common name)Anomaloglossus apiau
(No common name)Anomaloglossus ayarzaguenai
(No common name)Anomaloglossus baeobatrachus
Beebe’s Rocket FrogAnomaloglossus beebei
(No common name)Anomaloglossus blanci
(No common name)Anomaloglossus breweri
Degranville’s Rocket FrogAnomaloglossus degranvillei 
(No common name)Anomaloglossus dewynteri
(No common name)Anomaloglossus guanayensis
Kaie Rock FrogAnomaloglossus kaiei 
Leopard Rocket FrogAnomaloglossus leopardus
(No common name)Anomaloglossus meansi
(No common name)Anomaloglossus mitaraka
Sarisariñama Rocket FrogAnomaloglossus moffetti 
(No common name)Anomaloglossus murisipanensis
(No common name)Anomaloglossus parimae
(No common name)Anomaloglossus parkerae
(No common name)Anomaloglossus praderioi
Roraima Rocket FrogAnomaloglossus roraima
Chimantá Poison FrogAnomaloglossus rufulus 
(No common name)Anomaloglossus saramaka
Shreve’s Rocket FrogAnomaloglossus shrevei 
Stephen’s Rocket FrogAnomaloglossus stepheni
Suriname Rock FrogAnomaloglossus surinamensis
(No common name)Anomaloglossus tamacuarensis
(No common name)Anomaloglossus tepequem
(No common name)Anomaloglossus tepuyensis
(No common name)Anomaloglossus triunfo 
(No common name)Anomaloglossus vacheri
(No common name)Anomaloglossus verbeeksnyderorum
(No common name)Anomaloglossus wothuja
Whitebelly Rocket FrogAromobates alboguttatus
(No common name)Aromobates cannatellai
Sierra Nevada Rocket FrogAromobates capurinensis
Durant’s Rocket FrogAromobates duranti 
(No common name)Aromobates ericksonae
El Vivero Rocket FrogAromobates haydeeae
(No common name)Aromobates inflexus
Leopard Rocket FrogAromobates leopardalis
Mayorga Rocket FrogAromobates mayorgai
Merida Rocket FrogAromobates meridensis
Las Playitas Rocket FrogAromobates molinarii 
Venezuelan Skunk FrogAromobates nocturnus
Ornate Cloud FrogAromobates ornatissimus
Tachira Rocket FrogAromobates orostoma
Salty Rocket FrogAromobates saltuensis
Pefaur’s Rocket FrogAromobates serranus
Perija’s Nurse FrogAromobates tokuko
Piñango Rocket FrogAromobates walterarpi
(No common name)Aromobates zippeli 
(No common name)Mannophryne caquetio
Collared Poison FrogMannophryne collaris
(No common name)Mannophryne cordilleriana
Hermina’s Poison FrogMannophryne herminae
(No common name)Mannophryne lamarcai
(No common name)Mannophryne larandina
(No common name)Mannophryne leonardoi
(No common name)Mannophryne molinai
Aragua Poison FrogMannophryne neblina 
St. Teresa Poison FrogMannophryne oblitterata
Bloody Bay Poison FrogMannophryne olmonae
Orellana’s Collared FrogMannophryne orellana
Rivero’s Poison FrogMannophryne riveroi
(No common name)Mannophryne speeri
Trinidad Poison FrogMannophryne trinitatis
(No common name)Mannophryne trujillensis
Urticant Collared FrogMannophryne urticans
(No common name)Mannophryne venezuelensis
Caracas Collared FrogMannophryne vulcano
Yacambu Poison FrogMannophryne yustizi
Palm Rocket FrogRheobates palmatus
(No common name)Rheobates pseudopalmatus
Tarapoto Poison FrogAmeerega altamazonica
La Planada Poison FrogAmeerega andina
Pleasing Poison FrogAmeerega bassleri
(No common name)Ameerega berohoka
Ecuador Poison FrogAmeerega bilinguis
(No common name)Ameerega boehmei
Bolivian Poison FrogAmeerega boliviana
(No common name)Ameerega braccata
Cainarachi Poison FrogAmeerega cainarachi
Palenque Poison FrogAmeerega erythromos
Yellow-spotted FrogAmeerega flavopicta
(No common name)Ameerega hahneli
(No common name)Ameerega ignipedis
Riddle Poison FrogAmeerega imasmari
Niceforo’s Poison FrogAmeerega ingeri
(No common name)Ameerega labialis
Manu Poison FrogAmeerega macero
Confusing Poison FrogAmeerega maculata
(No common name)Ameerega munduruku
Panguana Poison FrogAmeerega panguana
Ruby Poison-arrow FrogAmeerega parvula
(No common name)Ameerega pepperi
(No common name)Ameerega peruviridis
Peru Poison FrogAmeerega petersi
Spot-legged Poison FrogAmeerega picta
Oxapampa Poison FrogAmeerega planipaleae
(No common name)Ameerega pongoensis
(No common name)Ameerega pulchripecta
(No common name)Ameerega rubriventris
Amarakaeri poison frogAmeerega shihuemoy
Silverstone’s Poison FrogAmeerega silverstonei
(No common name)Ameerega simulans
Three-striped Poison FrogAmeerega trivittata
(No common name)Ameerega yoshina
(No common name)Ameerega yungicola
Cauca Rocket FrogColostethus agilis
Finca Primavera Rocket FrogColostethus alacris
Stripe-throated Rocket FrogColostethus brachistriatus
(No common name)Colostethus dunni 
(No common name)Colostethus dysprosium
Santa Rita Rocket FrogColostethus fraterdanieli
(No common name)Colostethus furviventris
Silverstone’s Rocket FrogColostethus imbricolus
Common Rocket FrogColostethus inguinalis
Truando Rocket FrogColostethus latinasus
(No common name)Colostethus lynchi 
Mertens’ Rocket FrogColostethus mertensi 
Panama Rocket FrogColostethus panamansis 
Amazonas Rocket FrogColostethus poecilonotus
Pratt’s Rocket FrogColostethus pratti
(No common name)Colostethus ramirezi
(No common name)Colostethus ruthveni
Thornton’s Rocket FrogColostethus thorntoni
(No common name)Colostethus ucumari
(No common name)Colostethus yaguara
Anthony’s Poison Arrow FrogEpipedobates anthonyi
Rana Nodriza de BoulengerEpipedobates boulengeri
Rana Nodriza de Darwin y WallaceEpipedobates darwinwallacei
Rana Nodriza de EspinosaEpipedobates espinosai
(No common name)Epipedobates machalilla
Narino Poison FrogEpipedobates narinensis
Phantasmal Poison FrogEpipedobates tricolor
Imaza Rocket FrogLeucostethus argyrogaster
Rana Pecho Blanco de BilsaLeucostethus bilsa
Rana Cohete de PastazaLeucostethus fugax
(No common name)Leucostethus jota 
(No common name)Leucostethus siapida
(No common name)Silverstoneia dalyi
(No common name)Silverstoneia erasmios
Rainforest Rocket FrogSilverstoneia flotator
(No common name)Silverstoneia gutturalis
(No common name)Silverstoneia minima
(No common name)Silverstoneia minutissima
Boquete Rocket FrogSilverstoneia nubicola
(No common name)Silverstoneia punctiventris
Brazil-Nut Poison FrogAdelphobates castaneoticus
Splash-Backed Poison FrogAdelphobates galactonotus
Rio Madeira Poison FrogAdelphobates quinquevittatus
Collins’ Poison FrogAndinobates abditus
Alto De Buey Poison FrogAndinobates altobueyensis
Cauca Poison FrogAndinobates bombetes
Cassidy’s Poison Dart FrogAndinobates cassidyhornae
(No common name)Andinobates claudiae
(No common name)Andinobates daleswansoni
(No common name)Andinobates dorisswansonae
Yellowbelly Poison FrogAndinobates fulguritus
Geminis’ Dart FrogAndinobates geminisae
Bluebelly Poison FrogAndinobates minutus
Andean Poison FrogAndinobates opisthomelas
Supatá Golden Poison FrogAndinobates supata
(No common name)Andinobates tolimensis
(No common name)Andinobates victimatus
Green Poison FrogAndinobates viridis
Santander Poison FrogAndinobates virolinensis
Gold Arrow-Poison FrogDendrobates auratus
Yellow-banded Poison FrogDendrobates leucomelas
(No common name)Dendrobates nubeculosus 
Tinging FrogDendrobates tinctorius 
Yellow-striped Poison FrogDendrobates truncatus
Rio Santiago Poison FrogExcidobates captivus
Condor Poison FrogExcidobates condor
Marañón Poison FrogExcidobates mysteriosus 
Demonic Poison FrogMinyobates steyermarki 
(No common name)Oophaga anchicayensis
(No common name)Oophaga andresi 
Polkadot Poison FrogOophaga arborea
Granular Poison FrogOophaga granulifera
Harlequin Poison FrogOophaga histrionica
Lehmann’s Poison FrogOophaga lehmanni 
La Brea Poison FrogOophaga occultator
Strawberry Poison FrogOophaga pumilio
(No common name)Oophaga solanensis
Splendid Poison FrogOophaga speciosa
Little-devil Poison FrogOophaga sylvatica
Vicente’s Poison FrogOophaga vicentei
Kokoe Poison FrogPhyllobates aurotaenia
Two-Toned Arrow-Poison FrogPhyllobates bicolor 
Lovely Poison FrogPhyllobates lugubris
Golden Poison FrogPhyllobates terribilis
Golfodulcean Poison FrogPhyllobates vittatus
(No common name)Ranitomeya amazonica
(No common name)Ranitomeya benedicta
(No common name)Ranitomeya cyanovittata 
(No common name)Ranitomeya defleri
Red-Headed Poison FrogRanitomeya fantastica
(No common name)Ranitomeya flavovittata
Mimic Poison FrogRanitomeya imitator
Red-Backed Poison FrogRanitomeya reticulata
Sira Poison FrogRanitomeya sirensis
(No common name)Ranitomeya summersi 
(No common name)Ranitomeya toraro
(No common name)Ranitomeya uakarii
Brazillian Poison FrogRanitomeya vanzolinii
Zimmermann’s Poison FrogRanitomeya variabilis
Amazonian Poison FrogRanitomeya ventrimaculata
(No common name)Ranitomeya yavaricola
(No common name)Ectopoglossus absconditus
(No common name)Ectopoglossus astralogaster
(No common name)Ectopoglossus atopoglossus
Rana Nodriza ConfusaEctopoglossus confusus
(No common name)Ectopoglossus isthminus
(No common name)Ectopoglossus lacrimosus 
(No common name)Ectopoglossus saxatilis
Bello Rocket FrogHyloxalus abditaurantius
(No common name)Hyloxalus aeruginosus
South American Rocket FrogHyloxalus anthracinus
(No common name)Hyloxalus arliensis
Awa Rocket FrogHyloxalus awa
Sky-Blue Poison FrogHyloxalus azureiventris
(No common name)Hyloxalus betancuri
Bocage’s Rocket FrogHyloxalus bocagei 
(No common name)Hyloxalus borjai
Urrao Rocket FrogHyloxalus breviquartus 
Palanda Rocket FrogHyloxalus cevallosi
(No common name)Hyloxalus chlorocraspedus
Choco Rocket FrogHyloxalus chocoensis
(No common name)Hyloxalus craspedoceps
Rana Cohete de StellaHyloxalus delatorreae
Edwards’ Rocket FrogHyloxalus edwardsi
Loja Rocket FrogHyloxalus elachyhistus
(No common name)Hyloxalus eleutherodactylus
Yapitya Rocket FrogHyloxalus exasperatus
(No common name)Hyloxalus excisus 
Puerto Narino Rocket FrogHyloxalus faciopunctulatus
Cotopaxi Rocket FrogHyloxalus fallax
(No common name)Hyloxalus fascianigrus
(No common name)Hyloxalus felixcoperari 
Quijos Rocket FrogHyloxalus fuliginosus
Rivero’s Rocket FrogHyloxalus idiomelus
Chimbo Rocket FrogHyloxalus infraguttatus
(No common name)Hyloxalus insulatus
Rana Cohete de PastazaHyloxalus italoi 
Rana Cohete de QuitoHyloxalus jacobuspetersi 
(No common name)Hyloxalus jhoncito
Lehmann’s Rocket FrogHyloxalus lehmanni
(No common name)Hyloxalus leucophaeus
Little Rocket FrogHyloxalus littoralis
Spotted Rocket FrogHyloxalus maculosus
Rana Cohete MaquipucunaHyloxalus maquipucuna
Rio Negro Rocket FrogHyloxalus marmoreoventris
Mittermeier’s Rocket FrogHyloxalus mittermeieri 
Cloud Forest Rocket FrogHyloxalus mystax
Los Tayos Rocket FrogHyloxalus nexipus
Gualaceo Rocket FrogHyloxalus parcus
(No common name)Hyloxalus patitae
Funny Rocket FrogHyloxalus peculiaris 
Peru Rocket FrogHyloxalus peruvianus
Malvasa Rocket FrogHyloxalus pinguis
Espada’s Rocket FrogHyloxalus pulchellus 
San Vicente Rocket FrogHyloxalus pumilus
Ramos’ Rocket FrogHyloxalus ramosi 
Ruiz’s Rocket FrogHyloxalus ruizi 
(No common name)Hyloxalus saltuarius
(No common name)Hyloxalus sanctamariensis
Santa Cecilia Rocket FrogHyloxalus sauli
Santiago Rocket FrogHyloxalus shuar
(No common name)Hyloxalus sordidatus 
(No common name)Hyloxalus spilotogaster
Bogota Rocket FrogHyloxalus subpunctatus
Forest Rocket FrogHyloxalus sylvaticus
Rana Cohete de ToachiHyloxalus toachi
(No common name)Hyloxalus utcubambensis
Hellmich’s Rocket FrogHyloxalus vergeli
Boulenger’s Rocket FrogHyloxalus vertebralis
Tanti Rocket FrogHyloxalus whymperi 
Rana Cohete de YasuníHyloxalus yasuni 
View all 230 animals that start with P

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About the Author

Corinna Cybele

My name is Corinna! In my profile photo you can see me with one of my two cats, Bisky! The other's name is Yma and she's a beautiful black Bombay kitty. I'm 24 years old and I live in Birmingham, AL with my partner Anastasia and like to spend my free time making music, collecting records and reading. Some other animals I've owned were a hamster, 2 chihuahuas and many different kinds of fish.

Poison Dart Frog FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Are Poison Dart Frogs herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores?

Poison Dart Frogs are Carnivores, meaning they eat other animals.

What Kingdom do Poison Dart Frogs belong to?

Poison Dart Frogs belong to the Kingdom Animalia.

What class do Poison Dart Frogs belong to?

Poison Dart Frogs belong to the class Amphibia.

What phylum to Poison Dart Frogs belong to?

Poison Dart Frogs belong to the phylum Chordata.

What family do Poison Dart Frogs belong to?

Poison Dart Frogs belong to the family Dendrobatidae.

What order do Poison Dart Frogs belong to?

Poison Dart Frogs belong to the order Anura.

What type of covering do Poison Dart Frogs have?

Poison Dart Frogs are covered in permeable skin.

In what type of habitat do Poison Dart Frogs live?

Poison Dart Frogs live in tropical jungles and wet forests.

What is the main prey for Poison Dart Frogs?

Poison Dart Frogs prey on insects, ants, and spiders.

What are some predators of Poison Dart Frogs?

Predators of Poison Dart Frogs include snakes.

How many babies do Poison Dart Frogs have?

The average number of babies a Poison Dart Frog has is 10.

What is an interesting fact about Poison Dart Frogs?

Poison Dart Frogs inhabit the jungles of Central and South America!

What is the lifespan of a Poison Dart Frog?

Poison Dart Frogs can live for 2 to 4 years.

How fast is a Poison Dart Frog?

A Poison Dart Frog can travel at speeds of up to 10 miles per hour.

What do poison dart frogs eat?

Poison dart frogs eat insects, including flies, larvae, beetles, and termites. The poison dart frog tadpoles sometimes eat algae and unfertilized eggs as well. Some species of poison dart frogs eat the tadpoles of other species.

What eats poison dart frogs?

Not many animals eat the poison dart frog because of their skin. This skin, at best, leaves the predator with an unpleasant taste in its mouth. At worse, this skin can be toxic.

What are poison dart frog predators?

Only one known snake is immune to the poison dart frog’s toxins, and this is the species Leimadophis epinephelus. It mainly preys on the largest and most toxic species, the golden poison dart frog, which has enough toxins in its skin to immobilize ten human beings.

Can a poison dart frog kill you?

Some species of frog, such as the strawberry poison dart frog, produce toxins in their skin. Strawberry poison dart frogs tend to irritate only when they come into contact with human skin. However, it could be fatal if ingested or if it enters the body through a wound. This fact is where poison dart frogs get their names – indigenous tribes would smear the frogs’ toxins on to darts and arrows and use them for defense or hunting. The dart or arrow would cause a wound in the skin, and the poison would enter and kill the victim.

Can you touch a poison dart frog?

It depends on the species of frog. Some species are harmless to humans, and others may only cause minor irritation when handled. It is crucial to make sure that one does not have any cuts or open wounds when holding potentially toxic species. It also depends on the frog’s diet. Wild poison dart frogs eat insects that contribute to their toxicity. In captivity, most frogs do not have the appropriate diets to generate poisonous toxins in their skin.

How do you care for a poison dart frog?

Poison dart frogs in captivity require moist environments to remain happy. Humidity should be as close to 100% as possible. To care for a poison dart frog means to make sure the temperature of their enclosure is always between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. These frogs are delicate and should be handled infrequently. Their diet in captivity consists of crickets, larvae, and fruit flies, meaning that if the frog was never wild, it won’t develop the toxins that wild poison dart frogs do.

How do Poison Dart Frogs have babies?

Poison Dart Frogs lay eggs.

Which is deadlier to humans between the golden dart frog and the inland taipan?

The key attributes determining which is deadlier to humans between the golden dart frog and the inland taipan are venom LD50, how the toxin is introduced, proximity to humans, and human deaths.

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  1. Wikipedia / Accessed February 6, 2021
  2. National Geographic / Accessed February 6, 2021
  3. National Geographic Kids / Accessed February 6, 2021
  4. Smithsonian's National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute / Accessed February 6, 2021
  5. Britannica / Accessed February 6, 2021
  6. San Diego Zoo / Accessed February 6, 2021
  7. Animals Network / Accessed February 6, 2021
  8. Frogpets / Accessed February 6, 2021
  9. Center for Invasive Species Research / Accessed February 6, 2021