Pool Frog Animal Pictures

Pelophylax lessonae

iStock.com/Matthew Smith


A Pool Frog relaxing in the water

pool frog (Pelophylax lessonae) in water

Pool frog (Pelophylax lessonae) in water
Marcin Rogozinski/Shutterstock.com

Pool Frog in the algae
Aleksey Krivets/Shutterstock.com

Frog Hibernate in the soil (Pool frog - pelophylax ridibundus )

Pool Frog hibernate in the soil

Little tadpoles into frog on green background. Tadpoles changing into frog. Amphibian metamorphosis. Developed tadpoles on green pond.

Pool frog tadpole swimming

Green Pool Frog on white, Pelophylax lessonae
Rosa Jay/Shutterstock.com
SriMesh / Creative Commons (Original)

Sanja565658 - License Information.

Sanja565658 / Creative Commons (Original)

Christian Fischer - License Information.

Christian Fischer / Creative Commons (Original)

Dieter Weber - License Information.

Dieter Weber / Creative Commons (Original)

Christian Fischer - License Information.

Christian Fischer / Creative Commons (Original)