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Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
Colchester Zoo
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
Barcelona Zoo
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
Barcelona Zoo
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
A crash of Rhinoceros (Rhinocerotidae) at Colchester Zoo, UK.
White rhinoceros standing in the veld. The Rhino is the gray animal that is most under threat from poaching.
Rhinoceros iguanas are one of the rare omnivorous iguana species.
A white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) in natural habitat, South Africa. Rhinoceros are closely related to horses, and both are mammals.
What is a group of rhinos called? Keep reading to find out and learn everything you need to know about this impressive animal!
Rhinos gather on the plains in groups called a "crash."
Once the most widespread of Asian rhinoceroses, the Javan rhinoceros is now a very rare member of the family Rhinocerotidae.
Heaviest Animals: Rhinoceros
A white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) drinking water, South Africa. Rhinos have been around for millions of years and play a crucial role in their ecosystem. They're important grazers, consuming large amounts of vegetation, which helps shape the African landscape.
Incredible Rainforest Animals: Rhinoceros Hornbill
The striking coloration of the brightly coloured beak and casque of the Rhinoceros Hornbill is the result of the bird rubbing its beak and casque against the preen gland beneath the tail, which stimulates the production of an oily orange-red fluid that adds a reddish tone to these parts.
Exotic Pet Ownership Rhinoceros "Rhinoceroses in the Lake Nakuru National Park, Kenya"
The rhino has a reputation for being extremely aggressive, and charges readily at perceived threats. They are not an easy pet to keep and fare best in wildlife reserves.
Millie Bond - Copyright A-Z Animals
A Rhinoceros Iguana at Colchester Zoo, UK.