Skunk Animal Pictures

Geoffrey Kuchera/


Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis) on a path
Geoffrey Kuchera/

strioped skunk

Striped Skunk - Mephitis mephitis. Rancho San Antonio County Park, California, USA.

Striped skunks are one of the smelliest animals in Canada.

Humboldt's hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus humboldti) searching for food in Valle Chacabuco, Patagonia, Chile

Humboldt's hog-nosed skunk (Conepatus humboldti) searching for food in Valle Chacabuco, Patagonia, Chile
Jeremy Richards/

Eastern Spotted Skunk (Spilogale putorius) tail lifted near log.
Holly Kuchera/

Pair of baby skunks, side by side, on a fallen log.

Striped Skunk, Mephitis Mephitis, 5 years old, standing in front of white background

Striped Skunk, Mephitis mephitis, 5 years old, standing in front of white background

Baby Skunk - Two Skunks
Debbie Steinhausser/

Skunk striped skunk.

Baby skunk - Skunk in field
Agnieszka Bacal/

Striped Skunk (Mephitis mephitis)
Geoffrey Kuchera/

Illegal Pets to Own In the United States: Skunks
Geoffrey Kuchera/ - License Information. / Creative Commons (Original)

Kevin Bowman - License Information.

Kevin Bowman / Creative Commons (Original) - Public Domain - Public Domain

Kevin Collins - License Information.

Kevin Collins / Creative Commons (Original)