Steelhead Salmon Animal Pictures

Oncorhynchus mykiss

David A Litman/


Closeup of a steelhead salmon

Closeup of a steelhead salmon
Sean Lema/

Steelhead salmon are silver and grey with dark blue back or pink and orange specks

Steelhead trout swimming

Steelhead trout swimming
David A Litman/

Steelhead trout are the anadromous variety of Rainbow Trout, which means they return to freshwater to spawn

Fresh-caught steelhead trout on stones with lure in its mouth

Fresh-caught steelhead trout on stones with lure in its mouth

Steelhead trout have scales on skin

Steelhead trout on white background

Steelhead trout on white background
Edvard Ellric/

Steelhead trout have long, silvery bodies with a pink or red stripe running on their sides and black speckles

Closeup of steelhead salmon skin

Closeup of steelhead salmon skin

Steelhead trout have a prominent pink or red stripe running down both sides