Balinese Cat Prices in 2024: Purchase Cost, Vet Bills, and Other Costs

Written by Christina Eck
Updated: July 14, 2023
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If you’re looking for an elegant cat breed, you’ll likely fall in love with the Balinese. They are known for their friendly nature, smarts, and striking appearance. However, owning one of these cats isn’t cheap, so you’ll need to know Balinese cat prices!

Before you go out and buy a Balinese, you’ll want to budget. Otherwise, you might be stuck with a hefty bill and be forced to give it away. If you don’t want this to happen, we highly suggest you read our Balinese cat prices guide.

Chart of costs associated with owning a Balinese cat.
Besides the initial purchase price, there are other costs to consider in the care of a Balinese cat.

Here, we craft a budget for you on a Balinese cat price and how much money it takes to care for one. That way, you can safely budget before investing in the breed. So, let’s get into it!

How Much Does a Balinese Kitten Cost?

Balinese cat prices can vary depending on the breeder and your method of obtaining one. The cheaper option tends to be adopted, but most cat owners buy from a breeder. Below, we’ll cover your options.

Balinese Kitten Adoption

A Balinese kitten will be the least expensive if you can find them from a shelter or rescue. Depending on your area, you can expect to adopt a kitten for free up to $400. The problem is that most shelters will not have a Balinese because they are costly and rare.

Balinese Kitten From a Breeder

Purchasing a Balinese kitten from a breeder will be much more expensive. A standard breeder may charge anywhere from $800 to $1,500. This is because reputable breeders put in the work to ensure that kittens are ethically treated, and their health and genetics are managed.

Balinese kitten playing in the basket.

Balinese kitten sitten in a basket.


Other Factors That Influence the Purchase Price of a Balinese Cat

A few factors can also cause Balinese cat prices to be more expensive. If you’re looking into getting a Balinese cat, you should carefully choose how you get one. Some breeders and establishments will charge almost double due to a few factors. 

High Pedigree

Pedigree is one factor that raises the price of a Balinese cat. What the term pedigree means is a cat that has been bred for specific traits and behaviors. 

Cats with a pedigree will also have a record of ancestry documented by an official body. This can include The International Cat Association or The Cat Fanciers Association. Balinese cats with high pedigree can range from $1,500 to $3,000.

Champion Bloodlines

Another factor that you might see that increases Balinese cat prices is champion bloodlines. Balinese cats are known for their stunning appearance, which makes them favorable to showrunners. If a kitten comes from a champion bloodline or winner, its price could be up to $3,000.

How Old is My Cat

Balinese cat from a champion bloodline.

©Fazlyeva Kamilla/

Cost of Vaccination and Other Medical Expenses for a Balinese Cat

Medical TreatmentCost(s)
Wellness Check$55
Asthma Treatment$10-$250
Heart Defects$1,000-$1,500

One aspect of Balinese cat prices that owners don’t look at is the cost of healthcare. Medical expenses are necessary when taking in any pet. Despite that, many pet owners don’t budget these costs beforehand. Below, we’ll walk you through the different expenses you can expect as a Balinese cat owner.

Cat Vaccinations

Vaccinations are a must-have for kittens if you want them to be healthy. A cat that doesn’t get vaccinations is open to harmful diseases and illnesses and won’t last that long. To prevent this, you can ensure you follow up with vaccinations from age six weeks. From there, vaccinations will be dosed every few weeks until the kitten reaches sixteen weeks of age.

Vaccinations include three types of vaccines include the Feline panleukopenia virus (FVR/FHV-1), Feline herpesvirus-1 (FCV), and Feline calicivirus vaccines (FPV). Each vaccination can cost anywhere from $25 to $50, depending on your local vet’s office. In total, you can expect to pay $115 to $210.

Asthma Treatment

Feline asthma is a condition that is common in Balinese cats. The part affected is the lower portion of the cat’s lungs. Treatment is essential if you want your cat to have a good life.

Typically, cats will be prescribed medication to combat symptoms. The initial screening for feline asthma is $250. After that, medication costs $10 to $30 per month, depending on whether you have cat insurance.


Hyperesthesia is a condition that affects a cat’s skin. Cats often scratch themselves violently, as the ripped skin will become irritating. Treatment for hyperesthesia is medication and can be easily managed with a prescription. The cost of medication is generally $10 to $30 monthly.


Lymphoma is a condition in cats that form cancer cells in the lymphatic system. There are multiple types of treatments depending on how severe the conditions are. If they are small and treatable, you can expect to pay $300 to $400 for five treatments. However, more extensive treatments and surgery can cost $4,000 or more.

Heart Defects

Balinese cats also have a high risk of developing heart defects. These defects often occur when they are born, so buying from a reputable breeder is essential. You will need surgery or treatment if your cat has a severe case. This can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $1,500.

Cost of Food and Supplies for Balinese Cat

Cat SuppliesAverage Cost
Cat Food$10-$50
Cat Food & Water Bowls$10-$30
Nail Clipper$10-$30
Litter Box$10-$200
Cat Litter$5-$60

Another factor that one needs to consider is pet supplies. As a feline cat owner, you will be responsible for getting the necessities. If you’re unsure what you need, we can help outline the one-time purchases and the recurring costs of owning a Balinese cat.

One-time Purchases

Balinese cat prices aren’t just the cost of the cat but also the one-time essentials. Essentials include items such as a collar, name tag, and bowls. Aside from that, a litterbox is a must, and so are nail clippers and a brush. On average, you can expect the total costs of essentials to be $115 to $400.

Recurring Expenses

Recurring expenses will depend on what you choose to purchase for your cat. Essential regular purchases include cat litter, toys, and treats. However, you might also have expenses such as supplements, vitamins, and subscription boxes. 

Other extras, such as cat nip, clothing, etc., can cost more. So, it’s hard to predict recurring monthly expenses. As a standard budget, set yours at $100. However, if you know you want to buy other things, you can factor those into the budget.

How Much Does It Cost to Insure a Balinese Cat?

Balinese cat

A Balinese cat lying down.


Feline pet insurance can range depending on a few factors. Mainly, cat pet insurance uses three factors to determine a price. Those factors are the cat’s age, the zip code where you live, and preexisting health conditions. On average, a Balinese cat’s insurance will cost $20 to $40.

Is Pet Insurance Required?

No cat owner is required to have insurance, but it’s a good investment. Insurance is often overlooked as a Balinese cat price expense. However, it’s worth it in the long run.

For example, a standard procedure can cost anywhere from a few hundred to a thousand. This amount is already way more than you would pay annually for insurance. 

Where Do I Get a Pet Insurance Quote?

Your local veterinarian’s office is the best place to get a pet insurance quote. If you have a pet office, you already use it for other pets. Then it’s likely to offer insurance brochures that they accept. We’d recommend starting there before looking elsewhere.

If you want an online quote that can give you a better idea of pricing, then you can check Geico or Progressive. These sites will provide an instant quote that you can use to budget. However, we wouldn’t recommend buying pet insurance online as your local office might not accept the plan.

Total Balinese Cat Prices

Balinese cat prices can range dramatically depending on what you factor in. Generally, a Balinese cat will cost between $400 to $1,500. Now if you add in medical, which can be $400 to $2,580. Add in supplies at $610 minimum, and you can see that it adds up.

You can expect total Balinese cat prices to be anywhere from $1,410 to $4,690. Of course, your cat might not need as much medical care if you buy them from a reputable breeder. So, medical costs can be reduced.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Fazlyeva Kamilla/

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About the Author

Christina Eck is a writer at A-Z Animals, primarily focusing on animals and travel. Christina has been writing about and researching animals for more than seven years. She holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Alaska, Anchorage, which she earned in 2019. As a resident of Washington State, Christina enjoys hiking, playing with her dog, and writing fiction and non-fiction pieces.

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