Can Dog Eat Persimmons? What Are the Risks?

dog with persimmons
© Vadzim Mashkou/

Written by Lex Basu

Updated: October 25, 2022

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Persimmon is a deliciously sweet fruit primarily grown in Asia. It looks like an apple and is available in yellow, red, and orange. Persimmon is a sweet berry for humans, and dogs can eat it too. But, too much of this fruit can cause stomach upset in your dog, leading to gastrointestinal blockages. So, if you want to give your dog a piece of persimmon, first know the fruit’s benefits, risks, what to do if your dog eats it, and alternative berries to feed your canine.

What Are Persimmons?

Persimmons are berries available in two main types: Fuyu and Hackiya. These fruits grow on a tree genus Diospyros and have different shapes. The Hachiya type of persimmon is pale and has a heart shape. Fuyu looks like a tomato.

Human beings enjoy this fruit because it is sweet. The fruit is a source of vitamin A, C, and manganese. Persimmons also help the blood clot because of manganese and contain other antioxidants as well, reducing the chances of cancer and stroke.

Pooches can eat persimmons in moderation. Dog owners should also remove the fruit’s seeds before giving them to the canines because these can block the dogs’ small intestines.


Persimmons are sweet, tomato-like fruits. They contain useful vitamins and minerals that can benefit your dog.


Safe Parts of Persimmon to Give to Your Dog

Persimmon does not cause adverse effects to your dog, but don’t let them have too much of it. Also, you should be picky with the fruit parts you give to your little friend. When you decide to treat your dog to a persimmon, some safe parts to feed it are:

1.      Persimmon Skin

You can safely give your pooch persimmon without peeling it. But, ensure you first remove the pits. Persimmon skin is rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene that boost the dog’s immunity. Also, dogs get fiber from persimmon’s skin, which helps with digestion.

But then, too much fiber is dangerous to your dog. You should, therefore, give a limited amount of persimmon skin to the canines.

2.      Persimmon Leaves

Persimmon leaves are healthy for your dog because they are a good source of fiber. But remember, too much fiber can cause your dog stomach discomfort, so give it in moderation. Also, steam the leaves to make them softer for chewing and digestion.

3.      Fuyu Persimmons

Fuyu persimmons are more popular and look and taste like a pear. They also have a dates flavor, so your dog will like them. These persimmons are safe for the pooches, but they should eat them moderately.

4.      Dried Persimmons

Wet and dried persimmons are edibles for dogs and humans. They all have health benefits like vital vitamins, but dried fruits have more sugars. So dog owners should give their pets a limited amount to prevent too much sugar consumption.

5.      Cooked Persimmons

One way to make persimmons easier for your dog to eat is cooking them. The fruit will be easy to chew and digest. When cooking, do not put spices like cinnamon, garlic, or salt in the fruit. These ingredients contain toxic components that could cause a dog discomfort.

Also, too many persimmons increase the dog’s blood sugar levels, leading to obesity, diabetes, and heart problems. Since the fruit has natural sugars, don’t add more when cooking.

cooked parsimmons

Cooked persimmons are a good snack for your dog in moderation.


How to Safely Give Persimmons to Your Dog

Persimmons are safe for your dog, but you should carefully prepare the fruit before serving it. Once you get it from the tree or buy it, follow these steps:

  1. Begin by washing the persimmon fruit to remove all the dust and dirt that could cause stomach upsets to your dog. Next, run the fruits under cold water and gently scrub using your fingers.
  2. Remove the foreign objects on the fruit. Extra parts like stems and leaves can hurt your dog’s throat and are also hard to digest. Use a knife to cut off these parts.
  3. Cut the persimmon into tiny sizes. It makes it easier for your dog to chew and digest. Also, you can mix the small pieces of the fruit with your dog’s favorite kibble and give it as a snack.
  4. Remove persimmon’s seeds and the pit before giving the fruit to the canine. These parts cause intestinal blockage leading to digestive problems. But, they are not toxic.
  5. Your dog’s fruit is ready, but ensure you feed it moderately. This fruit has a lot of sugar. Also, some dogs are allergic to persimmons, so you should check for any signs of allergy in your dog.

Risks of Feeding Persimmons to Dogs

Persimmon is a sweet fruit rich in minerals, vitamins, and fiber, but too much of it can harm your dog. Some reasons to stop giving your dog this fruit are:

1.      The Seeds Cause Digestive Problems

Dog owners should always remove persimmon seeds before serving the fruit because they cause intestinal blockage. This leads to stomach discomfort due to indigestion. Digestion problems can also cause tummy inflammation, which requires the vet’s attention.

2.      Too Much Consumption Leads to Diarrhea

Persimmon contains fiber which is good for digestion. But, giving your dog too much fiber can cause stomach problems. The fiber acts as a natural laxative if eaten excessively, which can cause bowel movements.

3.      Allergies

Persimmons have many benefits to your dog’s body, but some dogs have sensitive stomachs. Once you notice any allergies to your dog, stop feeding them this fruit. Also, when you start giving your dog persimmons, begin with small amounts. It allows you to monitor your pet’s health.

Some signs of allergies are vomiting, diarrhea, skin irritation, and stomach upsets. If they persist, contact your vet.

Health Benefits of Persimmon to Dogs

Although persimmon seeds cause digestion problems to canines, the fruit has many benefits. It contains healthy vitamins, minerals, and fiber that helps with digestion.

Other benefits your dog will get from this fruit are:

1.      They Have Antioxidants

Antioxidants are essential to your dog because they attack any free radicals in the body. These substances cause respiratory diseases, allergies, and cancer. Other radicals increase the chances of arthritis, joint problems in your dog, and heart diseases.

Feeding your pooch foods with antioxidants helps to eliminate the free radicals safely from the body. The dog’s immunity improves, and they get clearer skin. Antioxidants also ensure that your dog ages in a healthy way.

2.      For Fiber

Persimmons are rich in fiber which helps in your dog’s digestion. Fiber increases bulk and absorbs excess water in the stomach, firming the dog’s stool. Also, the bacteria in the dog’s gut ferment the fiber into fatty acids to prevent the growth of bacteria in the colon.

But, too much fiber reduces the body’s ability to absorb minerals, causing diarrhea and other gastrointestinal issues. So, dog owners should measure the amount of persimmons to feed their canines.

3.      Vitamins and Nutrients

Persimmons contain vitamin C, which improves the dog’s immunity and protects it against heart diseases. The canines also get manganese from the fruit, a mineral that helps produce energy to keep your pet playful.

Another benefit of feeding persimmon to dogs is potassium, a mineral that ensures good muscle functioning, strengthens bones, and regulates heartbeat. Vitamin A also increases your dog’s immune system and ensures good growth and development.

4.      Reduces Risk of Diabetes

Persimmons peels have enough fiber for your dog and antioxidants and antidiabetic properties. The peels prevent the formation of advanced glycation end products, which accelerate diabetes and other health complications.

The nutritional value of the fruit prevents your pooch from other diseases like stroke, cancer, and inflammations.

dog licking persimmons

Dogs can eat persimmons as long as its in moderation.

©Vadzim Mashkou/

What to Do If Your Dog Eats Persimmon Seeds and Pits

Consumption of persimmon seeds and pit in small amounts might not cause any harm to your dog. But, if the pet overeats the seeds, it could suffer intestinal blockage. The signs of an intestinal blockage are:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Drooling
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating

If you notice these signs, contact the veterinarian immediately. They will run some tests on your dog and give the required help.

Other Safe Berries to Give to Your Dog

If persimmons cause intestinal problems or allergies to your dog, give the dog these alternative berries:

1.      Blueberries

Blueberries are good for human beings and have many health benefits for your dog. These fruits contain enough fiber for the dog to aid with digestion. They are also antioxidants and have phytochemicals that help to prevent cancer. But, ensure you give your dog the required amounts of blueberries because too much of this fruit can cause gastrointestinal problems.

2.      Strawberries

Strawberries have a lot of nutritional value to your canine. They have antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin C. These berries also contain an enzyme that helps maintain the canine’s white teeth, but their natural sugar can lead to obesity and diabetes.


If you want to give your canine persimmon, wash the fruit, and remove the seeds. Remember that this fruit is rich in sugars, and consuming too many natural sugars causes diabetes and other conditions like obesity. So, ensure you give your dog the treat within limits and mix it with other foods.

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About the Author

Lex is a green-living, tree-hugging, animal-lover, who at one time was the mother to twenty one felines and one doggo. Now she helps pet owners around the globe be the best caretakers for their most trusting companions by sharing her experience and spreading love.

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