Can Hamsters Eat Carrots?

What Do Hamsters Eat
© tanya_morozz/

Written by Sarah Psaradelis

Updated: July 13, 2023

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Hamsters make popular small pets that thrive on a healthy and balanced diet. Feeding your hamster nutritious and safe foods alongside their main diet provides them with extra nutrients and variety. This can encourage their natural foraging behavior and help to keep your hamster healthy. In terms of safe veggies for hamsters, carrots are a top choice.

Feeding carrots to your hamster has its advantages, as they contain beneficial vitamins and minerals. This article focuses on whether carrots are safe for hamsters to eat and how you can add carrots into your hamsters’ diet.

Are Carrots Safe for Hamsters to Eat?

Yes, carrots are completely safe for hamsters to eat. Carrots are a non-toxic and nutrient-rich vegetable that can be fed to hamsters occasionally. All five species of hamsters can eat carrots, including Syrian, dwarves, roborovski, and Chinese hamsters.

Syrian Hamster eating a carrot on building blocks..

Carrots are safe for hamsters to eat as a snack.


Furthermore, both the Animal Humane Society and PetMD list carrots as a safe vegetable for hamsters.

Keep in mind that hamsters are hoarders and will likely carry the carrot in their cheek pouch to their nesting site. This is where they will store the carrot to eat later, making it essential to ensure that the size of the carrot you gave your hamster can be eaten within a few minutes. Otherwise, the leftover carrot will be left to spoil and potentially develop mold or bacterial growth if it is not removed.

The old pieces of carrot that your hamster did not eat should be removed within an hour. Spoiled carrots can become dangerous for hamsters to ingest if it contains mold and bacteria. Hamsters should only be fed fresh carrots that are organic and have been washed prior to feeding to remove any dirt and chemicals.

You can also offer hamsters a small piece of cooked or boiled carrot if it has been prepared without seasoning or sauces.

How Often Can Hamsters Eat Carrots?

Hamsters can eat carrots two to three times a week in controlled portions. You shouldn’t offer your hamster an entire carrot, even if the carrot is fairly small. Instead, the carrot should be cut, and a piece of carrot no larger than half a teaspoon. Since Syrian hamsters are the largest species of domesticated hamster, they can be offered a slightly larger piece of carrot than the other species.

Can Dwarf Hamsters Eat Carrots?

dwarf hamster on wooden structure

Dwarf hamsters can eat carrots safely with few health risks.

©Vinicius R. Souza/

It is perfectly fine for both Winter White and Campbell dwarf hamsters to eat carrots. There is a misconception that carrots should not be fed to dwarf hamsters because of the risk of diabetes from the sugar content. However, diabetes in hamsters is poorly understood and is not caused by feeding your dwarf hamsters vegetables in moderation.

Hybrid dwarf hamsters (a crossbreed between the two dwarf hamster species) can also eat carrots. As with any hamster, you should avoid overfeeding carrots to them and feed them no more than half a teaspoon of carrots.

Are Carrots Healthy for Hamsters?

Carrots make a healthy and nutritional snack for hamsters. This is because carrots are rich in vitamins and minerals that hamsters can benefit from. Carrots are high in vitamins A and K, fiber, and antioxidants. Vitamin A is beneficial for hamsters because it helps with their vision, organ and immune function, and development in growing hamsters.

Hamsters require vitamin K in their diet because it is good for their reproductive health and aids with blood clotting. Fiber and antioxidants are also beneficial for hamsters since it plays a role in their digestive health and immune function.

However, hamsters do not get all of their daily vitamin and mineral requirements from carrots. Your hamster should be getting their daily nutrients from a complete and balanced commercial diet. Carrots should only be offered to hamsters as a snack or supplement, not as a complete diet.

What Types and Parts of Carrots Can Hamsters Eat?

Hamsters can eat different varieties of carrots, although orange carrots are the most common to feed. All carrots such as black, purple, pink, yellow, and white varieties, and mini (baby) carrots are safe for hamsters to eat. Each type of carrot can vary in flavor, so some hamsters may refuse certain types of carrots depending on whether they enjoy the sweetness and texture.

Can Hamsters Eat Carrot Greens?

The top part of carrots is not harmful for hamsters to eat occasionally.


Yes, the edible parts of the carrot include the green (top) part and the root of the vegetable. You can offer the leafy green part to your hamster as a treat up to three times a week. However, some hamsters may refuse the top part of the carrot and prefer to eat the carrot itself.

What Can a Hamster Eat?

Hamsters are naturally omnivores and should be fed commercial pelleted food alongside seeds, grains, and fresh fruits and veggies. Hamsters thrive on a diet with plenty of variety, so be sure you feed them a high-quality pellet and seed mix to your hamster daily. Fruits and veggies like carrots should only be offered to your hamster in moderation. The high-water content of those fresh foods may cause diarrhea or an upset stomach if it is overfed.

Your hamster’s diet should include:

  • A commercial pellet food formulated for hamsters.
  • A seed mix to encourage foraging.
  • A small portion of fresh veggies.
  • Non-citrus fruits.
  • Less than 5% of their diet consists of treats.

Overall, your hamster’s food should have the following guaranteed analysis:

Protein:16% – 21%
Fiber:8% – 12%
Fat:4% – 7%

In Conclusion

Carrots make a safe and nutritious snack for all species of hamsters. You can offer your hamster a small piece of organic and washed carrot two to three times a week alongside their main diet. Any leftover carrot that your hamster didn’t eat should be removed from their enclosure to prevent it from becoming spoiled.  

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About the Author

Sarah is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering aquatic pets, rodents, arachnids, and reptiles. Sarah has over 3 years of experience in writing and researching various animal topics. She is currently working towards furthering her studies in the animal field. A resident of South Africa, Sarah enjoys writing alongside her pets and almost always has her rats perched on her shoulders.

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