Chiron Sign: Meaning and Traits for All 12 Zodiac Signs

Apollo hands his child Asclepius, who he cut out of Coronis' belly after shooting her, to the centaur Chiron, vintage engraving.
© Morphart Creation/

Written by Dayva Segal

Updated: August 8, 2023

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In astrology, each planet and luminary in our solar system have meaning for our personality and life path as they travel through the 12 astrological constellations. However, there are also asteroids and comets that circulate through space that have a bearing on astrology.

From a scientific perspective, Chiron is a comet. When scientists first discovered it in 1977, they mistakenly classified it as an asteroid. However, in 1989, experts discovered new qualities about Chiron and reclassified it as a comet. In astrology, most people still refer to it as an asteroid and list it with other asteroids that are important to astrology such as Ceres and Vesta.

Because this comet was discovered so recently, it is only considered in the modality of modern astrology.

What Does Your Chiron Sign Mean?

Apollo hands his child Asclepius, who he cut out of Coronis' belly after shooting her, to the centaur Chiron, vintage engraving.

The asteroid Chiron is named after the centaur of the same name from Greek mythology.

©Morphart Creation/

Chiron is named after a mythological centaur from Greek mythology. His behavior was the opposite of most centaurs who could be hedonistic, overindulgent, and even violent. Chiron was smart and scholarly. According to mythology, he discovered botany and pharmacology. He had the ability to heal others, but could not heal himself.

His death was part of a payment for the folly of man. The short version of the story is that he gave away his immortality willingly to save Prometheus from an immortal lifetime of torment. Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity. His punishment was being chained to a rock and having an eagle peck out his liver. Each day a new liver would grow back, starting the torment all over again. After being shot by a painful poison arrow that wounded but could not kill the immortal centaur, Chiron gave his life so Prometheus could be free.

This myth is essential to understanding what Chiron means in astrology. The asteroid represents our wounding in this lifetime and the archetype of the wounded healer. It not shows us our own shadow, and where we can be of greatest service to those around us. Unfortunately, the healer cannot heal themselves but must work with others to heal their wounds.

To some, this might sound like a bad thing. However, every difficulty leads to an opportunity for growth. Astrology is not a determination of your life. It is just a guide to traits and tendencies. People can overcome their wounds through self-work. Working with a therapist, coach, spiritual guide, or other professional can help. Reading books about what you struggle with, journaling, or just talking to a friend can also be supportive of your struggles in this lifetime.

The sign of Chiron in the natal chart is important, but the house it is in also has significant meaning. For example, if you have Chiron in your 7th house, the house of long-term and one-on-one relationships, you may struggle with anything related to partnerships, both business and romantic. If you have Chiron in your 1st house, the house of your identity, you may have an identity crisis and have trouble figuring out who you really are.

Chiron stays in each sign for anywhere from 2 to 8 years. It takes about 49 years to transit through all of the signs. So, everyone experiences a Chiron return around their 49th or 50th birthday. A Chiron return is when Chiron comes back to the same degree in the natal chart that it was at birth. During this time, people may experience a flaring up of Chiron’s wounding. Others who have worked on their difficulties more heavily may feel called to share the specific wisdom they have learned their Chiron return.

Chiron Sign Traits

Chiron in Aries or 1st House Traits

Freedom, Happiness, Mental Health, Sadness, Women, emotions

People with Chiron in Aries may struggle with their self-worth and self-image.


Chiron in Aries or 1st House Wounding

As a sign, Aries is bold, confident, and sure-footed. However, when Chiron pairs with Aries, it can create the opposite. The wounding is in the person’s central sense of themself. They may have low self-esteem or have trouble committing to any choice because they are unsure of what they want. People with this placement might feel jealous of others who seem to have a clear direction or purpose in life.

Chiron in Aries can give someone a feeling that they are unmoored and don’t have a central focus or motivation. This can lead to feelings of unworthiness and self-hatred.

People with Chiron in Aries may turn into people pleasers because they do not have their own identity. So, they take on the identity of others as a way to find what might make them happy. Another way Chiron in Aries can manifest is that they may internalize their insecurity, become angry, and become very sensitive to power struggles.

People who have Chiron in their first house may have similar traits.

Chiron in Aries or 1st House: The Wounded Healer

Chiron is the wounded healer – he can only heal others, not himself. As humans, and not mythological centaurs, we can use our Chiron wounding to help others in their healing and use our relationships with others to heal our Chiron wounds.

With Themselves: Mindfulness is essential to healing the Chiron in Aries wound. These people must realize that the stories they tell themselves about their lack of worthiness are completely false. Everyone is worthy of love and life simply by waking up each day and taking a breath. Finding supportive and encouraging people is essential to healing the wound of Chiron in Aries.

With Others: Because people with Chiron in Aries must work hard in this life to find their purpose and their confidence, they may also be gifted at helping others find their motivations in life. They have a lot of empathy for others with similar struggles and may have an intuition about people who are wrestling with their own self-esteem.

Chiron in Taurus or 2nd House Traits

Hands holding dollar money on flag of Colombia

This placement can create wounding around physical possessions and money.


Chiron in Taurus or 2nd House Wounding

Chiron in Taurus is very much a wound of scarcity. Often, the earth sign Taurus is about comfort and abundance. When paired with the wounded healer, this creates a fear of loss. It could be around physical comfort and possessions, but it can also spread to ideas like love or freedom. Because of this fear, people with Chiron in Taurus can resist change and cling to anything that feels secure. However, they never feel fully secure in their fear.

Interestingly, this fear can manifest in two extremes: frugality or excess. Some people with this placement might scrimp and save to feel secure in their finances, while another person might live an extremely hedonistic and comfortable lifestyle because they never want to be without something they desire. Others might hoard items or money. Still others might cling to people for fear of being alone.

People with have Chiron in their second house may have similar fears.

Chiron in Taurus or 2nd House: The Wounded Healer

With Themselves: People with Chiron in Taurus must realize that they can’t find happiness through things, money, or other people. True happiness and peace come from within. Working on developing an abundance mindset and finding inner happiness are important for people with Chiron in Taurus.

With Others: While people with Chiron in Taurus may struggle with a scarcity mindset, they don’t necessarily place that view on others. They can give financially savvy advice, and create spaces that feel abundant and comfortable in the way that only Taurean placements can.

Chiron in Gemini or 3rd House Traits

Curious young businessman with questions listening to angry self inner voice

Those with Chiron in Gemini may feel misunderstood and have issues with communication.


Chiron in Gemini or 3rd House Wounding

Chiron in Gemini is a wound of communication and intelligence. Gemini on its own is a chatty, curious, and lively sign that moves quickly from interest to interest, learning a lot but perhaps not mastering each new hobby or career. When paired with Chiron, Gemini creates a wound that causes people to feel separate from others.

People with this placement feel they can’t communicate in the same way as others. This difficulty may also make them feel “stupid.” They may feel there are secret societal rules that everyone knows about except them. They may have a hard time speaking up about their needs. The difficulty can also be more literal. For example, someone with Chiron in Gemini may have a lisp as a child that gives them lifelong anxiety about communication. They may also have a learning difference or other factors that led to a difficult time in traditional education as a child.

People with this placement can get frustrated with their stifled communication. This may lead to anger, depression, or anxiety. They can also often compare themselves to others, especially around issues of intelligence. They can feel jealous of those they perceive as smarter than them.

Chiron in Gemini or 3rd House: The Wounded Healer

With Themselves: Those with Chiron in Gemini must realize that there are different types of intelligence. People with intellectual disabilities have wisdom and intelligence to offer the world. People with learning differences can offer others a new perspective on how to learn. Our society is rigid in the way it expects people to learn, but that is not the only way. There are more ways to be intuitive, wise, and smart besides the ways people were expected to conform to intelligence and communication in traditional schools.

People with this placement may find their success is in a unique talent that does not rely so much on words. They may feel most intelligent and successful through things like gardening, painting, animal care, or music.

With Others: Our society tends to value certain types of jobs and intelligence over others. Going towards a unique talent allows people with this placement to be an example for others who also struggle with words and communication in general. The more people who show others it’s OK to break out of the mold and lean into their intuition and calling, the more people will actually do so. This is a necessary gift to the world.

Chiron in Cancer or 4th House Traits

Happy multi-generation family gathering around dining table and having fun during a lunch.

Having Chiron in Cancer may mean you have wounds around your family and home.

©Drazen Zigic/

Chiron in Cancer or 4th House Wounding

People with Chiron in Cancer or the 4th house have some type of wounding that leaves them feeling completely unlovable or unworthy of love. This is often a childhood wound relating to home or family. It could be an absent parent, a general lack of parental love, or something else.

This can lead to attachment difficulties. They may become avoidant, withdrawing from others to an extreme degree in order to protect their heart from further loss. On the other side, they may become extremely anxious attachers, desiring a constant connection with partners and not allowing themselves or those they love much personal space.

Chiron in Cancer or 4th House: The Wounded Healer

With Themselves: To heal the family wound, people with Chiron in Cancer or in the 4th house need to learn that love has to first come from within. They must find out that they can’t fill the hole of loneliness in their heart with attention from others. The journey of self-discovery can be a painful one, but it is well worth it to live a more fulfilling life that includes both self-love and love of others.

With Others: People with Chiron in Cancer can be great at bringing people together. What they desire is a family-like community, and they are great at nurturing those they love most. They may bring together others who feel disconnected from their “blood” family and create a strong network of chosen family that benefits everyone involved.

Chiron in Leo or 5th House Traits

Painting with watercolors

Wounding for people with Chiron in Leo may show up as issues with self-expression and creativity.


Chiron in Leo or 5th House Wounding

The star sign Leo loves the spotlight. Leo placements love to be recognized for their uniqueness. However, people with Chiron in Leo have a wounding around their creative expression and individuality. People with this placement may have a talent, but feel they are not talented enough. Depending on the house placement, they may also feel that nobody notices them in general.

They may be hesitant to join groups or activities, especially those that relate to their talent. They may also be hesitant to speak up in groups. Some people with this placement actually seek out the spotlight because they feel they have something to prove. Others shy away from it because they feel any criticism could destroy what little confidence they do have around their creativity.

Chiron in Leo or 5th House: The Wounded Healer

With Themselves: People with this placement must learn that it is only their own self-criticism that is stopping them from pursuing their self-expression, not the criticism of others. They must then accept themselves as they are and embrace their calling instead of resisting it. Joining a group or class related to their creative interest may be a great place to start.

With Others: People with Chiron in Leo or in the 5th house are great at supporting talent, imagination, and creativity in others. They may make a wonderful teacher, talent agent, or coach, in the area of their own specific talent. If they become parents, they will encourage their children’s talents.

Chiron in Virgo or 6th House Traits

Teenager boy feeling upset. His father sitting next to him and comforting.

People with Chiron in Virgo may feel that there is something truly wrong with them, despite what others may tell them.


Chiron in Virgo or 6th House Wounding

Chiron and Virgo get along somewhat well. Some modern astrologers have even suggested Chiron as a new ruler of Virgo. Both are healers. Both will shamelessly tell you about something hard without mincing words. However, Chiron still leaves a wound in the sign of Virgo.

People with this placement may work endlessly to try to fix their perceived imperfections, sometimes nearly to a point of obsession. They can become obsessed with health, cleanliness, and organization. They try to hide any mess, disorder, or chaos from others. The focus of perfectionism may depend on which house Chiron falls into in the chart. For example, if Chiron is in the 2nd house, the house of work and money, then they may be anxious about appearing disorganized or unprepared at work.

Chiron in Virgo or 6th House: The Wounded Healer

With Themselves: Those who have Chiron in Virgo or in the 6th house must realize that there is actually no way to control the chaos of life. In fact, the chaos of life is what makes it divinely beautiful and perfect. Learning to lean into the chaos, accept all parts of themselves (even the messy ones), and allow for a little disorganization can be useful for people with Chiron in Virgo.

With Others: Virgo is a natural healer, as is Chiron. People with Chiron in Virgo may be especially drawn toward healing professions or hobbies. While they stress about their own organization, they love supporting others in their own organizational pursuits.

Chiron in Libra or 7th House Traits

happy couple

People with Chiron in Libra may put too much weight in relationships that are outside of themselves.


Chiron in Libra or 7th House Wounding

The wound of Chiron in Libra or in the 7th house is all about relationships, particularly romantic ones. People with this placement feel lonely and desire partnership, but being in a romantic partnership is a challenge for them. People with this placement crave relationships but when they are in one, they are still unhappy.

Because of their strong desire for a relationship, they can easily put aside their own needs in a partnership (even a friendship or business relationship) in order to preserve the relationship. They may avoid conflict, lie, or pretend to “make” their partner stay. People with this placement may stay in abusive relationships, or simply ones that don’t serve them very well because they are afraid of being alone.

Some people with this placement may avoid relationships altogether because they want to avoid the potential pain of partnership.

Chiron in Libra or 7th House: The Wounded Healer

With Themselves: People with Chiron in Libra need to turn towards the people in their lives who fully accept and love them for who they are. They must learn to recognize when they are hiding their true self from a partner in order to keep the relationship peaceful and when they are giving too much of themselves to someone who hasn’t treated them well.

They also need to realize that the hole they are trying to fill within themselves can only be filled through self-love. Only then will the possibility of actual love with others come. Finally, they need to realize that everyone is worthy of love, by the simple act of being alive.

With Others: People with this relational Chiron in Libra wound may have special skills in helping others with their own relationships. Because of their own pain, they have special insights into the difficulties of intimacy and love. They may make great couples counselors, sex therapists, or intimacy coaches.

Chiron in Scorpio or 8th House Traits

Angry caucasian white female boss manager shout firing sad stressed african american male worker intern at team office meeting, racial discrimination at work, harassment racism at workplace concept

People with Chiron in Scorpio may have issues with authority and control.


Chiron in Scorpio or 8th House Wounding

People with Chiron in Scorpio inherently see the world through a filter of power. They have a hard time assuming that anyone has good or even neutral intentions, they believe people are only motivated by power struggles.

Those with Chiron in the 8th house tend to see themselves as a victim, blaming everyone else for anything negative that happens to them. They either want to control, or they allow themselves to be controlled. The area of life where this control manifests is determined by what house Chiron is in.

People with this placement may be involved in abusive or problematic relationships, either as the controller or the one being controlled. They may also be particularly attracted to controlling their partners sexually.

Chiron in Scorpio or 8th House: The Wounded Healer

With Themselves: People with Chiron in the 8th house or in Scorpio must learn how to empower themselves. By finding their own empowerment, they will reduce their desire to control others or be controlled. They must work to stop seeing relationships as transactional. When they have their own boundaries and source of joy, they can enjoy more positivity from their interactions with others. People with this placement may also benefit from learning about safe, consensual, and healthy ways to act out power games in the bedroom.

With Others: People with this placement have a keen understanding of power dynamics in many settings. They may be particularly well suited to healing others through mediation or workplace mentorship. Helping others to understand the power dynamics at play in our society can also be healing for the Chiron in Scorpio person.

Chiron in Sagittarius or 9th House Traits


People with Chiron in Sagittarius have a core wound around belief systems and spirituality.

©Billiion Photos/

Chiron in Sagittarius or 9th House Wounding

Chiron in the 9th house or in Sagittarius makes people very logical. Their wounding is around spirituality and fully believing in anything that is not tangible. They are drawn toward finding the meaning of life, but they always seem to come up a bit short.

People with Chiron in Sagittarius may completely disconnect themselves from any spirituality or the possibility of meaning in life as a way to protect themselves from their own confusion. Others may dedicate their lives to the pursuit of finding this meaning. Some may become deeply involved in religious and spiritual pursuits hoping for an answer, but still feel disconnected from it.

Some people who do not have this placement are comfortable sitting in the unknown. People with this placement can become angry or even bitter because they do not feel connected to a greater power, the universe, or the meaning of life.

Chiron in Sagittarius or 9th House: The Wounded Healer

With Themselves: What people with Chiron in Sagittarius really want is a connection to others and a connection to themselves. According to many, love, not necessarily romantic love, but universal love, is the ultimate purpose in life. Exploring religion and philosophy is a great way to begin to explore the Chiron in Sagittarius wound. However, creating or finding an authentic community and exploring the self will likely result in greater joy for people with this placement.

With Others: People with Chiron in the 9th house and in Sagittarius are often great at helping others explore their own relationship to spirituality and to the universe. They may share their own explorations with others through writing, podcasting, or speaking. They can also help others with this on a one-on-one basis. While it can be, it doesn’t have to be anything formal. People with this placement may simply enrich the lives of their friends and family by discussing spirituality and their search for meaning in life with them.

Chiron in Capricorn or 10th House Traits


Those with Chiron in Capricorn may become overly identified with their work and may seek recognition from others.


Chiron in Capricorn or 10th House Wounding

People with Chiron in Capricorn or in the 10th house want to be recognized for their achievements. This has a ring of similarity to the wound of Chiron in Leo or in the 5th house, but it is more about public status or status at work than it is about creative achievements.

People with this placement try hard to get places in life. But, they are extremely sensitive to criticism. Similar to Chiron in Virgo or in the 6th house, they may hide their imperfections from the world through hard work. However, for people with Chiron in Capricorn, this is due to a desire for recognition, rather than a belief that they are fundamentally flawed.

Because of their belief that they will only achieve happiness through recognition for some achievement, they may strictly control their environment or others around them. They expect a lot from themselves and their loved ones.

Others with this placement may completely shy away from their actual desire because they feel any criticism about their goal or work could destroy them.

Chiron in Capricorn or 10th House: The Wounded Healer

With Themselves: People with Chiron in Capricorn must look to themselves for validation rather than looking to others to validate their achievements. Only through self-acceptance can people with this placement start to fully accept themselves and release the reins on their tightly controlled existence.

Alternatively, helping others is a way for people with this placement to practice empathy and take the focus off of themselves and their own desire for recognition.

With Others: Those with Chiron in the 10th house can help others navigate the structures of life and move towards their own achievements. They have a special insight into what it takes to make something happen. Financial planning, career coaching, or becoming a talent agent could be a great career for someone with Chiron in Capricorn, depending on which house Chiron falls into.

Chiron in Aquarius or 11th House Traits

Friendship, Group Of People, Happiness, People, Young Adult

People with Chiron in Aquarius may have trouble with friendships or feeling like they belong in a group.


Chiron in Aquarius or 11th House Wounding

While people with Chiron in Libra feel disconnected from one-on-one relationships, people with Chiron in Aquarius feel disconnected from communities. Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius is a sign of both community and eccentricity. People with Chiron in Aquarius feel too different to be accepted by a community, but that is their deepest desire. They may feel like a loner, even feeling lonely in a crowd.

Some with this placement can exaggerate their differences to prove the point that no group will ever accept them. They can even become ornery as a way to make groups reject them and once again, prove their point. Others will try to mask their quirkier traits. However, this leads to less strong relationships because they are not based in authenticity.

Chiron in Aquarius or 11th House: The Wounded Healer

With Themselves: People with Chiron in Aquarius must learn that their “quirks” that they see as problematic are actually gifts that others will appreciate. They need to learn that there are others who also feel like outsiders. We are all connected in a universal community. Again, everyone is worthy of love, friendship, and companionship simply by breathing.

With Others: People with Chiron in Aquarius have a unique talent for bringing people together. As a humanitarian sign, the group activity may be centered around social justice or helping others. Despite their wounding around community, those with this placement are adept at creating the communities they desire to take part in.

Chiron in Pisces or 12th House Traits

People with Chiron in Pisces may have a core wound about a higher power or connection to the universe.


Chiron in Pisces or 12th House Wounding

While people with Chiron in Sagittarius or the 9th house have a wound around the meaning of life, people with Chiron in Pisces or the 12th house have a wound around the universe or a greater power. They may feel they were left high and dry by a higher power in their hour of need.

If not, then they may simply feel that they do not deserve to be a part of the power of the universe or to experience a connection to something greater than themselves. They may feel the pain of the world and believe that a higher power would never let any of the atrocities of humanity happen. They feel abandoned by whatever their conception of a loving god is.

This wound can actually manifest in a somewhat positive way, but only in some people. These people take it upon themselves to help others, believing that humanity is on its own. However, those who have this manifestation of Chiron in Pisces can become overly identified with this pain and become overwhelmed with the amount of need in the world. It’s impossible for one person to help everyone.

Others with this wound become closed off and cynical, focusing their spiritual abandonment on themselves instead of others.

Chiron in Pisces or 12th House: The Wounded Healer

With Themselves: For those who become overly involved in helping others, self-care is essential to rebalancing the Chiron in Pisces wound. For these people, it’s also important to remember that while they can’t help everyone, they can make a significant difference in many lives and that is still meaningful.

Those who become overly cynical must move through the pain of feeling abandoned by god or the universe. They must remember that it’s impossible for anything within the universe to be abandoned by it. Each cell and atom in existence is of the universe, starting from the big bang billions of years ago. The universe can’t abandon us because we are a part of the universe.

With Others: People with Chiron in Pisces or Chiron in the 12th house can become incredible humanitarians who make a real difference in society, as long as they also care for themselves. Their level of empathy is sincere and makes them great listeners, healers, and intuitives.

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About the Author

Dayva is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering astrology, animals, and geography. She has over 12 years of experience as a writer, and graduated from Hofstra University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Music and a Minor in French. She has also completed course work in Core Strengths Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and Technical Communication. Dayva lives in the SF Bay Area with her cute but very shy cat, Tula.

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