Corn Snake Prices 2024: Purchase Cost, Supplies, Food, and More!

Written by Chanel Coetzee
Updated: July 12, 2023
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First-time snake owners love corn snakes because they are friendly and easy to handle. Furthermore, they are one of the more cost-effective snakes to own. However, caring for these snakes is a long-term commitment. Luckily, corn snake prices are low, making these snakes very popular. In addition, they are a decent size, between two to three feet, so they are easy to handle. Their cost remains low because they have simple care requirements compared to other snakes.

The average cost of a pet corn snake is from $25-$250, with some costing much more based on their beautiful morphs.

Corn Snake Overview

These snakes are members of the rat snake family and are native to the eastern regions of the United States. Farmers are especially fond of these snakes because they catch mice and rats; essentially, they are free exterminators. Another reason why corn snakes are so cost-effective is because they are prolific breeders. For example, on average, corn snakes lay 15 eggs each year. In addition, if the right conditions are met, all the eggs will develop into little snakes. As a result, they are widely available for purchase from reputable breeders and pet shops. Lastly, corn snakes come in several morphs, and the more complex the morph, the more expensive the snake.

isolated scaleless corn snake

Corn snakes are one of the most affordable reptilian pets, though morph can drive the cost higher.


How Much Does a Corn Snake Cost?

Corn snakes might seem expensive and exotic, but they are actually one of the more affordable reptiles. However, it all depends on the morph, as some are more expensive than others. The price will vary depending on age, sex, and morph. For example, the average price of a corn snake is approximately $50. But morphs can range in price from $25 to $250, as seen in the table below:

Average Corn Snake Price

Type of MorphColorPrice
AmberGold, tan, beige, golden brown$45+
AmelanisticRed, orange, and yellow$40 – $75
Anerythristic (A and B)Grey, black, white, brown, yellow$70 – $100
AvalancheWhite, pink, grey$200 – $400+
BlizzardSolid white or white and pink/yellow$70 – $100+
Blood RedRed, auburn, brown, orange, tan$100 – $800+
ButterYellow, tan, beige, white, orange$70 – $100+
CandycaneRed, white, orange$40 – $75
CaramelGold, brown, black, yellow, tan$100 – $200+
CinderGrey, black, white$100 – $220+
CreamsicleOrange, white, red, yellow, tan$70 – $100+
FireRed, orange, white, yellow$150 – $200
GhostGrey, brown, black, white, tan$50 – $70+
Ghost StripeGrey, brown, black, white, tan$120 – $150
HoneyYellow, white, light brown, gold$200 – $300+
Hypomelanistic (Hypo A)Orange, red, brown, white$60 – $75
LavaRed, orange, brown, tan$100 – $150
LavenderGrey, pale pink, lavender, tan, white$60+
Miami PhaseOrange, red, brown, grey, tan$50 – $70
MotleyColors vary; see below$80 – $175+
NormalBrown, red, orange, gold$30 – $50
OkeeteeBrown, black, grey$100 – $160+
OpalWhite, grey, pale pink, lavender$70 – $100
OrchidPale pink, lavender, grey, tan$100 – $150
PalmettoWhite, orange, grey, brown$1,000+
PewterGrey, black, brown, white$80 – $100+
PhantomGrey, white, beige$100+
PlasmaGrey, brown, white, tan$200+
Reverse OkeeteeOrange, white, red$150 – $250
ScalelessColors vary; see below$300+
SnowWhite, pale pink, pale yellow, beige$100 – $150
SolarYellow, white, pale orange$80 – $150
StrawberryPink, red, white, orange$150 – $200
StripeColors vary; see below$100 – $200+
UltramelOrange, red, brown, gold$200+

Corn Snake Enclosure & Supplies

While corn snakes are relatively low-maintenance compared to other captive reptiles, they still have basic needs to help them thrive. For example, these snakes have specific environmental requirements that must be reflected in their tank. In other words, their enclosures must mimic their natural habitat as much as possible. Unfortunately, putting your snake’s enclosure together will require quite a bit of money.


The tank is the most important thing for your corn snake and needs to be perfect. If made from low-quality materials or too small, it could harm your snake and even cause death. Therefore, this is not the area to cut costs.  

The price of the enclosure will vary depending on size. For example, the minimum size of a corn snake tank is 20 gallons, which costs between $75 to $100. But anything bigger will significantly increase the price. If you want more than one corn snake, you will need a 40-gallon tank, which costs over $300.


Snakes cannot produce their own body heat because they are cold-blooded. That is why the enclosure needs to be heated properly. There are different ways of keeping the tank warm—for example, heat mats or heat lamps. However, only one side of the enclosure must be warmed so that the corn snake can regulate its body temperature. Therefore, heating mats are a better choice as you can place them in the necessary spot. The price of heating equipment for a corn snake’s enclosure can range from $15 to $50.

Corn Snake spread out in a tank

There are different ways of keeping the tank warm — for example, heat mats or heat lamps.

Image: Photohobbiest, Shutterstock


Rocks & Other Décor

Accessories and other décor helps transforms your snake tank into a more natural environment. This stimulates the snake by providing structures to explore and climb over. You can get creative with décor and don’t necessarily need to buy products specifically for snakes. However, most people stick to rocks, wood, and plants. Therefore, depending on what you purchase, costs for accessories can range from $50 to $100.

Thermometer / Hygrometer

Ensuring your snake’s tank is always at the optimum temperature is essential. If the conditions of the enclosure are off, it can cause negative health effects that could harm your corn snake. Luckily, a mini digital hygrometer thermometer is a cost-effective way to monitor the tank’s humidity and temperature levels. This handy tool can cost between $10 and $20.

Water Bowl

Corn snakes need access to clean, fresh water at all times. Therefore, they need a water bowl or natural-looking pond. For example, many snake owners prefer purchasing a natural-looking rock dish, which holds a good amount of water and won’t take up a lot of space. These water bowls can cost approximately $10.

Dry Hide

To help your snake feel safe and comfortable in its enclosure, they need places to hide. The ideal tank has two types of hides, dry and humid. Dry hides are small, clean places for snakes to crawl into and hide. While you can purchase a dedicated snake hide, many owners take the DIY approach and build their own out of rocks. Another good idea is an upside-down plant pot with a cut-out area for access. Depending on what you choose to do, dry hide can cost around $30.

Edible Corn Snake Products

Corn snakes require a lot of stimulation, and one of the best ways to provide this to your snake is through anything edible. However, you must ensure you buy high-quality products because low-quality items may negatively affect your snake.

While a wild corn snake’s diet is more diverse, your pet will need a diet of mice or rats, being a carnivore.


Because corn snakes are carnivores, you need to feed them mice or rats. When they are juveniles, a small mouse will suffice. However, adults require something more substantial, like a large mouse or a small rat. Smaller mice cost around $1, while rats are about $2, depending on size. As corn snakes eat twice a week, it will cost about $2  a week to feed juveniles and $4 weekly for adults.


If you don’t know what substrate is, it’s the material found at the bottom of a snake’s enclosure, which has several benefits. For example, it collects waste and controls bad smells. Whatever substrate you choose, ensure it has excellent moisture-retention properties, is made of comfortable and safe fibers, and doesn’t mold quickly, like coconut fiber. High-quality substrate needs changing every two months, costing around $50 to $80 annually.

Sphagnum Moss

A great way to control the humidity levels in a corn snake tank is by using sphagnum moss. This moss retains a large amount of moisture without rotting or breaking down. You can place sphagnum moss in a humid hide or sprinkle it around the tank. But, this moss will need replacing as it starts to break down. However, the cost ranges from $10 to $20 each time you replace it.

Corn Snake Medical Care

It is not uncommon for corn snakes to encounter health issues, no matter how clean and stimulating you keep their enclosures. So, be prepared to spend up to $50 a year on health-related costs.

​Parasite / Disease Meds

While mites, parasites, and other random diseases are rare in corn snakes, they are not impossible. Luckily, dealing with these issues shouldn’t be problematic or expensive. However, the price increases significantly if you need to see a specialist.

Summary of Corn Snake Prices 2024

ItemInitial CostsAnnual Costs
Corn snake$25 – $200 
Enclosure$75 – $300 
Heating$10 – $30 
Rocks and Decor$30 – $100 
Hygrometer / Thermometer$10 – $20 
Water bowl$5 – $15 
Dry hide$30 
Humid hide$30 
Food$100 – $200$100 – $200
Substrate$50 – $75$50 – $75
Sphagnum Moss$10 – $20$10 – $20
Disease/parasite medication$0 – $50$0 – $50

The photo featured at the top of this post is ©

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About the Author

Chanel Coetzee is a writer at A-Z Animals, primarily focusing on big cats, dogs, and travel. Chanel has been writing and researching about animals for over 10 years. She has also worked closely with big cats like lions, cheetahs, leopards, and tigers at a rescue and rehabilitation center in South Africa since 2009. As a resident of Cape Town, South Africa, Chanel enjoys beach walks with her Stafford bull terrier and traveling off the beaten path.

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