Discover 10 Fruits You Can Safely Feed Your Hamster

Cute white syrian hamster eating blueberry while held in human hands
© E A W/

Written by Theresa Pogach

Published: October 8, 2023

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Those lovable pocket-sized hamsters are known for their fondness for nibbling on various tasty morsels. While a well-balanced diet of pellets and fresh veggies is crucial, introducing fruits as an occasional treat can excite your hamster’s meals. However, it’s critical to select fruits that are not only safe but also beneficial for your tiny companion. We’ll introduce you to ten safe fruits for your hamster, diving into the healthy qualities of each and explaining why they’re a healthy choice for your furry friend.

1. Apples

A five pound basket of freshly picked cortland apples at a farmer's market.

Fiber is an important nutrient for your hamster’s health.


 Apples are an excellent choice for hamsters because they’re rich in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion. They also provide essential vitamins and minerals. Remember to peel and core the apples, offering small, manageable slices. The satisfying crunch can help keep your hamster’s teeth in good shape.

2. Bananas

Ripe Bananas on the Palm

A ripe bunch of bananas offers an excellent hamster treat.

©Valentyn Volkov/

 Bananas are a potassium-packed powerhouse, offering vitamins B6 and C as well. Although they contain natural sugars, serving small slices occasionally is safe and can be a delightful, creamy treat for your hamster.

3. Blueberries


Ripe, sweet blueberries are a hamster’s favorite.

©Bukhta Yurii/

Tiny but mighty blueberries are bursting with antioxidants and vitamin C. Their small size makes them perfect for hamsters, who can enjoy the sweet, tangy flavor and benefit from their health-promoting properties.

4. Strawberries 

Freshly picked strawberries tumbling out of a wicker basket that's bee turned units side for esthetic purposes. against a green background

You can grow strawberries for you and your hamster to enjoy.


Strawberries are another vitamin C-rich option. They also provide dietary fiber, which supports digestion. To avoid choking hazards, chop strawberries into small pieces and offer them as a tasty, nutrient-packed snack.

5. Pears

Fresh ripe red yellow forelle pears fruit from Germany close up

These fruits stand out as a soft and tasty delicacy for your hamster.


Pears are low in calories and fiber, making them a fantastic choice for hamsters. Remove the skin and seeds, then provide small, soft chunks. Your hamster will relish the juicy goodness while maintaining a healthy digestive system. It’s essential to provide healthy snacks to support your hamster’s lifespan.

6. Grapes

Are Grapes Dangerous - Red Grapes

Make sure you dice your grapes before serving to your furry friend.


Grapes are an excellent source of hydration for your hamster, thanks to their high water content. However, halve or quarter them to prevent choking, and remove all seeds. Your pet will appreciate the juicy, refreshing taste.

7. Cherries

Organic california grown cherries in the summertime

Make sure to pit your cherries before offering them to your hamster.


Pitted cherries can be a delicious and nutritious treat for your hamster. They supply essential vitamins A and C while remaining relatively low in sugar, as with any fruit, and offer cherries in moderation.

8. Raspberries


Fresh ripe raspberries are a juicy and messy treat for hamsters.


Raspberries provide vitamins, dietary fiber, and a delightful burst of flavor. Hamsters can enjoy a few raspberries as an occasional treat, making them an excellent choice for spicing up their diet.

9. Blackberries

In small amounts, blackberries are a good treat for your hamster.


Blackberries are closely related to raspberries regarding nutrition and safety. Providing small portions as a special treat can keep your hamster happy and healthy.

10. Watermelon

Watermelon on the green watermelon plantation in the summer. Agricultural watermelon field.

Watermelons are for more than summer, they are a great way to keep your hamster hydrated.


Watermelon’s high water content can help keep your hamster hydrated, especially during warm weather. Offer small, seedless chunks and remove the rind. Your hamster will savor the juicy, thirst-quenching bites.

Including safe fruits in your hamster’s diet can be an enjoyable way to enrich their meals and provide essential nutrients. Remember that portion control is vital due to your hamster’s size. Before offering any fruit, ensure it’s thoroughly washed, seeds and pits are removed, and it’s served in bite-sized portions. Ensure you provide your hamster with other food as well.

Fruits to Avoid

The benefits of citrus peel. clean stainless steel. remove coffee stains. deodorize

Citrus fruits can be toxic to hamsters and overly high in sugar.


Safe fruits offer many benefits, but some should be avoided due to potential toxicity or high sugar content. Steer clear of citrus fruits (such as oranges and lemons), avocados, peaches, plums, and apricots. These fruits can harm your hamster’s health and should not be included in their diet.

By responsibly incorporating safe fruits into your hamster’s diet, you can enhance their overall well-being and share delightful moments with your tiny furry friend. Explore all the best ways to keep your hamster healthy and happy, including these hamster cages’ ranking and reviews

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