Giant Hawk Invades a Nest and Mercilessly Attacks Smaller Bird

Written by Angie Menjivar
Updated: October 1, 2023
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Some scenes of nature are hard to watch. In the video at the bottom of the page, a large hawk invades a bird’s nest and makes off with a baby bird. It doesn’t travel far with it in tow before it stops to kill and devour it.

What Is An African Harrier Hawk?

African harrier hawks are birds of prey. It goes by other names, including the banded harrier hawk and the bare-faced whistling hawk. These birds live in the southern regions of Africa and are widely recognized for the peculiar ways in which they behave. They have developed double-jointed legs that allow them to squeeze into narrow spaces and their feet are incredibly powerful, allowing them to easily grab their prey. They eat a range of prey, including insects, reptiles, and birds.

Juvenile African harrier hawk in flight

African harrier hawks are birds of prey.

©Dennis Jacobsen/

Why Do African Harrier Hawk Rob Nests?

Birds make up part of the African harrier hawk’s diet and these raptors are opportunistic. A bird’s nest that holds eggs or baby birds offers African harrier hawks a perfect meal served up with ease. Hunting requires a great deal of energy whereas robbing a nest offers a great reward in terms of sustenance with very little energy output. These are tasty snacks that add variety to their diet, providing them with an array of nutrients. Their bodies are designed for these moments when they can easily traverse tight spaces in trees between branches. They get to call first dibs on bird nests that other predators may want but can’t quite access.

African Harrier Hawk Mercilessly Attacks Smaller Bird

When the video below starts, an African harrier hawk is already at work tearing apart a nest it’s discovered on a tree. It uses its strong feet to keep it steady while it focuses its beak on taking apart the components of the nest. As it removes bits and pieces, it pauses and looks around as if to ensure no other bird is coming to the nest’s defense. Finally, it makes it through the outer protection of the nest and it reaches its head inside to pull out a baby bird. The unsuspecting bird doesn’t know what’s coming and is completely vulnerable to the mercilessness of the African harrier hawk.

The raptor perches on a nearby branch with its prized baby bird held tightly within its talons. The baby bird flaps its wings but is otherwise immobilized as the hawk prepares to dive right in. The hawk uses its beak to bite the baby bird’s head and pull hard, killing it instantly. The baby bird’s head flops down with its neck broken — though difficult to watch, there is a relief as you watch the quick death. The person behind the camera says, “That’s a kill. Predator. Prey.”  

Watch the Video Below!

Watch an African harrier hawk kill and eat a baby bird.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Smiler99/

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About the Author

Angie Menjivar is a writer at A-Z-Animals primarily covering pets, wildlife, and the human spirit. She has 14 years of experience, holds a Bachelor's degree in psychology, and continues her studies into human behavior, working as a copywriter in the mental health space. She resides in North Carolina, where she's fallen in love with thunderstorms and uses them as an excuse to get extra cuddles from her three cats.

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