10 Gorgeous Flowers That Start with B

Flower B

Written by Sonny Haugen

Updated: July 12, 2023

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10 gorgeous flowers that start with a B
Use the language of flowers to send a message to your loved one with these beautiful blooms.

Flowers are a gift of nature with so many meanings attached to them. Whether you are gifting flowers out of love or sorrow, or you are simply viewing them on your afternoon walk, flowers are always sure to brighten your mood. If you’re an avid florist or simply enjoy learning more about nature, this list of gorgeous flowers starting with the letter B will teach you something new.

1. Bleeding Heart Flower

Dicentra 'Stuart Boothman'

The bleeding heart flower gets its name from its unique and beautiful shape.

©Vahan Abrahamyan/Shutterstock.com

Native to East Asia, the bleeding heart flower is as gorgeous as they get. Resembling the name, the bleeding heart flower is heart-shaped with a petal drooping down, reaching a drop of blood from the heart. The bleeding heart flower does best within low light and shady areas, requiring watering only once per week. They bloom during the transition between winter and spring when the weather is still cool.

The bleeding heart flower represents love and passion, but can also represent broken hearts and unrequited love. Living up to its name, the flower represents the good and bad that comes with confessing your love and speaking freely of your emotions.

2. Beautyberry Flower

beautyberry flower

Beautyberry flowers are stunning and unique.

©Bob Peterson / CC BY 2.0, Flickr – Original / License

The beautyberry flower plant is perfect for those looking to garden in the cool of fall. With bright color flowers typically associated with spring, the beautyberry flower is perfect for switching up the fall color scheme. Beautyberry plants are relatively easy to care for thanks to their high drought tolerance, making them perfect for areas with a dry season. If you’re looking for a strong plant that does not need a lot of attention, then the beautyberry flower is perfect for you.

The beautyberry flower does not have any special symbolism, but its bright purple color is typically associated with royalty and nobility.

3. Bellflower

Blossoms of blue bellflowers (Campanula)

The bellflower’s shape adds depth and uniqueness to any garden.


As a plant that’s relatively easy to take care of, the bellflower is perfect for those looking for a beautiful addition to their garden. The bellflower is named after its resemblance to a bell, and its purple color makes it stand out amongst the other bright colors found in spring and summer. The bellflower requires as much sun as possible and watering about once per week.

Bellflowers symbolize gratitude and support. These flowers are the perfect gift to friends and family who you want to cheer up and support in any part of their lives.

4. Bachelor’s Button Flower

Bachelor's Button

The bachelor’s button flower stands out because of its pop of color on any background.


Also referred to as the cornflower, the bachelor’s button flower has a meaningful history. Bachelor’s button flowers do not require much watering or care as they grow well in well-drained soil, but they do require full sun.

Bachelor’s button flowers were used as a symbol of courtship by men historically by placing the flower in the buttonhole, showing that said man is single.

5. Black Locust Flower

Black Locust Flowers in Bloom

The drooping of the black locust flower makes them perfect for making shady areas in a garden.


The black locust flower bloom on the black locust tree, typically hanging down. This makes this plant perfect for those who want a nice, shady area to escape the heat of spring and summer. This flower is perfect for most environments, with the only environments it is unable to grow in being wet environments. These trees are perfect for growing in the yard as they do not require too much attention.

While the black locust does not have a specific representation other than its beauty, be careful not to get it mixed up with the black lotus which represents darkness.

6. Bee Balm Flower

Hummingbird In Flight Feeding On Bee Balm

Bee Balm flower leaves are fragrant and smell like bergamot oranges.

©iStock.com/Cavan Images

The bee balm flower is perfect for those wanting unique texture and color in their garden. The bee balm flower’s shape is reminiscent of a firework, perfect for an exciting addition to the garden. As the name suggests, the bee balm flower is a pollinator flower, perfect for wildlife lovers wishing to see bees and butterflies in the garden in spring. Bee balm flowers require lots of sunlight and water, so keep the plants healthy and you’ll have a wonderful addition to the garden.

Bee balm flowers have lots of different meanings, but overall they are perfect for wishing prosperity on others. Some interpretations state that the flower symbolizes sympathy and clarity of thought, making them the ideal flower for friends and loved ones going through difficult and confusing times.

7. Browallia Flower


The royal purple of the browallia flower creates a wonderful atmosphere in any garden.

©iStock.com/Mauricio Toro

Browallia flowers are the perfect plant for those in cooler regions or shady areas. Browallia flowers require little sunlight and moist soil, perfect for gardening in areas where the sun does not quite reach. These flowers bloom on the smaller side, making them the perfect accent plant for a garden.

While the browallia flower does not have any special meaning, the flower is named after botanist and florist Johannes Browallis.

8. Blue Daisy Bush Flower

Felicia amelloides, the blue daisy bush or blue felicia, is a hairy, soft, usually perennial, evergreen plant, in the family Asteraceae. It can be found along the southern coast of South Africa. It gr

The blue daisy bush flower is just one of the many beautiful flowers that start with “B.”

©SR shop/Shutterstock.com

The blue daisy bush flower is a gorgeous flower, perfect for newer gardeners and seasoned gardeners alike. This flower takes up plenty of space within a garden bed, making them a perfect centerpiece or accent for any garden. Its light blue color adds a pop of color, perfect for a spring color palette. Caring for blue daisy flowers is straightforward as they require full sunlight and dryer soils, ideal for more arid environments.

Blue daisy flowers symbolize trust and loyalty, derived from their blue color also representing reliability. These flowers make the perfect gift to show those you love that you care for them.

9. Branching Phlox Flower

creeping phlox

The beauty of the phlox flower is the perfect gift for the one you love.


The branching phlox offers variety to gardeners because of the variety of colors available. The phlox flower comes in many shades, such as pink, red, lavender, and blue. The spherical bundle of flowers adds unique shapes to gardens not typically naturally found. The phlox plant is also famous for its sweet and floral fragrance, adding more atmosphere to any garden. The branching phlox blooms on the longer side, being in bloom from early summer to early fall. The branching phlox flower requires simple care, full to partial sunlight, and about one inch of watering per week.

The phlox flower has a long history of symbolizing harmony, unity, and partnership, making them a perfect gift to show your love. In the Victorian era, these flowers were used for marriage proposals and worn by people hoping to have sweet dreams.

10. Blanket Flower

Indian Blanket Wildflowers cover a field in the Texas Hill Country outside Bandera, Texas.

The beautiful gradient of the blanket flower adds a unique touch to any garden.

©Donna Milner/Shutterstock.com

The blanket flower’s bright and vivid colors make them the perfect addition to a garden needing a pop of color. These flowers have a dark red center with the petals having a gradient of dark red to yellow, making them stand out. The blanket flowers get their names from the way the flowers will blanket in a certain area. Caring for blanket flowers is easy for those in arid environments, requiring full sun and well-drained soil.

The blanket flower, similar to its bright petals, symbolize charm, joy, and happiness. The flowers are the perfect gift for sharing your enthusiasm and joy with others.

The gorgeous flowers introduced in this article are sure to level up any garden. If you are interested in growing any of these flowers, or simply looking to learn more, this article contains all the information needed. Read here for more beautiful flowers to learn about.

Summary of 10 Gorgeous Flowers That Start with B

Here’s a recap of the 10 most gorgeous flowers starting with B.

Flowers Starting with BSymbolism
1Bleeding Heart FlowerRepresents broken hearts and unrequited love
2Beautyberry FlowerAssociated with royalty and nobility
3BellflowerSymbolize gratitude and support
4Bachelor’s Button FlowerUsed as a symbol of courtship by men
5Black Locust FlowerThe only representation is its beauty
6Bee Balm FlowerSymbolizes sympathy and clarity of thought
7Browallia FlowerNamed after botanist and florist Johannes Browallis
8Blue Daisy Bush FlowerSymbolize trust and loyalty
9Branching Phlox FlowerRepresents harmony, unity, and partnership
10Blanket FlowerSymbolize charm, joy, and happiness

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