80+ Great Halloween Cat Names

Written by Katie Melynn Wood
Updated: October 30, 2023
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If you’re adopting a new pet around Halloween, you may have considered a cat. These feline friends are often synonymous with the spookier side of this fun holiday. Choosing the right name for your cat can let them get into the spirit all year long. If your vibe is more treat than trick, there are plenty of sweet names for a Halloween kitty as well. Check out over 150 great Halloween cat names.

Classic Names for a Halloween Cat

Ugliest Cats - Donskoy

The Donskoy cat is both friendly and intelligent. They’re also great pets for people with allergies, as they shed little to no hair or dander. However, they will require consistent temperatures indoors all year round, and you’ll often spot Donskoys wearing some sort of sweater.


Jack (O Lantern): This might just be the ultimate Halloween cat name, perfect for a feline friend who loves this time of year.

Boo: Great for a white cat, who can be your own personal ghost friend

Casper: Another option for a ghost-like cat

October: This name works for cats born in the fun fall month of October.

Trick: Just hope that this kitty doesn’t embrace his new name too much and cause mayhem.

Moon: This name gives off a spooky or an otherworldly vibe, both of which work well with Halloween.

Shadow: Some cats are elusive and prefer to stick to the shadows, which is the inspiration behind this name. It is also perfect for a gray or smoke-colored cat.

Midnight: This is one of the spookiest times of Halloween night and makes a great classic name for a cat.

Black Cat hangs out inside, posing for the camera

Black cats are often associated with Halloween and can have classic spooky names.


Witch: Nothing says Halloween like a witch cackling or a cat meowing. It’s even better when the cat’s name is Witch!

Omen: Is this cat a good omen or a bad omen? Only time will tell.

Monster: Any pet can be a monster at times. A cat adopted around Halloween just gets to point it out for all to know with this name.

Potion: Brew up a cute Halloween name for your cat with this name. Your kitty would probably be enthusiastic about tuna as an ingredient!

Cobweb: Your cleaning routine might not appreciate a cat covered in cobwebs, but nothing screams Halloween quite like that. It’s a great name to inspire some classic Halloween fun.

Hex: Another name for spell, Hex makes a great name for a Halloween cat.

Bat: This would be a fun name for an all-black cat. It pays homage to the spooky bats of the season and rhymes with cat!

Toad: Like cats, these creatures are also associated with witches and Halloween.

Spooky Names for a Halloween Cat

funny cat flying. photo of a playful tabby cat jumping mid-air looking at camera. background with copy space

Some cats love to get into mischief and a spooky Halloween name suits them well.

©Nils Jacobi/Shutterstock.com

Broomstick: This cat might be right at home on a witch’s broomstick at Halloween.

Cauldron: Without thumbs, it will probably be hard for this kitty to actually brew any potion. But this still makes a great name for a spooky Halloween cat.

Gremlin: Gremlins are small, mythical animals that cause mischief. Sounds like a cat to us!

Bones: Does your cat have white markings on them? Then Bones might just be the perfect name.

Nightmare: While we hope this name isn’t taken literally, it is still a fun Halloween-inspired name for a spooky cat.

Doom and Gloom: If you want something a bit more gothic for a pair of cats, these names are definitely a good option.

Styx: This river that marks the boundary to the underworld in Dante’s Inferno is perfectly spooky when used as a pet name.

Beast: Let your cat get spooky with this rough-and-tumble name. This name also pairs well with Beauty for a two-cat household.

Beautiful Red Maine Coon Cat Sitting with Large Ears and Furry Tail Looking in Camera Isolated on Black Background, Front view

Beast would be a good name for a large cat, such as a Maine Coons, due to its thick coat and large size.


Onyx: This name is good for a dark, inky black cat who embodies the mysterious look of this mineral.

Gargoyle: These creatures were known to ward off evil spirits so it’s the perfect addition to keep around the house at Halloween time. Your cat might just be able to ward off mice and other pests.

Sweet Names for a Halloween Cat

A cute white little Snow Bengal kitten outdoors surrounded by purple flowers, oregano herb. The curious little cat is 7 weeks old. The cat is centered with room for text.

Kittens learn very important behaviors from their mothers and littermates at 7 weeks old, often expressing certain aspects of their personality even at this young age.

©Angela Kotsell/Shutterstock.com

Moonlight: We love this name for a cat who basks in the glow of the moon.

Luna: This name means moon in Spanish and is a sweet name perfect for this time of year.

Candy Corn: If you have an orange and white striped cat, naming it after an iconic Halloween candy is so fun!

Hot Tamale: If your cat has reddish fur or a feisty personality (or both), this is a great name option.

Abracadabra: This name is just fun to say and makes us think of a smiling magician pulling a rabbit out of a hat.

Stormy: If your cat curls up with you on dark and stormy nights, this name might be perfect for your new furry family member.

Ginger: An orange cat named Ginger? What could be sweeter?

Orange tabby cat

There are plenty of fun Halloween and fall names that could suit an orange tabby cat.

©iStock.com/Pijarn Jangsawang

Apple: Candy apples are a fun Halloween treat. Let your cat participate with this sweet name.

Twix, Hershey, Rolo, Reese, Twizzler, Tootsie: Any candy-inspired name is super sweet for a Halloween kitty.

Kit and Kat: This combination of names gets special recognition as the perfect duo, great for a brother-sister pair.

Mike and Ike: Another cute pair for a Halloween set of cats that you welcome into your home.

Junior: If you have a new baby cat, you can name him after his parents or the Halloween candy Junior Mints with this name.

Jelly Bean: This super sugary name is perfect for a tiny cat. Plus, it has so many great nicknames that go along with it.

Willow: This delicate-sounding name is so sweet for a cat born around Halloween.

Ebony: Want something unique for your black cat? Ebony would be perfect!

Black and white Thai cats lounging and relaxing together in the house. on the purple blanket They both wore yellow collars and silver bells.

If you are adopting two cats, you can choose fun names that suit them both.


Licorice: Another great name for a black cat, licorice is a candy treat that many people have strong feelings about. If your cat has a strong personality, naming them after a candy with a strong flavor is fitting.

Skittles: Is your cat super sweet like these candies? Try naming them Skittles.

Famous Halloween Cats and Characters

carve pumpkins for Halloween

There is no shortage of Halloween inspiration for pet names, including the classic Jack o Lantern.

©alexkich/iStock via Getty Images

Binx: Probably one of the most famous Halloween cats, Binx is the boy-turned-cat from the classic Halloween movie, Hocus Pocus.

Frank: This shortened version of Frankenstein is perfect if you want something a bit more subtle that still nods to the story of Frankenstein’s monster.

Chucky: This creepy doll name is perfect for a boy cat born around Halloween.

Gomez: If your cat is creepy and kooky, taking this name from the patriarch of the Addams Family is perfect.

Edgar: Hopefully your cat doesn’t bury a telltale heart under the floorboards but they might just have a few surprises in store for you if you name them after the famous spooky author Edgar Allan Poe.

Salem: 90s and 2000s lovers will be excited by this name, inspired by the witty black cat on Sabrina, the Teenage Witch.

Winifred, Mary, and Sarah: Any of these names are fun on their own. But together, this trio inspired by Hocus Pocus’ Sanderson Sisters is perfect for Halloween.

Wednesday: A black cat with an aloof, disinterested look (which could describe plenty of cats we know) is perfect for the moniker Wednesday, after Wednesday Addams.

Ron Weasley: Another Weasley! This name is great for an orange cat, with or without magical powers.

Dracula: This name is inspired by the classic horror tale of Dracula.


The character of Dracula had fangs, which makes it a perfect name for a cat who likes to show off its teeth.

©Anna Krivitskaya/Shutterstock.com

Voldemort: The cat-who-must-not-be-named is a mouthful, so you can also give this kitty a cute nickname like Voldy.

Merlin: Is your cat a wizard when it comes to scarfing down treats? Then Merlin might just be the perfect moniker for them.

Carrie: People may not immediately get the connection between this name and Halloween outside of scary movie season. But put your cat in a prom dress and they’ll be sure to give everyone a fright.

Maleficent: This Disney villain has her own origin story that paints her in a slightly different light, but it’s still a great spooky-inspired name for your new cat.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: This duo is great for two male cats. The only challenge will be deciding which kitty gets to be the mild-mannered academic and which is his wild alter ego.

Lurch: If you have a large cat, Lurch might just be the perfect name for him!

Frank n Furter: This one-of-a-kind name is perfect for an eccentric cat since it is taken from the equally eccentric character in Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Buffy: If you suspect your cat fights vampires, this is the perfect name for them.

Tabitha: This name is perfect for a female cat that you might just suspect has magical powers, just like the witch from the classic show Bewitched with the same name.

Fall Cat Names

Beautiful striped cat is near the basket with ripe red apples and pumpkin in the autumn garden. Thanksgiving, harvest time and halloween postcard.

This cat would love a name like Apple or Leaf.

©Caterina Trimarchi/Shutterstock.com

If you want something that works for an October cat without leaning too heavily on Halloween, try one of these fall-themed names.

Pumpkin: These decorative (and tasty) gourds are also fun to use as inspiration for your cat’s name.

Mum: An iconic fall flower, mums look great as fall front porch decor. If your cat likes to lounge on the porch, this might be the perfect name for them.

Cinnamon: Nothing smells like fall quite like cinnamon. This name is also great for a dark orange or rust-colored cat.

Pedigree orange Somali cat photographed indoors in studio on black background.

Many pet owners take inspiration from their pet’s coat and coloring to choose a name.


Autumn: Another name for fall, Autumn also makes a good cat name.

Orchard: Fall is a wonderful time to enjoy apple picking in the orchard. Even if you don’t bring your cat, you can still let them get in on the fun with this adorable name.

Scarecrow: You can get into the fall spirit with a cat named after an adorable person made of straw.

Chestnut: This name evokes the idea of harvest and plenty, two things associated with fall.

Nutmeg: A delicious addition to any fall dish, Nutmeg is the perfect name for a kitten born in the fall.

Flannel: If you dress your cat in a flannel sweater or tie, this name takes on even more of a fall vibe.

Patchwork: This is a good name for a cat who has plenty of colors and patterns in their coat.

Harvest: Invoke the bounty of the season with this fall-inspired name for your cat.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © dien/Shutterstock.com

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About the Author

Katie is a freelance writer and teaching artist specializing in home, lifestyle, and family topics. Her work has appeared in At Ease Magazine, PEOPLE, and The Spruce, among others. When she is not writing, Katie teaches creative writing with the Apex Arts Magnet Program in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. You can follow Katie @katiemelynnwriter.

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