Mercury Square Aspects for Each Planet in the Natal Astrology Chart

Written by Dayva Segal
Published: December 20, 2023
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Mercury is the astrological planet that rules over our communication and learning style. It relates to how fast or slow we think, whether it is easy to get our point across, and how we synthesize and disseminate information.

When Mercury squares another planet or angle in your natal astrology chart, tension forms. This may be a constant struggle, but it more often represents a problem or inner conflict that flares up at different points in your life. Squares are often thought of as difficult because they represent blocked energy. However, squares are a good thing, in a way, because when the tension comes to the surface, you must confront difficult things and work on them.

A square occurs when two objects in an astrology chart are 90° apart. Many astrologers accept an orb of 10°, meaning a square can be up to 10° off from exact and still be a square. Other astrologers accept an orb of 10° only for aspects involving certain objects like the Sun and Moon, and a smaller orb of 6° or 3° for other planets.

Natal Mercury Square Aspects in Astrology

Natal Mercury Square Natal Sun

Sunset on The White Sand of Kapalaoa Beach on Anaeho'omalu Bay, Hawaii Island, Hawaii, USA

The Sun cannot square Mercury in the natal astrology chart.

©Billy McDonald/

Mercury is always within two signs of the Sun in a natal astrology chart, so it cannot be square to the Sun.

Natal Mercury Square Natal Moon

Tired Young Woman Leaning Head on Hands

With natal Mercury square natal Moon in your chart, there is tension between logical and emotional sides.

©MangoStar_Studio/iStock via Getty Images

When your natal Mercury is square to your natal Moon, you probably have trouble trusting your emotions and intuition at times. At other times, your emotions take over and you have difficulty trusting your logical mind. You may feel guilty for having emotions, and because of the imbalance between your rationality and sensitive parts, you can be indecisive at times. Sometimes you even confuse what is emotional and what is logical, further complicating the matter.

Natal Mercury Square Natal Venus

Planet Venus isolated on black background. Elements of this image were furnished by NASA. High quality photo

Mercury also cannot square Venus in the natal chart.

©Artsiom P/

Venus and Mercury cannot be square to each other in a natal astrology chart.

Natal Mercury Square Natal Mars

Angry caucasian white female boss manager shout firing sad stressed african american male worker intern at team office meeting, racial discrimination at work, harassment racism at workplace concept

You may be easily frustrated, especially when it comes to disseminating information.


Mars is the planet of war, anger, and passion. With Mercury square Mars in your natal chart, your anger can get bottled up inside of you until it explodes. You’re likely quite smart but you find many things frustrating and alienating. You get upset when people don’t catch on to what you’re trying to say, and you feel like people don’t understand you. To become happier and less frustrated, you’ll need to learn how to be patient with others who don’t think as quickly as you.

Natal Mercury Square Natal Jupiter

Businessman making face at co-worker

A bad joke can get you into trouble when natal Mercury squares natal Jupiter.

©Paul Bradbury/OJO Images via Getty Images

When Mercury squares Jupiter natally, your mouth can get you into trouble in several ways. First, you are overly optimistic and sometimes promise more than what you can deliver. Second, you tend to open your mouth before you think, and this can affect your abundance. What seems like a funny joke to you might get you overlooked for a promotion, for example. You are also so optimistic that you trust others very easily, without fully vetting them.

Natal Mercury Square Natal Saturn

Leisure time with a cat

If Mercury is square to your Saturn, you might be a total introvert.

©vladans/iStock via Getty Images

With Mercury square Saturn in your natal astrology chart, you are likely quite reserved. You may have even had a barrier to speech as a child, such as a speech impediment or hearing problem. The tension in this aspect is between your intellect and communication with boundaries and restrictions. You may have been shamed as a child for your expression and now feel like you can’t let yourself be free. You might have social anxiety or simply prefer to stay home happily most of the time.

Natal Mercury Square Natal Uranus

This is me! Portrait of egoistic arrogant selfish man with beard in blue shirt pointing himself, boasting successful achievement, feeling proud.

You may have a “wise guy” mentality with this aspect.

©Khosrork/iStock via Getty Images

In modern astrology, Uranus is a “higher octave” of Mercury. It has many of the same qualities but to a more extreme degree. Uranus takes Mercury’s speed and turns it up, transforming it into volatile change. Mercury’s sharp tongue becomes a powerful revolutionary that makes statements before its time in Uranus. With these two planets square to each other, you’re whip-smart and witty, but that doesn’t win you many friends. You could be a smart-aleck type who always has to be right. Or you might be a “devil’s advocate” who makes provocative statements just to get a rise out of people. Learning more empathy can help you grow your community.

Natal Mercury Square Natal Neptune

Shot of a young boy lying on the grass outside

You love daydreaming with your natal Mercury square your natal Neptune.

©PeopleImages/iStock via Getty Images

You lose yourself in your daydreams with this aspect. It’s hard for you to determine what is logical and what is an illusion or fantasy. It’s hard for you to put your inner thoughts and ideas into words. You may feel disconnected from spirituality or that it is hard for you to connect with something greater than yourself. At the same time, you struggle with boundaries between yourself and others. You may take on their interests and mannerisms without a second thought because that is easier for you than trying to relate to them through words. Working on your individuality and asserting yourself can help you become more independent.

Natal Mercury Square Natal Pluto

Woman Using Mobile Phone While Lying In Bed At Night, Suffering From Post-Breakup Insomnia. Anxiety.

With natal Mercury square Pluto, you might feel social anxiety at times.

©Dima Berlin/iStock via Getty Images

When Mercury squares Pluto in your natal chart, you can become an obsessive person. This might show up as the type of social anxiety where you focus on every little thing you’ve ever said. It can also show up as becoming obsessed with learning about a specific topic. In some ways, these fixations do serve you, but at times, you may find them distressing. You are also probably quite blunt in your communication, and that is not for everyone. Learning how to soften what you say at times may help people become more open to you, so you share your sharp intellect with the world.

Natal Mercury Square Natal Chiron

Pensive sad boy teenager in a blue shirt and jeans sitting at the window and closes his face with his hands.

When Mercury is square Chiron in the natal chart, your wounding is buried more deeply than usual.

©ipolonina/iStock via Getty Images

Your natal Chiron represents the nature and space of your greatest wound in this lifetime. When it is square to Mercury, it is not easy for you to communicate about your wounding or possibly even conceptualize it. It may be buried so deeply that you are not even aware of how deeply it affects your everyday life. This aspect may indicate that your expression or intellect is part of your greatest wounding.

Natal Mercury Square Natal Black Moon Lilith

Tired frustrated african wife ignoring angry black despot husband arguing blaming upset woman of problems, jealous man shouting at sad girlfriend, family fight and controlling boyfriend, disrespect

You might have difficult emotional outbursts.


When you have Mercury square your natal Black Moon Lilith, you either face each difficult issue with complete silence, or complete histrionics. There is no in-between for you. You may stick with one or the other or vacillate between the two throughout your life. Either way, you receive shame for your responses regardless of which one you choose. Finding a middle ground can help you in any area of your life including work, family, and relationships.

Natal Mercury Square Natal Ascendant

Angry nervous teenager girl with brown hair in yellow t-shirt loudly screaming at megaphone, making announce, protesting, wants to be heard.

Your brash side is a cover-up for your inner sensitivities.

©Khosrork/iStock via Getty Images

With natal Mercury square your natal Ascendant, you have probably been made to feel like you are “too much.” Perhaps people say you are too loud, you talk too much, or you’re too blunt. While none of this is true, you do have strong views and aren’t afraid to say them, harshly. People don’t understand what you say, or they take it completely the wrong way. However, your exterior brashness is an attempt to hide your soft and sensitive interior. People sense your exterior does not match what is happening inside you, and that makes them cautious. Finding a community that accepts you for who you are will be essential to your healing.

Natal Mercury Square Natal Noth Node & South Node

Depressed man sitting at rehab group therapy

Mercury square North Node is all about knowing when to step up and when to step back.

©Prostock-Studio/iStock via Getty Images

When Mercury is square your North Node in the natal chart, it is also often square the South Node. You must find the balance between speaking out and knowing when your communication is keeping you in an old pattern. Gaining this recognition will help you to find and follow your life’s path rather than staying stuck in patterns and habits that hold you back. It’s important to step up sometimes, but other times, changing how you communicate can help you get ahead.

Natal Mercury Square Natal Midheaven

Engaged recruiter, recruit agent talking to job candidate on interview

You might feel especially nervous when you have to talk to an authority figure such as a boss or recruiter.

©fizkes/iStock via Getty Images

Your natal Midheaven is an angle in the astrology chart that is all about your career, public image, and how you interact with authority. With your Mercury square this important angle, you may feel tongue-tied when in the presence of a boss, mentor, or superior. You struggle to find a balance between being authentic and getting what you want in the public sphere. You tend to miss the mark when you try to promote yourself publicly, but that’s mainly because you second-guess what you want to say, so the ultimate message comes out a little jumbled. Try going with your gut more often and see what results.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © NASA images/

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About the Author

Dayva is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering astrology, animals, and geography. She has over 12 years of experience as a writer, and graduated from Hofstra University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Music and a Minor in French. She has also completed course work in Core Strengths Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and Technical Communication. Dayva lives in the SF Bay Area with her cute but very shy cat, Tula.

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