Never Before Seen Spotless Giraffe Born In Bright’s Zoo

Written by Katie Melynn Wood
Updated: October 13, 2023
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The addition of a new baby to the zoo is always a cause for celebration. When that baby is a rare spotless giraffe, it’s really a special occasion!

A mother giraffe at Bright’s Zoo in Tennessee welcomed a new calf in late July. This baby was born without the spots characteristic of giraffes. Instead, she is entirely light brown. This is a completely new occurrence and zoo experts were just as surprised as anyone else when the calf was born. The zoo examined her bloodwork and reported that everything is in the normal ranges and she is as healthy as can be.

Now that she has arrived, the zoo is searching for a name for their newest little girl. The four choices up for vote include Kipekee (Unique), Firyali, Shakiri (She is most beautiful), and Jamella (One of great beauty). The four names were selected by the Bright Family, who owns and runs the zoo. People who want to vote on their favorite can visit The Bright Zoo’s Facebook page to cast their vote.

The zoo is home to other giraffes as well. Each has its own spot variation, just like each person has a unique set of fingerprints. The pattern on this newest arrival sure is one-of-a-kind!

Giraffe Facts - Giraffe neck

Giraffes rely on their spots to help them blend into their environment.


Why Do Giraffes Have Spots?

In the wild, a giraffe’s spots help them camouflage and reduce the chances of being seen by predators. This is especially important for young calves, who are more vulnerable than their adult parents. If born in the wild, this little girl would have a much harder time staying hidden. Giraffes have to contend with numerous predators in the wild, including lions, leopards, and hyenas. Crocodiles and wild dogs are also known to go after giraffes.

Because she was born in the zoo, she will be safe. And she’s becoming quite a celebrity! This is great news for giraffes all around the world since the added attention gives experts the chance to educate the public on conservation efforts that help giraffes. These animals are considered endangered. Loss of habitat, encounters with people that resulted in giraffe injury or death, and even poaching all contribute to their declining numbers in the wild.

This baby giraffe is also getting the attention of scientists and conservationists. After she was born, the team at Bright’s Zoo contacted other zoos and researchers to see if anyone knew why she wouldn’t have spots. But even those with years of experience didn’t have an answer. Fortunately, this baby giraffe will help them learn more about the species.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Wim Hoek/

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About the Author

Katie is a freelance writer and teaching artist specializing in home, lifestyle, and family topics. Her work has appeared in At Ease Magazine, PEOPLE, and The Spruce, among others. When she is not writing, Katie teaches creative writing with the Apex Arts Magnet Program in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. You can follow Katie @katiemelynnwriter.

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