Say Goodbye to Ants and Spiders with This Common Kitchen Item

Ripe black pepper plant
© Melada photo/

Written by Nicole Braganza

Published: August 18, 2023

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Ants and spiders in your home are a big nuisance. The good news is, there is a simple and cost-effective way to get rid of them permanently, using a simple home ingredient. Black pepper is one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of ants.

If you’ve found yourself asking questions like, “How do I get rid of ants in my house?” or, “What smell do spiders hate?” we’re here to help.

Let’s tackle these irritating pests one at a time. First, let’s look at black pepper as an ant repellent.  

How to Get Rid of Big Black Ants: Home Remedies

black ants on wood

Carpenter ants build nests in your home’s wooden structure.


There may be many reasons why black ants are entering your home. Most often, black ants invade homes looking for sources of food and water. Sometimes, black ants come into houses searching for shelter during weather changes. They may also be attracted to decaying wood in your vicinity.

Black pepper is one of the most effective home ingredients to get rid of black ants. If you spot an anthill around your home, sprinkle some cayenne or black pepper into their nest. The spicy powder will keep them from coming back without killing them. 

How to Get Rid of Ants with Black Pepper

Black pepper in bow on wooden table. Pile of ground black pepper.

The spicy smell of black pepper irritates ants.


So, what about pepper repels ants? They hate the scent! Ants find the smell of pepper irritating, so go ahead and generously sprinkle pepper in and around your baseboards and appliances or anywhere else you generally notice ants. 

Black pepper, cayenne pepper, and spices like cinnamon are dermal irritants for ants and effective natural ingredients to eliminate ants.

How Long Will It Take for Black Pepper to Keep Ants Away?

Sprinkle black pepper generously around ant entry points, and you’ll soon watch the pests turn away in disgust. In fact, you should see the effects of your repellent almost immediately.

By using black pepper and other preventive measures like keeping your natural surroundings clean, you can successfully manage ant populations while creating a harmonious environment free from these persistent pests.

Does Black Pepper Kill Ants?

Black pepper will kill ants, but only if you mix it with water and spray it on them. Otherwise, on its own, it’s merely an effective repellent. Its potent aroma and taste deter ants from invading homes and living spaces.

Next, let’s look at black pepper as a spider repellent. 

Do Spiders Hate Black Pepper?

Close Up of Common House Spider

Corners are an ideal place for house spiders to weave webs.


We’re often asked, “What do spiders hate?” While research into black pepper specifically as a spider repellent has been divisive, many generally consider pepper a spider irritant. While spiders have a poor sense of taste, pepper can aggravate their eyes and sense of smell.

Is Black Pepper a Good Spider Repellent?

cayenne peppers in a bowl, with ground cayenne in spoon nearby

Black pepper could work to irritate spiders, but many agree that cayenne is more effective as a repellent.

©Thanatip S./

Whether black pepper fully repels spiders may be questionable, but it can act as an effective irritant. To try it as a home remedy, like with ants, grind black pepper to a fine powder, then try sprinkling it in corners, cracks, and other hidden areas around the house. It’s worth mentioning, though, that cayenne pepper has proven to be more effective than black pepper in repelling spiders.

A word of caution — spices like peppers are quite pungent, and the fine black pepper powder can potentially irritate your eyes or airways, so consider turning your head away as you apply it. 

How to Keep Spiders Away While Sleeping

You’re comfortably tucked into bed and ready for a good night’s rest when you spot a spider hanging from your bedside lamp! Just the sight of these eight-legged creatures can invoke fear and anxiety in the bravest of us and disrupt a peaceful night’s sleep.

Besides the obvious tips like keeping your bedroom clean and avoiding eating on your bed, using a spray of cayenne and water in areas spiders may frequent can help keep them at bay. Also, adding essential oils to your diffuser can keep spiders away while you’re sleeping. Spiders are attracted to insects that are attracted to artificial lights, so remember to turn off any outside lights before you hit the sack. 

How to Get Rid of Spiders with Black Pepper

Here’s a step-by-step guide to quickly and safely keep spiders out of the house and living areas. 

Step 1: Identify Spider Food Sources

Identify harborage areas and the access points spiders use to get inside your home.

Step 2: Block Entry Points

Seal access points to keep spiders away and prevent re-infestation. Patch any holes with silicone caulk, seal gaps around doors and windows, and use mesh screens to seal vents.

Step 3: Remove Visible Webs and Eggs

Once you’ve identified where spiders live, you must remove their webs and egg sacs. You can use a long-handled brush to eliminate spider webs in high-up, hard-to-reach areas.

Step 4: Set Traps

Place sticky glue traps in corners, attics, or any other area where you’ve noticed spider activity.

Step 5: Irritate Spiders with Pepper

Grind pepper to a fine powder, add it to water in a spray bottle, and spray this pepper-water mixture in and around your home to keep spiders away.

How to Get Rid of Spiders and Ants Naturally

House spiders are likely in your house all around the year and are often born under your roof. In many cases, spiders enter your house searching for a mate and then stay there. 

Ants often enter houses searching for food, and if you don’t deal with the problem quickly, they may decide to take up residence. 

Whatever the reason for their presence, an easy natural remedy to help rid your home of ants and spiders is black pepper. Will black pepper kill ants and spiders? Mixed with water, black pepper may kill ants, but otherwise, probably not. It will do the job of keeping them away from your house, though, and that’s the ultimate solution you’re looking for. And again, if spiders are your main problem, it’s worth trying cayenne pepper as a repellent against them.

Other Natural Ways To Eliminate Spiders and Ants 

While in some cases, professional exterminators may be required, there are several natural solutions you can try to solve the problem without adding unnecessary chemicals or toxins to your environment. Some of these are listed below.

  • Tea tree oil
  • Lemon eucalyptus oil
  • White vinegar
  • Boiling water
  • Cinnamon leaf essential oil
  • Neem oil
  • Coffee grounds
  • Lemons
  • Peppermint
  • Dill essential oil

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About the Author

I'm a copy and content writer with 13+ years of experience across digital advertising agencies. I've worked on creatives and content for verticals such as beauty, education, nutrition, healthcare and now...animals!

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