See the Feisty Alligator that Invaded a Family’s Home Through the Dog Door

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Written by Zeek Lepakko

Updated: November 10, 2023

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Florida Everglades Alligator wild gator
Ernie Hounshell/

Ever consider what else might try to walk through a dog door, aside from Fido? Possibly an alligator, especially if you live somewhere like Louisiana. This is exactly what we see the aftermath of in the below video, in which animal control had to help remove a curious but uninvited visitor early in the morning. After the family’s pet dog first alerted them of the issue, authorities quickly arrived and saved the day. Don’t fret, as it’s likely the little snoop was safely removed and placed elsewhere with hopefully less dog doors!

The star of the hour we see in the brief clip is probably a juvenile gator, seeing how small it is. However, that doesn’t make them any less dangerous, making prompt relocation by professionals ideal. The tiny gator was no doubt tired of the seasonal heat and thought chilling out indoors would help. Little did he know, the house was a no-gators-allowed zone.

Let’s make sure to lock the doggy door and read on to find out more about the all-American alligator!

How Smart Are Alligators?


Alligators blink with a third eyelid, known as a nictitating membrane.

Alligators, the second largest reptile in the United States, are actually surprisingly intelligent. People may wrongfully assume that reptiles in general, or the lumbering alligator, are dense. Quite the opposite is true, though, because these scaled critters are brainy and brawny! For example, recent studies have shown they speak, socialize, and hunt with amazing talent. Gator parenting is quite advanced, and these guys know how to use tools like sticks to lure prey in. Didn’t see that coming (literally)!

Similar investigations have also shown that alligators love to play games, whether that’s with each other, or even other animals at times. Carefully raised gators in captivity have displayed trust towards humans, too, which gives a lot of insight on their emotional abilities. However, that’s not to imply they’re super huggable, or that wild gators are ready to be friendly!

Alligator and Crocodile: Different Animal?

While gators and crocs might appear similar at first glance, they are significantly different creatures. For starters, crocodiles are usually larger and have thinner heads. Crocodiles also tolerate saltwater, whereas alligators cannot. This fact alone gives crocs a far wider range across the world compared to alligators. While gators live in small areas of the United States and China, crocodiles can be sighted along the pretty much all of the tropics on Earth.

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About the Author

Zeek is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering wildlife in Africa and international travel. Zeek has been studying animals for over 15 years and holds an Associate's Degree in Arts from Lone Star Montgomery, earned in 2011. A resident of Washington, Zeek enjoys designing video games and training his Shiba Inu, Cheems.

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