The 6 Most Common Causes of a Cockroach Infestation in Your House

Written by Sam Hindman
Published: September 4, 2023
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There’s no worse feeling than watching a cockroach unexpectedly scurry across your floor. Thoughts will be racing through your head, leaving you to wonder what exactly the causes of this cockroach infestation could be. It’s important not to blame or criticize yourself, because despite popular belief a visit from these insects is a lot more common than one would first think.

Sometimes the best way to deal with a problem is to retrace your steps. By understanding what brought on a visit from these cockroaches, you can in turn determine how to prevent them from returning. In this article, we’ll be detailing the six most common causes of a cockroach infestation. By keeping your home in check and providing an uncomfortable place for these insects to live, you can greatly lower the risks of dealing with this issue ever again.

How To Tell That You Have A Cockroach Infestation

Baby Cockroach - Cockroach Egg

Cockroach eggs resemble dried kidney beans.

©Georgy Dzyura/

The first step to determining the cause of a problem is to make sure that the problem in question is the same one you’re thinking of. Meaning, if you want to find out the causes of your cockroach infestation, you’ll probably first want to make sure you actually have one. There are many signs that can indicate this, but below are the most common ones to look out for.

  1. Spotting Adult and Baby Cockroaches: The most obvious sign that you have an infestation on your hands is actually seeing the pests running about. Chances are, as unfortunate as it may be, one cockroach indicates that there are many more lying in wait. Once you spot the first one, take a careful look around the home and see if there are any additional signs.
  2. Cockroach Eggs: All cockroaches come from eggs, and these eggs can resemble kidney beans or even tiny brown grains of rice. When you spot cockroach eggs, be wary- this could mean you’re close to the nest.
  3. Cockroach Poop: If you spot the feces of a cockroach, you’re essentially guaranteed to have an infestation. Much smaller than the poop of a mouse, cockroach poop is more similar to coffee grounds and can be found in high concentrations near the nest. A good rule of thumb is that the more feces present, the more severe your cockroach problem.

If you’ve found these signs present in your home, it’s time to start determining the root cause of their presence. By implementing changes to the issues listed below, you can not only help in getting rid of your cockroach problem but also help prevent it from reoccurring. The bottom line is to make your home a place uninhabitable by these creepy crawlers.

Common Causes of a Cockroach Infestation

1. There’s Plenty of Shelter (Clutter)

Cockroach profile shot

The quicker you notice a cockroach infestation, the easier it will be to handle.


One of the worst causes of a cockroach infestation is not being able to act fast. These creatures are stealthy, and if you don’t notice their presence and successfully eradicate them right away, they’ll make themselves right at home. This job of hiding away and multiplying is done much more successfully if they have a variety of options for shelter. These options, more often than not, come in the form of unchecked clutter.

When you think of an infested home, an image of someplace messy and filled with junk might come to mind. But, it doesn’t always have to be so dramatic. Even a single room that has a variety of places for cockroaches to take shelter can be enough for them to set up shop. Anything from cardboard boxes to newspaper piles can be a great spot for them to start building their nest. If you don’t clean out these piles frequently, it will take you a while before you catch onto the issue.

2. You Have Lots of Water Sources

bathroom bug

Cockroaches need water to survive, so keep an eye on the damper areas of your home.

©Pasonglit Junuan/

Cockroaches can survive up to an entire month without food, but they need water at least weekly to survive. Because of this, they are in constant search of their next water source. If there’s a plumbing leak, standing water, or even pet bowls with a lot of spillage, that can be enough access to sustain them. Especially prevalent water access is one of the primary causes of cockroach infestation.

Even beyond direct water sources, cockroaches love humidity. This is why areas like basements, bathrooms, and crawlspaces are some of their favorite spots to reside. High humidity also provides breeding conditions for cockroaches which are very desirable. It helps with the hatching of their eggs, and it provides a comfortable space for their young.

3. There’s Left Out Food

What do Cockroaches Eat

Even a small, forgotten pile of crumbs can serve as an all-you-can-eat buffet for cockroaches.


When it comes to food sources, cockroaches do not discriminate. They are opportunistic eaters who won’t turn away from pieces of paper, let alone last night’s lasagna. Even the slightest whiff of food can catch the attention of cockroaches, who have a very acute sense of smell. If you’re someone who leaves out leftovers, this could be why you’re experiencing an infestation.

Make sure, at the end of the evening, everything has been put away correctly. Ensure the lid is on your trashcan, any tupperware has been sealed, and you’ve swept up any messes. When you’re bringing new food into the house, especially if it has been delivered, give the bags a quick check first. Sometimes these little guys like to hitch a ride and could get into your home that way.

Another of the causes of cockroach infestation that you might not initially consider is pet food. Even after all of your human food has been properly sealed and put away, these cockroaches will shrug in response and begin chowing down on your dog’s kibble.

4. The Neighbor’s Have An Infestation

Sometimes the causes of a cockroach infestation aren’t even something you have or have not done.


In some cases, it doesn’t even need to be your home in particular that attracts cockroaches. If you have a neighbor who is particularly uncleanly or isn’t home often, they could have an infestation that is now transferring onto your property. There is substantially less risk of this happening if you live somewhere secluded, of course, but for those who are city living it is an unfortunate reality.

This is especially true for people who live in apartment complexes or townhomes that are directly next to one another. A small crack in the wall can be all it takes to invite in these insects. Once they migrate over, it’s guaranteed that your home will become just as populated as next door.

If you have a landlord or property manager, contact them regarding this issue immediately. Especially if you have reason to believe that the cockroaches have migrated. Chances are, these resilient creatures won’t stop at just your place! Without being kept in check, the whole building runs the risk of becoming infested.

5. You Don’t Clean Often

Cockroach Infestation - Cockroach in kitchen

It’s alright to fall behind on cleaning, but to keep a cockroach-free space, stay as on top of it as possible.


Everyone gets busy. If you’re in a shared space, someone with children, or a student, there’s probably at least one or two chores that get pushed aside each week. Every once in a while that’s alright, but it is imperative that you keep as clean a home as possible if you want to avoid getting a cockroach infestation. Filth and grime are the middle names of these insects, and they will adore the neglected areas of your home as places to build their nests.

Some of these areas include:

  • Behind or underneath appliances
  • Bottoms of trash cans
  • Pet food bowls
  • Cabinets and pantries
  • Drains

6. Your Home Has Several Entry Points

Cockroach Nymphs - Isolate Nymph

Every nook, cranny, crack, and crevice is a potential entryway for cockroaches.


Cockroaches, though sometimes large, have exoskeletons that are bendy and versatile. This means that, with enough determination, they can fit into even the smallest of spaces. When addressing an infestation, it’s important to try and determine how they got in initially. After all, the most pressing causes of cockroach infestation have to start with them getting inside, right?

You should take regular inspections around your home to make sure your foundation, walls, and windows don’t give the cockroaches access. Installing things like window screens and door sweeps can be really helpful. It’s worth noting, though, that they are also known to hitch a ride. If you’re getting a package delivered, or even if you’ve just been traveling, take a moment to inspect the item for any signs of these insects.

Once they get in, they’re met with the ideal living environment. That is why it is imperative to make sure they never show up in the first place. After all, it’s much easier to take the steps to prevent a problem rather than take the steps to get rid of it.

The photo featured at the top of this post is ©

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About the Author

Sam Hindman is a writer at A-Z animals covering a range of topics, including pet care, plant care, pest control and travel destinations. She is currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Multimedia Studies at Point Park University, set to graduate in the spring of 2024. A resident of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, when she isn't writing, she's spending time with her beloved cat Archie.

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