Watch a Hungry Bald Eagle Relentlessly Chase an Osprey Like Two Battling Fighter Pilots

american bald eagle swooping down and screaming, against clear blue Alaska sky
© FloridaStock/

Written by Megan Martin

Updated: October 24, 2023

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Have you ever seen two raptors go head to head? In the video at the end of this article, you will see when a hungry bald eagle goes after an osprey!

Watch the Shocking Video Below

A large portion of the bald eagle’s diet is made up of other birds.

The video begins with the amazing sight of an osprey hunting over open water. This bird of prey thrives in this habitat. This is shown when the bird in the video dives into the water in pursuit of prey. However, things quickly take a turn as another raptor enters the shot: a bald eagle. The bald eagle emerges from the right side of the camera, flying in fast behind the osprey. It may seem like a chance encounter until the osprey performs a quick maneuver, turning to the side.

This is a maneuver the bald eagle easily replicates, displaying its interest in the other bird. As the bald eagle chases after the osprey, it becomes clear that the once-hunting osprey is now being hunted in a shocking twist of predator-turned-prey. The bald eagle dives after the osprey, which narrowly slows its descent with enough time to avoid a collision.

The two raptors continue to engage in an adrenaline-filled chase across the sky, with the osprey dodging the eagle as often as possible. Finally, the bald eagle loses interest in the osprey and flies away.

Do Bald Eagles Eat Other Birds of Prey?

Bald eagles aren’t just expert predators: they’re also apex predators, sitting comfortably at the top of their food chain. Scientists have estimated that bald eagles can eat as many as 400 different species, with some as large as young deer! As a result, it may come as no surprise that other birds are also on the menu for these raptors. However, what may come as a shock is that it isn’t just small birds making a meal for bald eagles but also other large birds of prey.

Hawk vs Eagle - Bald Eagle Catching a Fish

The bald eagle is an apex predator capable of taking on some surprisingly large prey.


Other birds make up a large amount of the bald eagle’s diet. They much rather hunt birds on the ground than in the sky, and, paired with their fondness for waterfront habitats, waterfowl comprise the largest portion of their diet. However, as seen in the video below, eagles may also occasionally hunt other birds from the sky, including other raptors like the osprey.

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About the Author

Megan is a writer at A-Z Animals where her primary focus is birds, felines, and sharks. She has been researching and writing about animals for four years, and she holds a Bachelor of Arts in English with minors in biology and professional and technical writing from Wingate University, which she earned in 2022. A resident of North Carolina, Megan is an avid birdwatcher that enjoys spending time with her cats and exploring local zoological parks with her husband.

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