Watch Hungry Sharks Ruthlessly Steal a Fisherman’s Hard-Earned Tuna Catch

Dog Tooth Tuna, Underwater, 2015, Animal Wildlife, Animals In The Wild

Written by Sharon Parry

Updated: October 23, 2023

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A lot went on during this Indonesian fishing trip! Inspired by on-line images of massive dogtooth tuna, the team packed up their spear-fishing gear and headed to the location where these giant fish are caught. The action starts with a 48-hour boat ride to reach the remote fishing ground in pretty basic living conditions. Once fishing, they spot a few sharks and snappers which they catch for dinner. Having been told by some locals that large crocodiles inhabit these waters, they sensibly decide to move to another area within the Indonesian islands.

Watch the Startling Footage Below

Tuna Catch Eaten by a Shark

Fishing boat fishing for tuna fish in the Indian Ocean. Fishing operation

Tuna are fished commercially by humans and sharks also enjoy them!

We also learn more about the shark fishing trade here which is booming. They are mainly sold on the Chinese market where shark-fin soup is a delicacy. Sadly, this means that there are not that many sharks left in the ocean. Apart from in remote areas like the one featured in this clip. Once the narrator manages to catch a tuna, more than three-quarters of it has been eaten by sharks before he can get it back in the boat! But that is not all, there is a storm and a flooded engine still to contend with. And people do this for fun?

What Exactly Are Dogtooth Tuna?

Dogtooth tuna were the inspiration for this entire trip and footage. They are a species of pelagic marine fish. Their distribution is throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific area. You will find them from the eastern coast of Africa and into the Red Sea and to the oceanic islands of the Pacific Ocean except for Hawaii.

These tuna are aggressive predators and opportunistic feeders. They tend to live off schools of pelagic fish that live near reef habitats that include fusiliers, rainbow runners, and mackerel scad.

How Big Are Dogfish Tuna?

Blackfin Tuna swimming

The largest Tuna ever caught weighed 236 pounds and 15 ounce

These can be very large fish. According to the records maintained by the International Game Fish Association, the largest ever caught weighed 236 pounds and 15 ounces. It was caught in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania on the 20th of November 2015.

Other monsters include a 147-pound and 14-ounce dogfish tuna caught at the Great Barrier Reef, in Australia on the 18th of October 2005 and a 108-pound fish caught at Hahazima, Ogasawara, Tokyo, Japan on 8th August 1988. This proves that it’s not just Indonesia where this could happen!

Is It Normal for Sharks to Eat Tuna?

What Do Sharks Eat
Sharks have a varied diet full of many marine creatures.

Sharks are apex predators, and their diet varies depending on the species. Generally speaking, sharks typically feed on a variety of smaller fish, squid, and crustaceans. Some species, such as great white sharks, have been known to feed on larger prey, such as dolphins, sea lions, and even other sharks.

It is perfectly normal for sharks to eat tuna. They seem to have a real taste for it. This is because dogfish tuna is a slow-moving species and is an easy target for larger sharks.

Sharks are capable of surviving on a wide variety of foods, but they usually stick to their preferred diet. This consists of smaller fish, squid, and crustaceans, as well as bottom-dwelling species such as rays and skates. Sharks also have the ability to be opportunistic when necessary and will eat any type of fish they can find.

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About the Author

Dr Sharon Parry is a writer at A-Z animals where her primary focus is on dogs, animal behavior, and research. Sharon holds a PhD from Leeds University, UK which she earned in 1998 and has been working as a science writer for the last 15 years. A resident of Wales, UK, Sharon loves taking care of her spaniel named Dexter and hiking around coastlines and mountains.

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