Watch This Massive Deep Sea Squid Latch on to a Swimmer and Chomp His Arm

Written by Chris Madden
Updated: October 20, 2023
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Man-Sized Squid Viciously Bites a Diver Through a Chainmail Suit!

Two deep-sea divers encounter the legendary Red Devil Squid in the vast ocean’s depths. The creature is colossal, also known as the Humboldt Squid. Clad in heavy chainmail suits, they courageously grasp the body of this man-sized marvel, just above its writhing tentacles.

The incredible video below documents every exciting moment in this incredible deep sea encounter.

Watch These Armor-Clad Divers Engage in Battle with a Huge Humboldt Squid!

As the diver delves deeper into the abyss, awe-inspiring narration follows. These squids can grow to be colossal, with some reaching lengths of up to seven feet.

Caution guides their moves as they’re acutely aware of the squid’s powerful beak that can instantly sever fingers.

seamless chainmail made of metal

Chainmail armor has been used in warfare for centuries to block swords, spears, and arrows. Anything strong enough to cause harm through this battle-tested defense is nothing to take lightly.


The massive squid, initially appearing calm, attempts a daring escape by thrashing its tentacles together to propel itself backward. However, the diver maintains an unyielding grip on its body. Despite understanding the wild nature of the creature, the divers can’t help but marvel at its strength and beauty.

With lightning speed, the squid strikes, clamping its beak around a diver’s arm. A visceral cry of pain follows. Fortunately, the chainmail suit safeguards the diver from severe injury. However, the squid’s strength pierces through the metal links.

Remaining composed, the diver acknowledges that the squid’s attack was merely a natural response to feeling threatened. They describe the squid’s defense tactics, releasing ink to obscure predators’ sight and escape ingeniously.

Eventually, with admiration and respect, they release the magnificent creature back into the ocean’s depths. Serenely, the squid drifts away, offering a glimpse into the enigmatic and captivating world of the deep sea. As the divers ascend, they carry with them the memory of this extraordinary encounter, forever etched in their hearts.

What do Humboldt Squids Hunt, and What Hunts Them?

The Humboldt squid, as seen in the thrilling clip below, possesses a formidable weapon in the form of its strong beak. It uses this beak to hunt and consume its usual prey. With remarkable dexterity and strength, the Humboldt squid seizes and devours small fish, crustaceans, and other squid species. This establishes it as a dominant predator in the depths of the ocean. However, the tables turn when it comes to facing its own predators.

Humboldt squid

Humboldt squid feel at home in the utter darkness of the deep sea. Equipt with massive eyes capable of absorbing even the faintest light, these fierce hunters

didn’t only adopt the darkness, they were born in it.

©Rick Starr. Credit: NOAA/CBNMS. / CC BY 2.0 – License

The squid encounters formidable foes such as sharks, toothed whales like sperm whales and killer whales, and large predatory fish. These predators are drawn to the squid’s substantial size and abundance. The Humboldt squid’s powerful beak becomes a crucial defense in fending off potential attackers. As an agile and strategic hunter, the squid navigates through the complex web of oceanic interactions. In a perpetual survival battle, its robust beak plays a pivotal role in the marine ecosystem.

These Huge Squid Have to Be Big For a Reason, Giant and Colossal Squid Are Even Larger!

Humboldt squids, giant squids, and colossal squids have evolved to awe-inspiring sizes due to specific survival strategies and ecological pressures. Focusing on Humboldt squids, their substantial size is a result of their role as formidable predators in the deep ocean.

With a strong beak as a weapon, they hunt and consume various prey, establishing dominance in their ecosystem. However, they also face fierce adversaries, including squid whales and orcas, which drive them to grow larger for survival. These intense battles shaped their evolution, compelling them to develop immense proportions. This helped them fend off predators and secure their place in the marine food chain.

Moving on to giant squids and colossal squids, their colossal dimensions stand testament to their adaptability. They thrive in the ocean’s deepest, darkest corners. Their impressive sizes enable them to effectively hunt and consume the abundant prey available at such depths. Moreover, their enlarged bodies serve as a defense mechanism against threats. They face sperm whales and colossal squids in epic duels for supremacy.

The mythical tales of the kraken find inspiration in real-life battles. These squids face huge sea monsters to survive in the depths. Their gargantuan proportions and fierce interactions contribute to the awe and wonder surrounding these enigmatic creatures. As they continue to navigate the mysterious abyss, their majestic sizes stand as a testament to the extraordinary adaptations that evolution has bestowed upon them to conquer the challenges of the deep sea.

Are Humboldt Squids the Perfect Source of Calamari?

Giant Squid on a fishing boat

Huge Humboldt Squid is grasped by a fisherman as its tentacles splay across the floor.


Humboldt squids are indeed used as a food source by some cultures on Earth. In certain coastal regions, these squids are caught and harvested for their edible qualities and nutritional value. They are sought after for their tender meat and are prepared in various traditional dishes.

However, the extent of their consumption varies among different cultures, and there are concerns about sustainable fishing practices and the potential impact on the squid population. The ongoing debate revolves around balancing the utilization of these creatures as a food source while ensuring responsible conservation. Consideration for both aspects is crucial.

The photo featured at the top of this post is ©

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About the Author

Chris is a lifelong animal lover with a passion for writing and a natural tendency to explore the internet in pursuit of new wildlife and nature facts! He is completing his Bachelors in Political Science at Concordia University in the Spring of 2024 after a science-centric high school career. Aside from studying and writing for A-Z Animals, he has a budding music career and enjoy spending time outside year-round, from swimming to skiing!

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