Why Do Birds Always Poop on Your Car? Symbolism and More!

Bird, Feces, Car, Pigeon, Unhygienic
© iStock.com/nantonov

Written by Nina Phillips

Published: December 30, 2023

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It’s common knowledge that birds are out to get vehicles. Even if you just go inside for a moment, you can come back to a car absolutely covered in bird poop. If you’re curious why birds always poop on your car and seem to target your vehicle more than others, then this is the article for you.

Learn about the reasons why birds poop on cars, the symbolism behind birds pooping on your vehicle, and what to do to prevent birds from making a mess of your car.

Why Do Birds Poop on Cars?

Bird droppings on car

Bird droppings on a car can turn messy rather quickly.

©ewastudio/iStock via Getty Images

There are a few myths as to why birds poop on cars. However, these are the most studied, and the ones that scientists believe to be the most accurate.


One way to keep birds from attacking your car is to avoid certain colors. Studies found that birds tend to prefer pooping on red cars. Blue and black follow closely behind when it comes to preferences.

The reason why isn’t clear. Perhaps the colors remind them of something, or they mistake the car for a different object.

However, if you’re looking to minimize bird droppings, apparently green cars are the least targeted.

Where You Park

Birds tend to perch in groups in the same area. Generally, telephone poles, trees, and other such tall objects are where these birds will congregate.

During this time, birds let out a lot of waste. it’s common for areas under trees to be more covered with white splatters than in other areas.

Many people park their cars under trees to avoid rain, snow, or the heat of the sun. However, this causes frustration with birds that are hiding in the same tree.

Your Car Is Shiny

Birds have a slight obsession with anything shiny. You likely know that birds have a bad habit of slamming into windows. You may also know that more intelligent birds, like crows and ravens, steal shiny objects and hide them in their nest (or give them to people they like).

However, birds also have a problem with shiny cars. Again, it’s almost impossible to determine the exact reason. However, scientists believe that birds poop on shinier cars because they see their reflection.

Most birds, especially songbirds and pigeons, which cause a lot of problems when it comes to cars, are not smart enough to recognize themselves in a mirror. So when they see their reflection, they see birds that may be an enemy or are encroaching on their territory.

One way that birds fight with other birds is by pooping on them. If your freshly washed car is often targeted, consider letting it get a little dirty. Or, perhaps, consider getting a car with matte paint instead.

How to Stop Birds from Pooping on Your Car

Bird Droppings On Car

Even a little bit of bird poop takes a lot of time to clean up and can mess up the paint on your car.

©tongpatong/iStock via Getty Images

Unfortunately, there’s no sure-fire way to stop birds from pooping on your car completely. You can practice some methods to see if it reduces the amount your car is getting pooped on, though.

For example, if you constantly park under trees, perhaps try parking somewhere else and see if that helps. You can also try to change cars if you have the money, changing the color or how shiny it is. Letting your car collect dirt and dust may also help and is a cheaper option.

Some people get rather creative when trying to keep their vehicles clean of disgusting white spots. Setting up an image of a predator bird on the car may help.

If birds particularly enjoy your side mirrors, people suggest covering them with paper or plastic bags whenever you park. It doesn’t necessarily stop a bird from pooping on them, but at least there’s a covering you can take off and throw away before getting into your vehicle.

If you want to keep off poop completely, a more extreme option may be necessary. Consider covering your car with a tarp or some other kind of covering every time you go to park it for a period.

What Does it Symbolize When a Bird Poops on a Car?

A cute little Morkie puppy sitting in a pile of money on a white background.

Who knows? A bird pooping on your car may symbolize you’re getting that dog you’ve always dreamed of or plenty of cash.


A bird pooping on a car has the same symbolism as when a bird poops directly on you. Though it’s frustrating when you have to try and clean piles of bird poop off of your car, try to think of the bright side.

It’s said that when a bird poops on your car, you will receive good luck and riches. Technically, the more poop, the more luck and riches you receive.

So maybe try to think about that the next time that you drive around with a car covered in white spots.

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About the Author

Nina is a writer at A-Z Animals, FIDIS Travel, and Giant Freakin Robot. Her focus is on wildlife, national parks, and the environment. She has been writing about animals for over three years. Nina holds a Bachelor's in Conservation Biology, which she uses when talking about animals and their natural habitats. In her free time, Nina also enjoys working on writing her novels and short stories. As a resident of Colorado, Nina enjoys getting out in nature, traveling, and watching snow hit the mountains from her enclosed porch.

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