Why Don’t Orcas Ever Eat Humans?


Written by Zeek Lepakko

Updated: October 21, 2023

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Orcas, also known as killer whales, one of the ocean’s most intelligent and fascinating creatures. These striking black-and-white marine mammals are not just the largest members of the cetacean family, but also among the most brainy inhabitants of the underwater realm.

The versatile orca can be found in every ocean, from the chilly depths of the Arctic and Antarctic to warmer tropical seas. Wherever they are found, they’re quite renowned for their remarkable cognitive abilities. We can see these reflected in their complex social structures, diverse hunting techniques, and unique vocalizations.

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With research on the orca’s behaviors still ongoing, it’s fun to learn more and try to better understand them.

Each orca pod, or family group, has its own distinct culture, a trait that’s rare in the animal kingdom. They pass down knowledge across generations, teaching their young how to communicate, navigate, and hunt. Amazingly, all of the involved approaches and mannerisms are imprinted with the pod’s uniqueness.

In the video shown, many intelligence and evolutionary facets of the orca are posed against an important question – if they are “killer” whales, why do they never attack or eat humans? Let’s find out more about this immense aquatic marvel to see if we can answer that head-scratcher for ourselves.

Do Orcas Attack Humans?

killer whale

Although an apex predator, the inquisitive orca is usually understood as friendly towards humans.

It might be easy to be intimidated by an orca due to their sheer size, but they truly don’t appear to pose a threat to humans. The only recorded deaths caused by orcas were from individuals in captivity, which are specific circumstances and don’t reflect the habits of orcas in the wild.

That said, as stated in the below clip, many ideas circulate around why orcas don’t chase down humans. One thought to take into account is reflective of their advanced pod culture: have they made rules that humans are not to be harmed? Although they were hunted in the past, conservation efforts have limited a majority of recent hostility towards these gentle giants. Do they understand we mean no harm, and share the sentiment in turn?

Other opinions would disagree, with some thinking that orcas don’t find humans to be very palatable. With a varied diet of seafaring creatures, marine mammals, and birds, this train of thought might make sense. Similarly, a related theory implies that seeing what orcas prefer to eat, humans simply don’t match their usual prey. In other words, a human will seem like a mystery critter worth further investigation to them, rather than a quick snack.

Are Orcas Endangered?

As previously stated, humans did have a darker history surrounding orcas and used to hunt them often. This, among other environmental issues including pollution and prey scarcity, has led orcas to endangerment. At this time, only around 50 adults are thought to exist in the wild.

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About the Author

Zeek is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering wildlife in Africa and international travel. Zeek has been studying animals for over 15 years and holds an Associate's Degree in Arts from Lone Star Montgomery, earned in 2011. A resident of Washington, Zeek enjoys designing video games and training his Shiba Inu, Cheems.

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