Discover 10 Yellow Vegetables: The Complete List


Written by Niccoy Walker

Published: August 13, 2023

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Vegetables come in all shapes, sizes, and colors, including yellow! Check out this comprehensive list of ten yellow vegetables and learn about their health benefits and how to eat them.

Types of Yellow Vegetables


Corn cobs in corn plantation field.

Corn contains fiber that helps you stay full longer. It is one of the most well-known yellow vegetables


Health Benefits: Corn is a great source of fiber that helps you stay full longer. It can also help protect against colon cancer, as it feeds healthy bacteria into your digestive system.

How to eat: You can eat corn straight off the cob. Or you can use kernels in guacamole, salsa, and relish.

Taste: Yellow corn is sweet and buttery with a crisp, clean bite

Yellow Onion

Yellow onions are great everyday onions used in many recipes


Health Benefits: This vegetable improves digestive health, keeps blood sugar levels in check, reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s, and has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s loaded with nutrients, is an excellent source of vitamin C, and can keep some cancers at bay.

How to eat: Yellow onions are a great everyday onion that can be used as toppings on sandwiches and salads. Or you can caramelize them and put them on burgers.

Taste: Mild and sweet

Golden Beet

golden beet vs red beet

Golden beets are mild and sweet

©julie deshaies/

Health Benefits: Golden beets are high in vitamin C and potassium, which can help with blood pressure, muscle function, and your immune system. They also have antioxidative properties that reduce inflammation.

How to eat: Use them raw in salads, pickle them, or sautee to use them in many recipes.

Taste: These beets are mild and sweet with a hint of nuttiness

Yellow Cauliflower

Yellow cauliflower on white background

Yellow cauliflower is high in beta-carotene


Health Benefits: Yellow cauliflower is higher in beta-carotene than the white variety, which supports eye health. They are also high in fiber, nutrients, and antioxidants.

How to eat: The best way to eat cauliflower is by roasting or sauteing it, which keeps its flavors intact and brings out its sweetness. You can also steam it, fry it, or pickle it.

Taste: Mild, creamy, and slightly sweet

Yellow Potato

New potato isolated on white background close up

Yellow potatoes taste great when roasted or mashed

©Hong Vo/

Health Benefits: Yellow potatoes are an excellent source of antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and potassium. These vegetables can strengthen your immune system, heart, muscles, and nervous system.

How to eat: These potatoes are perfect when roasted with a little olive oil and salt. Or you can make mashed potatoes.

Taste: Rich, buttery, and slightly sweet

Wax Bean

Yellow bean, organic vegetables from farmer market, farm fresh beans on plate, vegan food concept

Wax beans are mellow and crisp and go well in many side dishes

©alicja neumiler/

Health Benefits: Not only are wax beans low (almost nonexistent)  in fat, sodium, and cholesterol, but they are also high in vitamin C, iron, and folate. These beans can reduce the chance of certain cancers and boost your immune system.

How to eat: You can eat them raw or steamed. Or you can use them in stews and soups. Toss them in garlic and fresh basil for a simple side dish.

Taste: Mellow and crisp with a slight grassy or nutty flavor

Yellow Carrot

Fresh Yellow Carrots on white Background, Isolated.

Yellow carrots can lower your risk of cancer and balance blood sugar

©Food Impressions/

Health Benefits: Like regular orange carrots, yellow carrots contain beta-carotene and lutein, which reduces the risk of certain eye diseases. But they can also lower your risk of cancer and balance blood sugar.

How to eat: You can eat them raw for snacking or sliced in a salad. Or you can roast them, saute them, or use them in a variety of dishes. Throw them in a juicer and make healthy carrot juice.

Taste: Firm, earthy, and sweet

Yellow Vegetables That Are Technically Fruits

Yellow (Summer) Squash

Squash plant with blossoms, yellow zucchini in the garden, organic vegetables.Courgette plant (Cucurbita pepo) with yellow fruits growing in the garden bed outdoors

Yellow squash is great is summer side dishes

©Zhukovskaya Elena/

Health Benefits: Yellow squash is an excellent source of Vitamins A, B6, and C. They are also high in folate, fiber, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, and riboflavin. These vegetables keep your bones strong while helping your body process carbs and fat.

How to eat: There are many ways to eat squash, whether grilled, roasted, or sauteed. They make great side dishes or mix them with other ingredients.

Taste: Mild, sweet, and slightly watery

Yellow Bell Pepper

Bell peppers

Yellow peppers are very high in vitamin C

©Alberto Masnovo/

Health Benefits: Yellow peppers are high in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, potassium, and folic acid. They help naturally detoxify the body, lower cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. They also have anti-aging properties.

How to eat: You can slice them and eat them raw, dipped in hummus or ranch. Or you can saute or grill them and make fajitas and other recipes.  

Taste: Refreshing, subtle, and slightly sweet

Yellow Zucchini

yellow courgette path isolated

Yellow zucchini is mild and slightly sweet


Health Benefits: Yellow zucchini are plentiful in carotenoids that benefit your eyes, heart, and skin. These vegetables can also protect against some cancers. 

How to eat: The best way to make yellow zucchini is by roasting, sauteing, or grilling. And they make the perfect side dish for any summer recipe. 

Taste: Mild and slightly sweeter than green zucchini

A Recap of the Complete List of Yellow Vegetables

NumberYellow Vegetables
#2Yellow onion
#3Golden beet
#4Yellow Cauliflower
#5Yellow potato
#6Wax bean
#7Yellow carrot
#8Yellow squash
#9Yellow bell pepper
#10Yellow zucchini

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About the Author

Niccoy is a professional writer for A-Z Animals, and her primary focus is on birds, travel, and interesting facts of all kinds. Niccoy has been writing and researching about travel, nature, wildlife, and business for several years and holds a business degree from Metropolitan State University in Denver. A resident of Florida, Niccoy enjoys hiking, cooking, reading, and spending time at the beach.

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