18 Irritating Pests Repelled by the Scent of Tea Tree Oil

Written by Nina Phillips
Published: April 22, 2024
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Quite a few pests can make daily life a problem. Whether you’re out in nature, trying to grow a garden, or even sitting in the safety of your own home, insects, rodents, and spiders are always nearby, causing problems and getting into your belongings. Thankfully, there are 18 irritating pests repelled by tea tree oil.

The oil has a strong smell that deters many rodents. It can also soak right through the exoskeleton of insects and suffocate them. Fungus are also weak to tea tree oil.

In addition to keeping away pests, tea tree oil has many benefits for people. It’s a useful oil to keep around, and you’ll find yourself using it all the time once you realize all of its benefits.

Continue reading through the slideshow to learn which 18 major pests are repelled by the scent of tea tree oil, as well as safety tips and tricks for using essential oils.

1. Mosquitos

For some people, tea tree oil works as an impressive mosquito repellent, even better than DEET and citronella.

©Astrid860/ via Getty Images

Even if it doesn’t work well for you, it does help reduce the itching from their bites after the fact.

2. Ants

All sorts of ants are repelled by tea tree oil.

©Victor Suarez Naranjo/Shutterstock.com

Use it to keep fire ants away from your kids’ playing area, out of your home, and away from your garden.

3. Flies

Biting flies and midges also keep clear away.


While standard house flies are annoying, and this oil works against them, they’re not the only flies that avoid the smell of tea tree oil.

4. Dust Mites

Dust mites can grow into quite a big problem.

©Elizaveta Galitckaia/Shutterstock.com

On top of regularly cleaning your bedding and improving air quality, adding a few drops of tea tree oil to your laundry on occasion helps to kill the mites.

5. Ticks

Tea tree oil isn’t the most effective defense against


but it can help if it’s the only oil you have around.

©Jay Ondreicka/Shutterstock.com

It’s most effective for getting ticks off after they bite you, just place a couple of drops of the oil on the tick and they should let go.

6. Spiders

Spiders are beneficial wen they’re outside but are quite annoying when they get inside.


Tea tree oil, mixed with lavender or lemon oil, does a great job at keeping away spiders in your home.

7. Bed Bugs

This oil suffocates bed bugs.

©simon berenyi/Shutterstock.com

Tea tree oil kills bed bugs and repels any new ones that would enter your home.

8. Cockroaches

There are some mixed reports on this one.


Some people say it works at repelling cockroaches, while others say it not only doesn’t repel them, it can actually attract them.

9. Bees

Spraying bees directly can kill them.

©iStock.com/William Jones-Warner

You can spray it around an area you want to keep them away from, without harming the bees.

10. Lice

DEET isn’t always effective.


Tea tree and peppermint oil are better at killing lice than DEET most often.

11. Mice

Mice don’t like strong smells.


Tea tree oil is one of many scents perfect for keeping away these small rodents.

12. Fungus

Tea tree oil protects your plants.

©SBSArtDept/iStock via Getty Images

All sorts of fungus, from athlete’s foot to the fungus that attacks your garden, is bested by tea tree oil.

13. Moths

The oil stops moths from laying eggs.

©Thomas Kleidysz/Shutterstock.com

Tea tree, lavender, and cedarwood oil are all effective at keeping away moths.

14. Snails

There are other oils more effective, but tea tree can help.

©VitaSerendipity/iStock via Getty Images

Tea tree oil is somewhat effective at keeping away snails.

15. Slugs

Slugs and snails are pretty similar when it comes to repellents.


Like with snails, tea tree oil is moderately effective against slugs.

16. Leeches

Not everyone has to deal with leeches.

©279photo Studio/Shutterstock.com

Those who do will be glad to know that tea tree oil helps to stop leeches from biting.

17. Rats

Tea tree oil works for mice and rats.

©Tony Quinn/Shutterstock.com

Just like with mice, rats are repelled by strong scents.

18. Fleas

Tea tree oil is effective at killing live fleas.

©Mironmax Studio/iStock via Getty Images

However it doesn’t stop the eggs from hatching.

Tips and Tricks for Using Tea Tree Oil Safely

dried herbs and essential oils

Keep these tips and tricks in mind before using it.

©botamochi/iStock via Getty Images

While tea tree oil is helpful when it comes to keeping away pests, it’s not entirely safe.

Keep Away From Pets

If you have pets around, be careful when using this oil in your home and yard.

©gyro/iStock via Getty Images

Tea tree oil is dangerous to most pets, including rabbits, cats, and dogs.

Spray and Cotton Balls

There are a few ways to distribute essential oils.

©iStock.com/Helin Loik-Tomson

Put the oil on cotton balls or in a spray bottle.


Use a carrier oil or water to dilute.

©Alexander Prokopenko/Shutterstock.com

Tea tree oil should never be directly used on skin or items your skin will touch like sheets and clothes.

Blend With Other Oils

For some pests, blending essential oils can be more effective than just using one.


Try combining oils like lavender, lemon, and eucalyptus for different smells and effectiveness.

Use Regularly

Oils need to be administered regularly.


Essential oils aren’t effective as long as store-bought repellents.

Never Ingest

Sick woman at home blowing nose and take care of influenza virus disease. One female people using paper tissue and drink herbal tea medicine alone at home. Concept of flu cold in winter season indoor

Ingesting tea tree oil is never a good idea.

©simonapilolla/iStock via Getty Images

It can be dangerous and cause problems such as rashes and difficulty breathing.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © AmyLv/Shutterstock.com

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About the Author

Nina is a writer at A-Z Animals, FIDIS Travel, and Giant Freakin Robot. Her focus is on wildlife, national parks, and the environment. She has been writing about animals for over three years. Nina holds a Bachelor's in Conservation Biology, which she uses when talking about animals and their natural habitats. In her free time, Nina also enjoys working on writing her novels and short stories. As a resident of Colorado, Nina enjoys getting out in nature, traveling, and watching snow hit the mountains from her enclosed porch.

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