The richness, vibrancy, and warmth of the Spanish culture offer a plethora of dazzling names for your favorite feline companion. These names offer a harmonious blend of beauty and playfulness, infusing every meow with a touch of Iberian magic. We’ve collected over 300 awesome Spanish cat names for you to choose from, along with their unique meanings!
Spanish Cat Names from the Animal Kingdom

A Spanish cat name from the animal kingdom can highlight your cat’s unique personality.
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- Vaca: Cow
- Burro: Donkey
- Gallo or Gallina: Chicken
- Burro: Donkey
- Cerdo or Cerda: Pig
- Pato: Duck or duckling
- Ganso or Gansa: Goose
- Pavo: Turkey
- Paloma: Dove
- Tiburón: Shark
- Monito / Monita: Little monkey
- Cisne: Swan
- Perro / Perra: Dog
- Perito / Perita: Little dog
- Pantera: Panther
- Gato / Gata: Cat
- Gatito / Gatita: Little cat
- Cebra: Zebra
- Tigre: Tiger
- Oso / Osa: Bear
- Lobo / Loba: Wolf
- Papio: Baboon
- Pulpo: Octopus
- Rana: Frog
- Mariposa: Butterfly
- Rata: Rat
- Zorro: Fox
- Zorillo: Skunk
- Tortuga: Tortoise
- Mariquita: Ladybug
- Grillo: Cricket
- Toro: Bull
- Conejito: Little bunny
- Cuervo: Raven
Colorful Spanish Cat Names

You could choose a fun Spanish name based on the color of your cat’s fur.
©Nynke van Holten/
- Amarillo / Amarilla: Yellow
- Azul: Blue
- Blanco / Blanca: White
- Morado: Purple
- Rojo / Roja: Red
- Rosado or Rosa: Pink
- Verde: Green
- Violeta: Violet
- Oscura: Dark
- Marrón: Brown
- Castaño: Brown/chestnut
- Eldora: Covered with gold
- Esmeralda: Emerald
- Mora: Blackberry
- Neva: White snow
- Oro: Gold
- Yari: Gold
- Rubio / Rubia: Blonde
- Amaranta: Unfading
- Moreno/a: Dark/Brunette
- Pelirrojo: Red-haired
- Dorado: Golden, browned, or gilded
Cute Spanish Cat Names

Your cat’s individual personality can be very helpful when choosing the perfect name.
- Hada: Fairy
- Mullido / Mullida: Fluffy
- Chaparrito: Short or little
- Muñeco: Doll
- Cariño / Cariña: Dear, darling, sweetie
- Querida: Dear one
- Tesora: Treasure
- Amigo / Amiga: Friend
- Chiquita / Chiquito: Little one
- Paz: Peace
- Mi Cielito: My darling
- Amorcito: My little love
- Chispa: Spark or sparkle
- Chispita: Little spark
- Felicia: Lucky
- Felicidad: Happiness
- Risa: Laughter
- Alita: Noble or honorable
- Beatriz: She who brings happiness; blessed
- Mateo: Gift from God
- Paulia: Small
- Benicio: Blessed
- Benito: Blessed
- Calida: Heated or with warmth
- Feliz: Happy
- Chica / Chico: Little girl or little boy
- Amable: Kind
- Camala: Young ceremonial attendant or helper to the priest
- Ana: Grace
- Anabella: Loving
- Anacita: Grace and love
- Analia: Grace and light
- Charo: Rose or rosary
- Alegre: Happy/cheerful
- Alegría: Happy
- Allegra / Allegro: Lively, cheerful, light-footed, fast
- Frida: Peaceful ruler
- Hernán: Gentle or spiritual traveler
- Hija / Hijo: Daughter or son
- Paco: From France
- Paquita: From France
- Pepita: God increases
- Pequeña / Pequeño: Small or little one
- Manuel or Manuela: God is with us
- Tadeo: Gift of God
- Venturo: Good fortune, good luck
Sweet Spanish Cat Names

With the proper care and attention, cats can be sweet and loving, and some even love to cuddle!
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- Pastelito: Little cake
- Florita: Little flower
- Sirenita: Little mermaid
- Osita / Osito: Little bear
- Canela: Cinnamon
- Solecito: Little sun
- Churri: Adorable or sweet
- Dulzura: Sweetness
- Pelusa: Fluffy or shaggy
- Dulcinea: Sweet
- Canela: Cinnamon
- Churro: A sweet Spanish treat
- Coco: Coconut
- Galleta: Cookie
- Corazón: Heart or sweetheart
- Bombón: Marshmallow
- Caramelito: Caramel or sweet
- Dulce: Sweet
- Azúcar: Sugar
- Amor: Love
- Inés: Pure
- Madra: Motherly
- Mateo: Gift of god
- Pimiento / Pimienta: Pepper
- Mercedes: Gracious gifts, benefits
- Helado: Ice cream
Nature-Inspired Spanish Cat Names

Many cats enjoy spending time in the sunshine.
©Ekaterina Marchuk/
- Alamo: Poplar tree
- Abril: April
- Solana: Sunshine
- Rivera: Bank or shore
- Alondra: Lark
- Carmelo: Garden
- Carmelita: Garden or orchard
- Fuego: Fire
- Onda: Wave
- Fuentes: Springs
- Jorge: Farmer or earth worker
- Lupita: Little wolf or hidden river
- Alba: Dawn or sunrise
- Luna: Moon
- Sol: Sun
- Nube: Cloud
- Ocaso: Twilight
- Nieve: Snow
- Rosa or Rosita: Rose
- Noche: Night
- Rio: River
- Rita: Pearl; truth, order
- Siria: Bright like the sun or glowing
- Carmen: Garden
- Soledad: Solitude
- Lluvia: Rain or rainfall
- Sombra: Shadow
- Vega: Swooping eagle or meadow
- Vina: Vineyard
- Margarita: Pearl or daisy
- Yola: Violet flower
- Yolanda: Violet flower
- Acevedo: Grove of holly trees
- Silvio: Wood or forest
- Cascada: Waterfall
- Cielo: Sky or heavens
- Eleanora: Shining with light
- Elena: Bright and shining light
- Flor: Flower
- Jacinda or Jacinta: Hyacinth
- Acosta: By the seashore or from the mountains
- Pedro: Rock or stone
- Brisa: Breeze
Fun Spanish Cat Names

Each cat has their own special personality.
- Gordo / Gorda: Fat or chubby
- Gordito / Gordita: Chubby
- Cola: Tail or ponytail
- Inigo: Fiery
- Alto / Alta: Tall
- Bajo / Baja: Short
- Tigresa: Tiger or fierce woman
- Diablo / Diabla: Devil
- Diablito / Diablita: Little devil
- Chorizo: Spicy sausage
- Fantasma: Ghost
- Delgado: Slim or slender
- Tuerto: One-eyed
- Bizco: Squint or cross-eyed
- Gitano: Traveler, gypsy
- Baya: Berry
- Truco: Trick
- Trenza: Braid
- Picante: Spicy
- Frito: Fried
- Tango: A popular Spanish dance
- Viejo / Vieja: Old
- Joven: Young
- Bebé: Baby
- Don Quixote: This name comes from Miguel Cervantes’ classic Spanish work.
- Rocinante: This is the name of Don Quixote’s horse.
- Sancho: Sancho Panza is Don Quixote’s faithful squire.
- Flojo / Floja: Lazy
- Hugo: Mind, intellect
- Ojazos: Big eyes
- Ojitos: Little eyes
- Peca: Freckle
- Brújula: Compass
- Arruga: Wrinkle
- Pallaso / Pallasa: Funny
- Tonto / Tonta: Silly
- Tiza: Chalk
- Torpe: Clumsy
- Redondo: Round
- Bandido: Outlaw
- Rey: King
- Reina: Queen
- Emperatriz: Empress
- Ondulado: Wavy
- Terremoto: Earthquake
- Torbellino: Whirlwind
- Rizado: Ruffled or curly
- Flaco / Flaca: Skinny
- Rayo: Lighting
- Loco / Loca: Crazy
- Sabio: Wise
- Hidalgo: A Spanish noble
Beautiful Spanish Cat Names

A beautiful cat definitely deserves a beautiful name.
- Hermoso / Hermosa: Beautiful or good-looking
- Agata: Good woman
- Lindo / Linda: Pretty
- Guapo / Guapa: Beautiful, attractive, good-looking
- Almo / Alma: Soul
- Ysabel: Pledged to god
- Belita: Beautiful; pledged to God
- Aranza: Among the thorns
- Bella: Beautiful
- Marisol: Mary of Solitude
- Angelo / Angelina: Angel
- Angelita: Angel
- Estela: Star
- Estrella: Star
- Esperanza: Hope or expectation
- Maribel: Drop of the sea, bitter, beloved, beautiful
- Eva: Life, to live, or to breathe
- Clementina: Mild, merciful
- Evelia: Life, to live, or to breathe
- Isamar: A combination of Isabella and Maria
- Luz: Light
- Lucia: Light
- Lucita: Light
- Graciela: Grace
- Juanito / Juanita: The Lord is gracious
- Lolita: Lady of sorrows
- Juanita: God is gracious
- Consuelo: She who brings consolation
- Dolores: Lady of sorrows
- Fortunata: Luck, fate, wealth
- Celestina: Heavenly
- Engracia: Endowed with God’s grace
- Dominga / Domingo: Born on Sunday
- Bonita / Bonito: Beautiful
- Catalina: Pure
- Maria: Of the sea, bitter, beloved, or rebellious
- Canción: Song
Strong Spanish Cat Names

Male tortoiseshell cats or torties are extremely rare.
- Adalfo: Noble wolf
- Adelina: Noble/nobility
- Feroz: Fierce
- Mario: Brave, courageous
- Emiliano: Work
- Alberto: Noble or bright
- Fuerte: Strong
- Alejandro / Alejandra: Defender
- Marco: Warlike
- Rolando: Famous throughout the land
- Alfonzo / Alfonso: Noble or ready
- Amelina: Work
- Rodrigo: Famous ruler
- Don: Esquire, lord, or master
- Aniceta: Unconquerable
- Eduardo: Wealthy guardian
- Xandra: Defender
- Carlotta: Free man or French man
- Armando: Soldier or man in the army
- Bernardo: Strong as a bear
- Miguel: He who is like god or hero
- Bruno: Armor
- Valero: Strong
- Tito: Title of honor
- Ricardo: Strong ruler or king
- Ernesto: Serious and resolute
- Rico: Strong ruler, king, or rich
- Carlo / Carlos: Free man
- Carlito / Carlita: Strong
- Coletta: People of victory
- Diego: Supplanter
- Edmundo: Fortunate protector
- Xiomara: Battle-ready or famous in battle
- Emilio / Emilia: Rival
- Gilberto: Shining pledge
- Enrique: Estate ruler
- Fernando / Fernanda: Bold voyager
- Fiero / Fiera: Fierce
- Fonzo: Noble, ready
- Hernando: Adventurer or explorer
- Luis / Luisa: Renowned warrior
- Mando: Soldier
- Guerrero: Warrior
- Corona: Crown
- Estabán or Estován: Crown or wreath
- Cazador: Hunter
- Diego: Supplanter
- Gabella: God is my strength
- Gabriela: God is my strength
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