Bear Rips Apart Family’s Deck To Get After a Beehive Under the Boards

black bear Fuller Photography

Written by Hannah Crawford

Updated: October 19, 2023

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“And the only reason for making honey is so I can eat it,” is one of Pooh’s favorite quotes from the Disney classics. And as a bear, we know he loved honey most of all, and there wasn’t much Pooh wouldn’t do to get the honey he wanted. Well, when it comes to bears in the wild, they also love honey too. And in this video, we see just what lengths this wild bear was willing to go through. 

Check Out the Incredible Video Below!

Bee Removal Service

huge beehive

Beehives can have up to 80,000 bees in one colony.

This Instagram reel posted at the bottom of this blog post starts off with a couple in their house hearing a rumbling on the back porch. As they go to investigate, they find a large black bear outside! Whether you are an Alaskan woodsman or a suburban housewife, finding a large bear so close to home is not a welcome sight. 

However, this bear isn’t just sniffing around to try to find something. He has found exactly what he wants, but he can’t exactly reach it. This is the moment when the couple examines that back porch, and we see the damage that has happened to their porch! 

This black bear is quite literally ripping up floorboards. They then see that there is a beehive underneath these floorboards. And this black bear is attempting to get to the honey he knows is there at any cost. After ripping up the floorboards, he digs into the dirt to get exactly where he needs to be. 

On this Instagram post, one of the followers comically commented, “This bee removal service isn’t that good, hope you left a Yelp review.” We doubt this couple will call this bee removal service again!

 What do Black Bears Eat?

Black bear in water bringing its two front paws to its face

Black bears can live up to 40 years in the wild.

If you assumed, coming to this section, that you would see that black bears only eat honey, you would be wrong. Surprise! Bears eat more than just honey. Let’s find out what. 

The North American Black Bear (Ursus americanus) of the genus Ursus is central to North America. These large mammals are omnivores. According to Biology Online, “Omnivores are organisms whose diet consists of both plant and animal stuff. They vary from the herbivores and the carnivores.” 

As omnivores, they will eat fruits, nuts, insects, fish, and small rodents. And yes, black bears eat honey!

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About the Author

Hannah Crawford is a writer at A-Z Animals where she focuses on reptiles, mammals, and locations in Africa. Hannah has been researching and writing about animals and various countries for over eight years. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Communication\Performance Studies from Pensacola Christian College, which she earned in 2015. Hannah is a resident in Florida, and enjoys theatre, poetry, and growing her fish tank.

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