Betta Fish Bubble Nest: Discover What It Is and Why They Build Them?

Male beta Betta splendens fish below bubble nest. Overhead view
© JuanCarlosPalauDiaz/

Written by Megan Martin

Published: February 23, 2024

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If you have a pet betta fish in your aquarium, then you may have noticed a large bubble nest at the top. At first, this may be concerning, especially if you’ve never seen this behavior before. However, a bubble nest is a completely natural structure created by betta fish and nothing to be concerned about. Even with that being said, though, you may have some questions about your betta fish’s seemingly newfound behavior. Below, learn more about the betta fish bubble nest, including what it is and why it is built.

What is a Betta Fish Bubble Nest?

A Siamese female fighting fish guarding her newly laid eggs amongst the bubble nest.

Betta fish construct bubble nests at the surface of the water using a specialized organ.


At a glance, a betta fish’s bubble nest may just seem like a large collection of bubbles at the top of the tank. However, on a simple level, that is essentially what it is!

Betta fish have an organ that is known as the labyrinth. This allows them to breathe in air from the surface of water rather than using gills alone. As a result, you may occasionally see your betta fish surface and open its mouth. This allows it to take in air, which then passes over the labyrinth and introduces oxygen to the body.

However, the labyrinth also serves another purpose. Because of the unique way that this organ works, betta fish can actually use air to blow bubbles. A betta fish’s bubble nest is just a collection of these bubbles. The bubbles themselves naturally stick together to form the nest, but certain water conditions can increase this cohesion. 

Why Do Betta Fish Build Bubble Nests?

Dumbo Halfmoon Betta,Multi color Siamese fighting fish,Betta splendens,on nature background with clipping path

.Betta fish build bubble nests when they are ready to mate.

©panpilai paipa/

If you are familiar with the betta fish’s bubble nest, you may have heard that betta fish build these nests to signify their happiness. However, this isn’t necessarily true. Yes, a bubble nest can be a great sign that your betta fish is happy and healthy. However, overall, the reason that a betta fish builds a bubble nest is because it is ready to mate.

Males and females will both build bubble nests. However, it is a behavior most commonly observed in males. When a male is ready to mate, he will construct this nest. Then, once he mates with a female, he will carry the eggs in his mouth to the nest. Here, the eggs will be protected and cared for by the male until they hatch

A bubble nest provides an area of balance in an aquatic world that can make survival difficult for young fish. For instance, the surface of the water and surrounding areas are cleaner than the bottom of the water. This area also has more oxygen than the bottom. While dissolved oxygen is less significant to adult betta fish, who can use their labyrinth organ to survive, they aren’t actually born with this organ. This means that, as juveniles, betta fish will rely on dissolved oxygen in the water to survive.

If your betta fish hasn’t constructed a bubble nest yet, this doesn’t automatically mean that they are unhappy or otherwise unwell. In fact, you could provide the perfect habitat and conditions for your betta fish, and they may never build a bubble nest of your own. It is an instinct related to mating and reproduction, which not all betta fish may experience the same way.

Do Other Species Make Bubble Nests?

Betta fish aren’t the only species of fish to build a bubble nest. However, they are one of the very few to do so.

The only fish that will construct a bubble nest is other fish with the labyrinth organ, known as labyrinth fish. Although these fish span several different species, they share many qualities aside from this unique organ. For example, all labyrinth fish are in the Anabantoidae family. In the wild, these fish typically live in humid habitats in Africa and Asia.

There are other labyrinth fish that are commonly kept as pets, too. Aside from the betta fish, other common aquarium fish that build bubble nests include those such as Gouramis and Paradise fish.

Species Profile: Betta Fish

Exotic rhythmic motion movement luxury beautiful half moon long tail Betta,Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens, aggressive,(biting fish), aquatic animals, popular fish isolated on black background

Betta fish are one of the most popular aquarium species in the world.


The term “betta fish” is another common name for the Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens). It is only one of over 70 different species in the Betta genus. However, it is the only one to have been given the common name “betta.” These fish are among some of the most popular for aquariums due to their vivid colorations and notable personalities. 

In the wild, betta fish thrive in freshwater habitats. They are native to Asia, specifically the southeastern region. Although domesticated betta fish are known best for their colors, wild betta fish have much more neutral colorations.

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About the Author

Megan is a writer at A-Z Animals where her primary focus is birds, felines, and sharks. She has been researching and writing about animals for four years, and she holds a Bachelor of Arts in English with minors in biology and professional and technical writing from Wingate University, which she earned in 2022. A resident of North Carolina, Megan is an avid birdwatcher that enjoys spending time with her cats and exploring local zoological parks with her husband.

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