3 Florida Cryptids: Appearance, Behavior, and Location

FL Cryptids
© Igor Zubkov/ via Canva.com

Written by Sarah Barkley

Published: January 29, 2024

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If you’ve heard of BigFoot or the Loch Ness Monster, you’ve heard of a cryptid. Although BigFoot and the Loch Ness Monster aren’t in Florida, Florida has its fair share of cryptids. 

A cryptid is a creature you hear about through folklore or stories that people believe could exist, although there is no solid proof. Some people, cryptozoologists, may swear to have encountered or spotted cryptids, and others dedicate their time and energy to searching for information or finding evidence of their existence. Their effort isn’t always a waste, as some animals used to be cryptids, including gorillas, platypuses, and kangaroos.

Cryptid stories typically involve creatures living in a specific area and having different characteristics. Here are some Florida cryptids that you can watch for:

1. Skunk Ape

White clouds and blue sky reflecting in the Myakka River in Myakka River State Park in Sarasota Florida USA

Those who believe Skunk Apes exist claim they live in remote forests and swamps throughout Florida.

©Jim Schwabel/Shutterstock.com

Skunk Apes look similar to BigFoot but smaller, with males measuring around 8 feet tall and 450 pounds. It has a pungent odor, long red or black hair, and stands on two legs.

Dave Shealey of the Skunk Ape Headquarters in Ochopee, FL, photographed this cryptid in 1997. He offers hunts to look for the creature, who is thought to live in Florida’s forests and swamps. Some apparent sightings have occurred around the Myakka River in Sarasota County and near the Alafia River Corridor in Hillsborough County. 

2. Wampus Cat

Foggy Morning in the Everglades Swamp | Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida, USA

Some believe you could encounter a Wampus Cat in the Everglades.

©JMY Photography/Shutterstock.com

The Wampus Cat is theorized to roam the Everglades in Florida, although it also travels through the Appalachians. It looks like a panther but has six legs and might walk on only two. This creature also has green eyes and smells like a skunk. 

3. Pensacola Sea Monster

Teal colored waves crashing up on the foggy misty Pensacola Florida beach.

There’s a cryptid sea monster off the coast of Pensacola.

©Holly Hatchett/Shutterstock.com

Legend has it that a plesiosaur-like sea monster lives off the coast of Pensacola, FL. This creature’s neck is nearly 12 feet long and is smooth with a brownish-green color. Reports also indicate that the head is similar to a sea turtle but more elongated.

Summary of Florida Cryptids:

1Skunk ApeRemote forests and swamps
2Wampus CatThe Everglades and Appalachians
3Pensacola Sea MonsterIn the ocean water off the coast of Pensacola

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