Impala Miraculously Escapes a Crocodile Only to Be Caught by a Leopard

Nile crocodile attacking impala at edge of river, South Africa
© JMx Images/

Written by Hannah Crawford

Updated: October 19, 2023

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Fighting for your life in the wild is more than just the symbolism of the phrase. In the wild, fighting for one’s life sometimes takes every ounce of strength that weaker prey has versus the predator. This video shown below takes us to an incredible fight for several on behalf of an animal five times smaller than its predator. 

This footage takes us to the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Photographer and videographer Angela and Craig Weeks filmed this incredible fight for survival in 2021. 

The video shows this fight for survival by this impala, a Nile crocodile dragging around. We see that this small impala is no match for this enormous crocodile. 

Check out the Video Below!

Angela and Craig share a little backstory on this YouTube video that they stopped because they noticed this young impala had what appeared to be a broken leg. He was likely coming to the water to drink and rehydrate. But, what lurked beneath those waters he was not aware of. 

Abruptly, a crocodile leaps out of the water and grabs this impala. That is when we start to see this incredible fight for survival. Even with a broken leg, this impala was not about to let this be the end of his story. 

We see the crocodile take the impala with great force and throw him around. He drags the impala to his fighting ground, the water. This is where the crocodile will have more going for him. As he drags the impala into the water, we see the impala struggling to get up on land. He knows he is done for if he remains completely submerged in water. So, for right now, his fight is in staying above water. 

For about two minutes, we see this struggle happen between predator and prey. The moment that the crocodile lets go, we see the impala taking full advantage of this, and he climbs up on land. The crocodile makes one last attempt to get him back, but this impala is now fully on land.

We see the impala shaking off his leg and getting the water he could off. After only stepping what appears to be a few feet, we see a leopard that was waiting for this impala and immediately grabs and kills it. 

How Big Are Impalas Compared to the Nile Crocodile?

Antelope on grassland

Impalas can run up to 30 miles per hour.


An impala is a medium-sized antelope that weighs anywhere from 37-75 kilograms (81.6-165 pounds) and reaches about 36 inches tall. 

As we see from the video below, this was no match for the Nile crocodile who weighs anywhere from 500-1,650 pounds and can reach up to 20 feet long! 

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About the Author

Hannah Crawford is a writer at A-Z Animals where she focuses on reptiles, mammals, and locations in Africa. Hannah has been researching and writing about animals and various countries for over eight years. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Communication\Performance Studies from Pensacola Christian College, which she earned in 2015. Hannah is a resident in Florida, and enjoys theatre, poetry, and growing her fish tank.

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