Massive Salt Water Crocodile Swims Directly Underneath a Dingy and Rocks The Hull As It Goes By

Saltwater crocodile in India
© sushil kumudini chikane/

Written by Chris Madden

Updated: November 4, 2023

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This Hotshot Croc is Dead Set On Its Trajectory!

In the heart-pounding video clip below, a colossal saltwater crocodile stealthily glides through the crystal-clear shallow water. As it draws nearer, a sudden pause grips the crocodile, as it notices there’s something blocking its way. An ominous calm settles before the storm. Then, with astonishing speed, the beast launches itself at the vessel, determined to beat back this new unknown adversary.

Watch This Huge Saltwater Crocodile Ram a Dinghy In Its Way!

In a breathtaking display of tenacity, the immense crocodile exerts immense force. It rocks the entire boat perilously. Instead of opting for the easier path around, it stubbornly persists. It grinds against the sand beneath. The boat’s occupants bear witness to this relentless struggle, exclaiming as the boat is shaken.

Crocodile in salt water

Saltwater crocodile underwater opens mouth and teeth in Chinchorro Banco Mexico, yellow salt water.

©Alexander Machulskiy/

Ultimately, the crocodile prevails. It thrusts itself through to the other side, victorious in its pursuit. With unwavering determination, the apex predator continues its course. It fades into the distant horizon, leaving observers in awe-struck occupants of the dinghy who share astonished glances. The clip below ends as their hearts race from an electrifying encounter with one of nature’s most formidable predators.

Why Do Saltwater Crocodiles Go Swimming Out In the Open Ocean?

Saltwater crocodiles, often linked with coastal habitats, occasionally venture into the open ocean for various reasons. One compelling motive is their pursuit of prey. These apex predators target marine species like sharks, sea turtles, and large fish in the ocean’s depths. Their remarkable adaptability and powerful swimming abilities enable them to explore the ocean’s expanse, searching for these abundant food sources.

Saltwater crocodile in water

Crocodiles are found in a variety of wetland habitats throughout the warmer tropical waters in the Southern Hemisphere.

©Willyam Bradberry/

Another reason for their forays into the open ocean is migration. Saltwater crocodiles undertake impressive long-distance journeys, covering hundreds of kilometers. They move between different habitats driven by seasonal changes, the quest for new breeding grounds, or in response to environmental factors such as salinity levels.

These incredible migrations showcase the adaptability and resilience of these ancient reptiles. They highlight the crocodiles’ ability to thrive in various marine environments, continuing to amaze as awe-inspiring creatures of the open ocean.

How Large Are Saltwater Crocodiles?

Saltwater Crocodile Close Up

The saltwater crocodile holds the title of being the largest reptile in the world.

©Meister Photos/

Crocodiles are generally larger than alligators, with fully-grown crocs often measuring up to three feet longer than your average gator. They are lighter in color and have distinctive v-shaped snouts that give them a toothy appearance.

Additionally, among crocodile species, the saltwater crocodile holds the title of being the largest living reptile.

Furthermore, adult males can reach lengths of up to 20 feet and weigh between 2,200 to 3,300 pounds while females are notably smaller, rarely exceeding 10 feet in length.

Why Saltwater Crocodiles Are an Apex Predator That You Shouldn’t Ever Mess With!

Saltwater crocodiles are apex predators, renowned for their danger to humans due to exceptional aggression and formidable strength. They can strike with explosive speed, often launching at prey with relentless force. Additionally, their jaws exert crushing pressure, effortlessly snapping bones. Moreover, their iron grip ensures a terrifyingly effective hold on victims. These colossal reptiles inhabit various habitats, including estuaries, rivers, and coastal areas. Within these territories, saltwater crocodiles can pose a lethal threat to anyone.

Therefore, it’s crucial to heed a warning: Never approach these enormous creatures. Such encounters can turn fatal within seconds, underscoring the need for extreme caution and respect for their boundaries. Understanding the peril they pose and maintaining a safe distance is essential for coexistence with these beasts without tragic consequences.

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About the Author

Chris is a lifelong animal lover with a passion for writing and a natural tendency to explore the internet in pursuit of new wildlife and nature facts! He is completing his Bachelors in Political Science at Concordia University in the Spring of 2024 after a science-centric high school career. Aside from studying and writing for A-Z Animals, he has a budding music career and enjoy spending time outside year-round, from swimming to skiing!

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