Watch a Giant Humpback Whale Leap Completely Out of the Water

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Written by Jennifer Geer

Published: November 18, 2024

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Breaching Humpback Whale
PaulWolf/iStock via Getty Images

Humpback whales are massive animals, weighing up to 80,000 pounds and reaching 60 feet in length. These fascinating creatures are some of the most fun to spot when whale watching because of their feats above the water. Humpback whales are known to frequently jump completely above the water’s surface, giving sightseers a fantastic display.

The video above shows the surprise of whale watchers on a boat when a massive humpback whale suddenly appears out of still water. The whale leaps above the surface of the water splashing down almost on top of the boat, drenching everyone in sight. According to the description in the video, this big whale wasn’t even an adult, but a baby that swam away with its siblings after it put on its show.

Why Do Humpback Whales Jump Out of the Water?

Humpback Whale breaching

Breaching is what it’s called when a whale leaps out of the water. Scientists have ideas for why they think whales breach, but it’s hard to know exactly why they do this behavior. One theory is that it could be a way for whales to communicate with each other. The sound of breaching travels a long way in the water and could, for example, let other whales in the area know of a food source.

On the other hand, whales may breach to show their physical power and claim their territory or attract mates. It also could simply be used for hygiene. When the whales fall back into the water, the strong impact dislodges parasites on their skin. And finally, it might feel good and be fun. The whale in our video was so close to the boat of sightseers, that it’s hard to imagine it didn’t know the people were there. Perhaps the whale enjoyed the surprised reactions and laughter coming from the soaked people.

Where in the World to See Humpback Whales

Are you interested in seeing the action for yourself? Humpback whales live in oceans all around the world, but some spots are ideal for whale watching. Sightseers hoping for a whale encounter often head to Australia, Norway, California, British Columbia, and New England, which are well-known locales for seeing humpback whales depending on the time of year. These whales are beloved for their dramatic leaps in the air and performing other acrobatics, making them the most fun and popular species that sightseers hope to catch a glimpse of.

The Best Time to See a Humpback Whale Breach

A humpback whale might breach at any time, but your chances are probably best during mating season when the males are doing their best to attract females. Scientists believe breaching is sometimes a mating ritual and a way for the male to show the females in the area he is strong and powerful.

Why You Should Choose a Responsible Whale-Watching Tour

If you’re lucky enough to get to see these beautiful giants in nature, you’ll get a chance for the closest look on a whale-watching boat. Tour guides can take you to the areas where the whales are known to travel and provide you with fascinating information on whale behavior and conservation. However, for the sake of the whales, look for responsible companies that consider the welfare of the animals by doing what they can to limit their impact on the whales and the environment.

Do Humpback Whales Travel in Pods?

mother and baby humpback whale swimming together

Humpback whales already weigh one ton when they are one day old.

Unlike other whale species, humpback whales don’t have stable social groups but often travel alone. They do form temporary pods with other whales that aren’t long-lasting, but provide protection and help when hunting, raising young, or migrating. The calves, or babies, will stay with their mothers for about a year before weaning and going out on their own.

The Meaning of Their Songs

These magnificent whales are famous for their haunting and mysterious songs. The males will sing alone or sometimes in a chorus with other males. Their beautiful songs can last for just a few minutes, or up to a full day. Scientists don’t know exactly why they sing but theorize it’s likely a mating call to the females. However, there is much we don’t know, because the whales sing during feeding and migrating, not just during mating season.

Are Humpback Whales Endangered?

Humpback whales were once hunted nearly to extinction by whalers during the 17th to 20th centuries. Though they are still hunted in certain areas, the humpback whale population has rebounded thanks to conservation measures. Today, although their numbers are high, climate change is a growing threat, disrupting the animal’s feeding and migration patterns.

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About the Author

Jennifer Geer

Jennifer Geer is a writer at A-Z Animals where her primary focus is on animals, news topics, travel, and weather. Jennifer holds a Master's Degree from the University of Tulsa, and she has been researching and writing about news topics and animals for over four years. A resident of Illinois, Jennifer enjoys hiking, gardening, and caring for her three pugs.

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