Sly Arctic Fox Steals a Man’s Fish Freshly Caught on a Frozen Lake

Arctic Fox on snow
© Andrew Astbury/

Written by Ryan Fisher

Updated: October 20, 2023

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This sneaky predator just wants to have a yummy snack. Watch below as an Arctic fox sneakily steaks a freshly caught fish from a fishing hole! 

The video starts by showing an adorable fox standing near a fishing hole in a vast snowy landscape. It is hard to see the fox due to its stark white coat, which acts as an effective camouflage. The animal seems interested in the hole, periodically moving closer to it and then backing away timidly. The cameraman repeatedly yells at the fox when it gets close, which makes it back away. 

Watch the Video Here! (The Fox is Adorable)

The fox eventually gets close enough that it can look down into the fishing hole. It quickly gets excited after seeing a fish. After some scratching at the hole’s edge, the fox grabs a hold of the fish and gobbles it down, happy with finding a delicious meal! 

Arctic Fox Fur 

As their name suggests, Arctic foxes live within the Arctic Circle, which is known for its extremely low temperatures and harsh weather. Due to the harsh environment in which they live, these foxes have developed a few adaptations which allow them to thrive. 

The main adaptation they have is their fur, which is extremely dense. Their fur traps warm air and expels cool air, allowing them to maintain a normal body temperature of around 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Pockets of fur on their feet act like snow boots, allowing them to walk on big patches of ice and snow without getting too cold. Lastly, their tail can fold inward, almost acting like a warming blanket! 

Nature and inhabitants of Greenland Ocean Arctic fox Snow

Arctic fox fur can change color with the seasons, turning more white during the winter.


In addition to warmth, their fur also provides them with something else that’s extremely valuable: camouflage. In their icy desolate environment, their stark white fur makes them blend in amazingly. This natural camouflage allows them to sneak up on unsuspecting prey, while also being able to blend in and hide from fearsome predators. 

Do Arctic Foxes Hibernate? 

It is common for many animals who live in temperature or cold environments to hibernate as a strategy to survive the harsh winter months. Every hibernating animal may follow a different pattern of hibernation, however, most are characterized by a reduction in energy usage. This means that typical hibernating animals will often lower their body temperature and rest for the majority of winter

Contrary to this, there are no types of foxes that truly hibernate. Instead, each species has adapted thick fur, long tails, and special diets that enable them to stay active during the winter. 

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About the Author

Ryan Fisher studies biology at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington. His scientific interests are diverse, revolving around plants, animals, and fungi alike. In the future, he is planning on studying more botanical sciences, however he is extremely well-versed in select fields of zoology, such as entomology (the study of insects) and ornithology (the study of birds).

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