Take an Inside Look at How Brutal and Violent a Dispute Within a Lion Pride Can Be

Three male lions fight
© J_K/Shutterstock.com

Written by Hannah Crawford

Updated: October 26, 2023

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While lion prides are known for their strength in numbers, power, and hunting abilities, they are not infallible. We see in the video below that these lions start to pick up a vicious fight with each other. 

Lion Pride Sighting in Kruger National Park

The next YouTube video comes to us from the Kruger National Park. This National Park is located in Southern Africa. According to the WWF organization, “African lions used to be spread across most of the continent, but now are only found in sub-Saharan Africa, with 80% in eastern or southern Africa.”

The Kruger National Park is famous for its safari tours that range from romantic safaris to six-day intense tours in the wild. This video was posted by The Mapogo Lions YouTube page. This channel is dedicated to providing videos and documentation on six Mapogo lions on the Sabi Sand landscape, according to their mission. They share a short description of this video below.

“2 of the brothers confront the 4 brothers as he approaches their kill. They showed their dominance – they have a Pride and Princess to protect and at that distance may not realized it was him.  Either way – they are doing a great job.  I hope the 4 will stick it out with them or find a partner. As I have learned going back and forth usually does not work.” 

Lion Pride Fight

Two male lions fighting

Male lions can fight to the death for territory.


At the start of this video below, we see that a safari tour going through the Kruger National Park has come to a halt because they see a pride of lions coming by. The lions all cross to the other side of this small road, and once they reach each other, we see them at 22 seconds start to fight each other.

Their fight doesn’t last long, and they disperse from one another. The camera then pans to the other side of the road, and at 34 seconds, we see a few more lions approaching. Only if you look a little closer, you will see that these lions have blood covering their mouths. They have come either from a fight or a kill of some kind.

Why Do Lions Fight Each Other?

These giant lions that can weigh as much as 550 pounds and reach over eight feet long are absolute beasts when we see them fighting each other. Fights for dominance over territory, pride, mating rights, and food are very common among animals in the wild kingdom. Male lions are no exception. 

However, sometimes these fights end peacefully as we see below. They ended in all of them enjoying a kill together. But, this doesn’t mean they won’t be fighting again tomorrow.

Watch This Incredible Video Below!

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About the Author

Hannah Crawford is a writer at A-Z Animals where she focuses on reptiles, mammals, and locations in Africa. Hannah has been researching and writing about animals and various countries for over eight years. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Communication\Performance Studies from Pensacola Christian College, which she earned in 2015. Hannah is a resident in Florida, and enjoys theatre, poetry, and growing her fish tank.

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