This Male Lion Says “Enough” And Fights Back Against Two Others

Written by Emilio Brown
Updated: October 18, 2023
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Lions are apex predators in Africa, and most animals they come across are not a threat to these giant cats. This video shot at the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya shows two males attacking a lion that traveled too far into their territory. Lions are extremely territorial, and this video is the perfect example of what happens when a lion crosses into the wrong region.

Watch The Action-Packed Video Below:

At first, the two lions chase after and attack the lone nomadic male. They roar, bite, and wrestle with the lone male until he figures he has had enough. Instead of running or backing down, the lone lion decided to hold his ground. After not backing down, the two large lions figured they had enough.

Male Lion Groups

Lion roaring with a blue sky as background

Lions are the only big cat to live in social groups.

©Henrico Muller/

Lions are the only big cat species on earth that live in large families, which are called prides. Other cat species have a solitary lifestyle. A lion’s pride contains between 3 to 30 lions, and at the head of the family is a powerful male lion. Places with more food mean that the size of the pride has the capability of being larger. These families are filled with mostly females, and they’re young, with only a few male lions being present. Male cub lions, when they reach around 3 to 5 years of age, leave their pride.

Males are able to start their own pride by overtaking the leader of a group, but most usually leave. Groups of male lions that form are not called a pride, but coalitions. The nomadic lifestyle of a lone male lion is harsh, but forming a coalition with other males can increase their chances of survival. These groups of males range from 2 to 7 members, and they are made up of brothers, cousins, or even nonrelated lions.

How Do Lions Communicate?

Lions in Love. A lion and a lioness cuddle.

The male lion is larger, but the female lions in a pride are the hunters.

©Wicker Imaging/

Lions communicate through roaring, purring, and hissing and are even able to meow like a small house cat. In the video, these lions are defending their territory. Urinating and rubbing their scent on the nearby vegetation is how lions mark their territory. Lions use smell and scent to communicate with other nearby lions. Scent glands are located on these cats’ paws, tails, chin, cheeks, and whiskers that let them place their scents around.

The male lion in the video was unlucky to have trespassed into the coalition’s territory. Even though he was outnumbered, this lion was still able to hold his own and communicate to the other lions that he was not one to be messed with. Lions are extremely dangerous animals, and they are the top apex predator in Africa. Living in families makes it easier for lions to survive the dangerous animals they come across. Male lions have it much harder if not in a pride, and going in the wrong area can mean a fight for their life.

Is It Normal Behavior For Lions To Fight Each Other?

Pride of lions in grass

Lions are well camouflaged in the long grass.

©Riaan van den Berg/

It is not unusual for a pride of lions to fight against another pride of lions. In fact, this is a fairly common behavior that we see in the wild. Lions are territorial animals, and they will often compete for resources and territories. As a result, it is normal for two different prides of lions to come into conflict with one another.

The intensity of these conflicts can vary greatly, from minor scuffles to more serious fights. However, in many cases, the lions will simply circle around each other, displaying aggressive behavior as a way to establish dominance. This type of behavior is known as “staring” and is a way to avoid actual physical fighting.

In addition, a pride of lions may occasionally join forces with another pride in order to take down a larger prey. This is especially true when a pride is smaller and may need assistance to take down a large animal.

Overall, it is normal behavior for a pride of lions to fight against another pride of lions. However, it is also common for lions to establish dominance without engaging in physical conflict.

The Size of Lions in Africa

male lion

A male lion can weigh up to 550 pounds!


Lions vary in size depending on their stage of life and the region of Africa in which they live. In comparison to other cats, adult male lions are some of the largest, weighing up to 550 pounds. Adult females are usually lighter, topping out at 350 pounds. Lions in East Africa tend to be bigger than those in the South.

Cub lions, on the other hand, are much smaller. At birth, they may weigh around 2 pounds and are almost hairless. As they grow older, they develop their distinctive mane and can weigh up to 100 pounds by the time they are a year old.

Lions can also vary in size based on their diet. Lions that have access to plentiful prey can be larger than those living in areas with fewer food sources. Overall, lions are some of the largest cats in the world and can reach impressive sizes depending on their age, environment, and diet. They are apex predators and have an important role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems.

The photo featured at the top of this post is © PatP66/


  1. lion facts / Published December 13, 2022
  2. What is a lion coalition? / Published December 13, 2022
  3. (1970)
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About the Author

Spiders, snakes, and lizards are my favorite types of animals, and I enjoy keeping some species as pets. I love learning about the various wonders nature has to offer and have been a writer for 5 years. In my spare time, you can find me getting out into nature.

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