Watch This Jaguar Enjoy a Huge Catfish Lunch Before Slinking Into the Woods

© Sergey Uryadnikov/

Written by Sharon Parry

Updated: October 25, 2023

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This may not look like the most delicious meal to you, but the Jaguar is loving it! This magnificent predator has bagged itself a catfish and is licking it – savoring the delicious treat. Eventually, it rips a bit off and slinks back into the woods to enjoy it in peace. Watch the full clip of this beautiful animal enjoying lunch.

Watch the Amazing Clip Below!

Where Do Jaguars Normally Live?

Jaguars are a native species of Central and South America. Historically, they had an extensive range, but this has been severely reduced in recent years. These days, you will find them in the southwestern US and Mexico. Also, they are found throughout Central America and in some parts of South America. The countries that are privileged to have a jaguar population include the United States, Mexico, Argentina, and Peru.


Jaguars live in habitats with dense vegetation.

©George Arenas/

In terms of habitat, they like areas with dense vegetation cover because they hide in this when they are stalking their prey. Therefore, you will find them in dense lowland and mountain tropical rainforests. As you can see from this clip, they also like to be near water so you are most likely to find them along rivers as well as in swamps and lagoons. Sometimes, they can be seen in other habitats including scrub and temperate broadleaf forests.

What Do Jaguars Normally Eat?

Clearly, jaguars eat catfish, but they also consume a wide variety of other prey. As obligate carnivores, they have to catch other animals and eat their flesh to keep them healthy. In fact, we know that they target at least 85 different species of animals.


Jaguars eat catfish and other wild prey.


On land, they tend to target capybara, giant anteaters, and marsh deer. In the water, they catch fish and turtles, and they will also eat birds. They come into conflict with local human populations when they steal cattle from farms. Jaguars are often quite fussy about which part of the carcass they start their meal with. They are often seen eating the heart, liver, and spleen first but are not keen on consuming intestines.

They are large animals and need a lot of meat to keep them healthy. A single jaguar can consume over three pounds of meat in one day. The larger the jaguar the more food they need!

How Large Are Jaguars?

Two little Jaguar Cubs One yawning another looking left while mother looking straight into the camera

These big cats can weigh up to 350 pounds, although average sizes range from 123 to 212, depending on the sex.

©Kris Wiktor/

As the only member of the genus Panthera that can be found in the Americas, jaguars are the largest felines in the region. Their size also depends on where they inhabit, with the larger cats living further south and males being larger than females. They can reach lengths of 7 feet and when standing on all fours, have heights of up to 3 feet. These big cats can weigh up to 350 pounds, although average sizes range from 123 to 212, depending on the sex.

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About the Author

Dr Sharon Parry is a writer at A-Z animals where her primary focus is on dogs, animal behavior, and research. Sharon holds a PhD from Leeds University, UK which she earned in 1998 and has been working as a science writer for the last 15 years. A resident of Wales, UK, Sharon loves taking care of her spaniel named Dexter and hiking around coastlines and mountains.

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