Watch Two Fearless Baboons Show Who’s Boss by Chasing Off a Pair of Cheetahs

Tanzania, Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Adult Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatas) begins running while chasing down Wildebeest calf on Ndutu Plains
Danita Delimont/

Written by Sharon Parry

Updated: October 19, 2023

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Watch the Unique Footage Below!

Just when these cheetahs thought that they had solved one problem, they find that they have another. According to the notes accompanying the clip, this was part of a coalition of male cheetahs who had become separated on a hunt. Their calls to try to locate each other were successful but also attracted a group of baboons. The feisty primates launched two attacks and drove the cheetahs into the distance.

How Do Baboons Interact With Other Animals in Their Environment?

Species Of Mammals

Baboons are hunted by big cats including cheetahs but they do not give up without a fight.

This particular footage was captured at the Tswalu Kalahari Reserve in the Northern Cape, Africa. Baboons are hunted by big cats including cheetahs but they do not give up without a fight. For baboons, the best method of defense is often attack. They have long teeth and a strong bite – in some circumstances, they could kill a cheetah.

Their interaction with some other animals is as a predator. Most species of baboons eat both meat and plants – they are omnivores. Their typical diet is made up of grass, seeds and roots. Some baboons catch rodents and birds and will even take young antelopes and other mammals – including monkeys!

How Do Cheetahs Typically Avoid Threats in the Wild?

Cheetahs may be predators but they also face threats to their safety. As we see here, they face aggression from baboons and they can have their prey stolen by lions, baboons, jackals and leopards. Lions and hyenas also prey on cheetah cubs.

A cheetah and cub relaxing in the grass

Cheetahs tend to avoid confrontation

Cheetahs have a tendency to avoid confrontation – they certainly do that with lions and hyenas. It is called ‘avoidance’ and is a learned response. A young cheetah finds out from observation and experimentation who they can take on and who they should avoid!

Bluff threats are another tactic. This is where the cheetah makes a few short leaps or charges with their head lowered.

This big cat is also more social than some others and will live in loose coalitions. They groom one another and hunt together. When it comes to avoiding threats – there is safety in numbers!

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About the Author

Dr Sharon Parry is a writer at A-Z animals where her primary focus is on dogs, animal behavior, and research. Sharon holds a PhD from Leeds University, UK which she earned in 1998 and has been working as a science writer for the last 15 years. A resident of Wales, UK, Sharon loves taking care of her spaniel named Dexter and hiking around coastlines and mountains.

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