Witness the Relentless Pursuit of a Massive Komodo Dragon Who Gulps Down an Entire Goat

Komodo Dragon Saliva
© Luca Vaime/Shutterstock.com

Written by Zeek Lepakko

Published: September 21, 2023

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The Komodo dragon is packed full of surprises. In the below clip, it seems as if the mighty dragon is stalking its prey. However, this hunt is over as soon as it began, it seems – viewer discretion is advised, as we’re then treated to seeing just how capable this vicious beast is at swallowing food whole!

The Komodo dragon, found only in a small portion of Indonesia, is a fascinating critter. While not quite a winged dragon of yore, this huge lizard still lives up to its namesake with its brute ferocity. These dragons can strike with a unique tenacity and a more than deadly bite, and are shockingly quick. Obviously, as the video below proves, they can gobble down whatever fits in their mouth!

The unfortunate goat we see getting chased down is likely a domestic one. Indonesia prolifically breeds goats for their many uses, including their meat and milk products. The clip itself doesn’t give much context if the dragon found the poor goat randomly, or if it was being fed intentionally. Regardless, it’s safe to conclude that goats have little in the means of guarding themselves from dragon attacks!

Make sure to be bold and venture forth, for we can gather further insights on these drastically different animals.

How Dangerous Are Komodo Dragons?

Komodo Dragon Stretching

The color of the Komodo dragon’s scales provide an amazingly effective natural camouflage.

©GUDKOV ANDREY/Shutterstock.com

These hefty creatures could be thought of as a cross between a crocodile and a snake. Their bodies are massive and muscular, and their venomous bites are no joking matter. Add that to the impressive set of 60 teeth they sport, and you’re starting to get the bigger picture of just how dangerous they are!

Due to that, and because they’re a protected species, it’s no surprise it’s illegal to have one of these lizards as a pet. Not to worry if you like reptiles, though, as there are still plenty of safer, nicer ones to choose from.

What Does the Goat Represent?

Possibly not including the goat we see in the below video, goats are historically considered a symbol of greatness. One of the virtues they embody is that of resilience, as they can endure even the harshest of winters. In addition, many cultures have held them in high regard for their purported spiritual and magical powers. However, despite all of its determination and hardiness, just make sure no dragons get in their way – it clearly won’t end very well!

Only Watch This Hunt if You Dare

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About the Author

Zeek is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering wildlife in Africa and international travel. Zeek has been studying animals for over 15 years and holds an Associate's Degree in Arts from Lone Star Montgomery, earned in 2011. A resident of Washington, Zeek enjoys designing video games and training his Shiba Inu, Cheems.

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