Hate Shedding? Here Are 10 Large Dogs That Don’t Shed (A Lot)

Standard Schnauzer
© iStock.com/Voltgroup

Written by Abdulmumin Akinde

Published: June 15, 2024

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Cleaning up clumps of dog hair is a task the majority of dog owners detest. It is a time-consuming, continuous process and can cause allergic reactions in certain people. Unfortunately, almost all dogs shed. However, some breeds shed so little that it is barely noticeable. If you love large dogs and would like to get one that doesn’t shed, check out our list of the top 10 large dogs that don’t shed!

1. Belgian Malinois

Belgian Malinois

The Belgian malinois looks similar to a German shepherd.


The average weight of a Belgian malinois is between 40 and 50 pounds, but some can weigh up to 80 pounds. They have a short, sleek coat that is devoid of any waves or curls, making them simple to care for. The nature of their coat also prevents shedding.

They are a huge breed that shares many features with German shepherds, including their size and general appearance. The fact that their coat is hypoallergenic makes this dog an excellent companion for people who suffer easily from allergies. 

However, the Belgian Malinois is better suited for people already familiar with keeping dogs as they tend to be dominant and authoritative. They must be exposed to a great deal of stimulating activities to form healthy routines.

2. Afghan Hound

Oldest Dog Breeds - Afghan Hound

Although it has a lengthy coat, the

Afghan hound

barely sheds. 


The Afghan hound’s luxurious coat ensures that it will always be the center of attention anywhere it goes. As you walk this breed, you can expect a lot of attention and compliments from people. Although it has a lengthy coat, the Afghan hound barely sheds. 

The Afghan hound, however, requires frequent grooming to maintain a healthy coat. Furthermore, this will help prevent any unnecessary hair loss. Grooming an Afghan hound can be challenging, but it is worth it in the long run. Keep in mind that this is a tall dog, and it might not be a fit for every household.

3. German Shorthaired Pointer

Brown German Shorthaired Pointer

As its name implies, the

German shorthaired pointer

requires little in the way of grooming, thanks to its short coat.


A German shorthaired pointer, or GSP, is a medium-sized dog that stands at around 25 inches and weighs around 70 pounds. This energetic breed was originally developed in Germany in the late 1800s as a hunting dog but is now widely kept as a household pet. The fact that the GSP virtually never sheds contributes to the dog’s popularity. 

The GSP may have short hair and a double coat, but he won’t shed anywhere in your house. In addition, the GSP can keep his drool to a minimum when he’s not eating or drinking. As its name implies, the German shorthaired pointer requires little in the way of grooming, thanks to its short coat. Still, daily brushing is recommended to maintain a healthy coat and skin (brushing distributes skin oils) and to prevent unnecessary shedding.

4. Newfypoo

Landseer Newfoundland

Because the


(pictured above) is so large, Newfypoos can weigh up to 130 pounds.


When a Newfoundland dog and a poodle have a baby, they have a Newfypoo. They average about 28 inches in height and can weigh up to 130 pounds depending on how much Newfoundland DNA was used to create the hybrid. Newfypoos with the most poodle ancestry shed the least. 

You are probably aware of the many reasons why the poodle is such a low-maintenance breed, and that trait will be passed on to a Newfypoo. However, owners of Newfypoos can expect more dog hair cleanup than usual if the breed’s Newfoundland ancestry predominates. Still, it is widely regarded as a low-shedding breed. A slicker brush is the most effective tool for minimizing the dog’s shedding. Expect to comb your dog daily. 

5. Airedale Terrier

Airedale Terrier Headshot

Airedale Terriers are the biggest of the terrier breeds.


If you brush your Airedale frequently, you can avoid shedding. If you want a terrier but also want a big dog, the Airedale is a great option. It is the biggest terrier breed on the planet. According to some sources, the maximum height of a male Airedale is 23 inches.

Dogs of this type are known to be quite independent, so beware of visitors who aren’t familiar with your neighborhood. There shouldn’t be any trouble after they get to know your buddies, though. The Airedale’s distinct and endearing look is one of the reasons the breed is so well-liked.

6. Bouvier des Flandres

fluffy Bouvier des flandres standing half on dirt, half on grass

This breed was developed to herd cattle in 17th century Belgium.


Despite their low shedding rate, owners of this breed should be aware that their fur tends to attract a lot of dirt and dust. In their native country (Belgium), Bouvier des Flandres were bred to serve as versatile farm dogs. Hence, they’re smart enough to herd livestock. They also have the strength to pull carts and the presence of mind to serve as guard dogs. Bouvier des Flandres is not very hyperactive, but they do benefit from regular physical activity. They are strong, fiercely protective, and exceptionally perceptive creatures.

7. Giant Schnauzer

If not kept short, the giant schnauzer’s double coat can become rather long and wiry.


The name “giant schnauzer” paints a picture of a large, powerful dog. This breed weighs around 110 pounds and stands at about 28 inches from the shoulder. 

Among other things, schnauzers are lauded for their ability to control their saliva. While the giant schnauzer may drool occasionally, you need not worry about having to constantly mop up puddles.

If not kept short, the giant schnauzer’s double coat of fur can become rather long and wiry. For this breed, an essential aspect of grooming is using a slicker brush regularly to prevent hair tangling.

8. Komondor

Types of Big Dogs

Komondors develop a matted coat.


In Hungary, livestock is protected by huge white dogs called komondors. Their lengthy, dense, corded coats are a signature feature of the species. After around two years, the coat naturally grows to its maximum length. 

Since the komondor is not a shedding dog, the cords almost never need to be tended to. However, bathing a komondor is a time-consuming necessity. The bath itself isn’t so unpleasant, but it can take a very long time for the cords to dry. In addition to being gentle and caring towards children and family members, they also have a healthy distrust of outsiders.

9. Saluki

Saluki standing on a bridge

Salukis are one of the world’s quickest dogs, especially over longer distances.

©Sarune Kairyte/Shutterstock.com

The saluki, a dog with a long and storied history that can be traced back to the desert, has a coat as smooth as silk and sheds very little. This breed is one of the world’s quickest dogs, especially over longer distances, and it also has the ability to see in the dark. They have a hard time taking direction and are often uncooperative. For these reasons, you shouldn’t let them run free in public places.

The nature of the saluki’s coat means that it rarely needs grooming. They were the dogs of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, so it should come as no surprise that they are gentle creatures that exude an air of dignity.

10. Peruvian Inca Orchid (Hairless)

peruvian inca orchid standing in the grass

The Peruvian Inca’s official historical and cultural significance to Peru has been acknowledged.

©Anna Krivitskaya/Shutterstock.com

There are a few hairless dog breeds, and the Peruvian hairless dog is one of them. This species was originally from Peru. Its official historical and cultural significance to Peru has been acknowledged. The breed has both hairless and coated versions. For anyone looking for a breed that does not shed, you’re better off with the hairless version of this breed. 

However, being hairless does not mean the dog is completely naked. Possible areas of the dog’s short hair include the top of the head, the bottom of the feet, and the very tip of the tail. The rest of their body does not have much in the way of hair, and that’s good news for anyone worried about shedding. Skin color varies and can be gray, white, or brown. Peruvian hairless dogs can be a single color, or they can be mixed with pink-colored spots.


When choosing a dog breed, you must select one that suits your lifestyle. With dogs that don’t shed, you get to avoid the stress of picking up hair around your home. However, the listed no-shedding dogs are large breeds, and they do require some grooming and a lot of extra care due to their size. Keep that in mind before you settle on a breed. 

Bonus: Three More Large Breeds That Don’t Shed

We’ve offered a great list of large dogs that don’t shed much – but there were many more to consider! These three breeds would be excellent choices for active families who would provide them with plenty of opportunities to run, play, or, in the case of the water dogs, swim.

Irish Water Spaniel

Types of water dogs - Irish Water Spaniel

Irish Water Spaniels are medium-large dogs.

©Nikolai Belyakov/Shutterstock.com

The beautiful, liver-colored coats of the Irish Water Spaniel feature long, loose curls that require brushing only once a week. This breed is known for its loyalty, outstanding swimming ability, and its lovely hypoallergenic coat! With water-repellant fur bred for retrieving fowl on the hunt – the Irish Water Spaniel would be a great pet for a family with a pool or nearby lake. These affectionate pups grow to almost 24 inches in height at the shoulder and weigh between 45 and 68 pounds.

Portuguese Water Dog

Types of water dogs - Portuguese Water Dog - state animals of Rhode Island

Portuguese Water Dogs were used as fishermen’s helpers to act as couriers from ship to shore or ship to ship.

©Lynda McFaul/Shutterstock.com

The Portuguese Water Dog has been helping fishermen in Portugal for years but is now gaining a reputation for being a great family pet. The dog’s soft, waterproof coat is considered to be hypoallergenic and doesn’t shed much at all. Their wavy to curly coats require weekly combing and brushing and a haircut every few months. Portuguese Water Dogs grow to 23 inches tall at the shoulder and weigh up to 60 pounds.


Greyhound, Portrait,Adult,fawn, standing wearing greyhound collar.



is the fastest dog on earth.

©Colin Seddon/Shutterstock.com

Greyhounds are known for their speed and athleticism – but they are amiable, gentle, and affectionate pets when off the racetrack. Given their need for speed, greyhounds need plenty of exercise and a home providing them with room to run and play. Greyhounds do shed a little bit but they don’t require much grooming other than the occasional brushing and bath. This dignified breed grows to 30 inches high at the shoulder and weighs 60-70 pounds.

Summary of 10 Large Dogs That Don’t Shed

Overview of 10 Large Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed

If you’re looking for a dog that doesn’t shed, here’s a recap of our list of the 10 best non-shedding breeds.

RankDog Breed
1Belgian Malinois
2Afghan Hound
3German Shorthaired Pointer
5Airedale Terrier
6Bouvier des Flandres
7Giant Schnauzer
10Peruvian Inca Orchid (Hairless)

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About the Author

Abdulmumin is a pharmacist and a top-rated content writer who can pretty much write on anything that can be researched on the internet. However, he particularly enjoys writing about animals, nature, and health. He loves animals, especially horses, and would love to have one someday.

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