Our Top Picks for Best Cat Muzzles: Reviewed for You

Written by Judie Sigdel
Updated: May 27, 2024


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Everyone gets cranky at times. And whenever this happens to us, it’s not unusual for us to lash out. Your cat is no different, no matter how sweet they can be at home. If your cat is prone to biting when he’s in pain or feeling aggressive, it’s important that you ensure their safety as well as the safety of others.

As a veterinary technician, I have had my fair share of encounters with some not-so-happy kitties. Understandably, these cats are usually stressed out and fearful, leading them to lash out and defend themselves as they would in their natural environments.

In these situations, it is best to utilize other fear-free tactics, such as covering with towels, getting the cat accustomed to the situation before proceeding, treats, etc. Often these tactics work, and cats get vaccinated and sent on their way. However, there are some more dire times when the cat is simply not having it. In these times, it might be wise to choose a muzzle.

A cat muzzle can help keep you and your kitty safe. It can prevent your cat from lashing out at you and others whenever they feel anxious or in pain. It can help calm them down during visits to the vet or the groomer. But those are not the only benefits of using a cat muzzle. This device can be used to prevent over-grooming in some cats. And then there are cat muzzles that are designed to help a cat learn to slow down while eating. 

The word “muzzle” can sound scary and unfavorable, but the reality is that it can be the safest option for the cat and for the people involved. Muzzles don’t always have to have negative implications and, if you are the owner of a fearful or aggressive kitty, it may be a good idea to muzzle train from an early age to avoid stress and anxiety in the future.

So, where do you start? We’ve compiled a list of what we believe are the three best cat muzzles out there right now and important factors to consider to help you in selecting the right one for your cat and situation.

  1. Downtown Pet Supply Cat Muzzle

    •Easy, non-stressful application

    •Breathable nylon fabric

    •Perfect for cat grooming

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  2. Softie Cat Muzzle by Proguard Pets

    •Fabric is a mix of canvas and Kevlar - softer than nylon

    •Safe for your cat and for you

    •Cone-shape for easy air flow


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  3. ZOOPOLR Cat Muzzle

    •Comfortable mesh muzzle

    •Great for cats who overgroom

    •Velcro fasteners for easy, secure use

    •Great breathability

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Top Picks: The Best Cat Muzzles Today

#1 Best Overall Cat Muzzle: Downtown Pet Supply Cat Muzzle

Our top pick for best overall cat muzzle is the Downtown Pet Supply Cat Muzzle.

The right choice doesn’t need to be flashy or expensive. In fact, our best overall choice is simple and affordable. But it fits all of our requirements to a T. 

We wanted to find a cat muzzle that cats would not mind wearing. One that’s easy to put on and off. Made of a material that they won’t be able to tear their claws into. And one that will be comfortable as well as breathable enough for cats. The Downton Pet Cat Muzzle checked all of our boxes.

This cat muzzle is made out of tough nylon that cats cannot chew through or rip apart. It completely covers the cat’s face, which ensures that it stays in place. It also seems to be breathable; the hole in front of the mask is big enough to allow a cat’s cute little nose to breathe in air. 

However, we noticed some reviews mentioning that the hole wasn’t big enough to allow the cat to be fed while wearing the mask. We’d like you to note that this is not that kind of cat muzzle. This muzzle is designed to prevent your cat from hiss-terics and causing you or anyone else any harm while grooming them. It is not meant to be worn while eating or to be left on for long periods of time.

Speaking of fit, this cat muzzle comes in three sizes — small, medium, and large. If your kitty is less than six pounds, get a small size. Medium is for cats weighing six to 12 pounds and large is for cats who weigh more than 12 pounds. There is also a Velcro strap that makes it easy to adjust the mask and create the right fit. It is easy to put on your cat’s head and take it off. This is an important feature, especially if your cat starts to have difficulty breathing while wearing the mask.

Pros and Cons of the Downtown Pet Supply Cat Muzzle

The muzzle is easy to put on and take off.Some customers reported having trouble telling the top from the bottom (although this can be remedied by making a mark on the top).
It is made of tough nylon so that your cat won’t be able to chew through it or rip it apart.The fabric is a tough nylon that does not stretch or have any give, so it can be quite stiff.
There is a hole in the front of the mask for the cat’s nose to fit through, allowing them to breathe in air.This muzzle is not made to be left on your cat unattended, or for your cat to wear for long periods of time, as it can make it difficult to breathe.
There are three different size options (small, medium, and large).
The muzzle has an adjustable strap and Velcro fasteners, so you can adjust it to fit your cat’s face.
The muzzle covers your cat’s face and is difficult for them to remove themselves.
Best Overall
Downtown Pet Supply Cat Muzzle

•Easy, non-stressful application

•Breathable nylon fabric

•Perfect for cat grooming

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2. Most Breathable Cat Muzzle: Zoopolr Breathable Cat Muzzle

The Zoopolr Breathable Cat Muzzle outperforms for breathability, making it our pick for most breathable.

While our first pick was breathable, its design limited the amount of airflow your kitty got. Its purpose, after all, is to prevent your cat from biting anyone. But if your goal is to simply train your cat to stop over-grooming their fur or from scratching any allergies/wounds on their face, then this is the cat muzzle you want.

The Zoopolr Cat Muzzle is made of strong nylon. However, the difference between this and the Downton Pet Supply Cat Muzzle is the pattern of the fabric. This one features a mesh design that promotes better airflow, which makes it more breathable in comparison. But there’s still a front hole big enough for your kitty’s nose to remain uncovered. 

The fabric is thin and soft, making it more flexible and comfortable to wear. The Velcro fasteners enable you to adjust the fit of the muzzle. 

Another big difference with this design is that it allows your cat to see through the fabric. While keeping a cat’s eyes covered can make them feel calmer, it doesn’t always work. Some cats become traumatized when they can’t see. This cat muzzle can help prevent that. In addition, letting your cat see their surroundings can make it safer for them to move around the house while wearing the muzzle.  

However, there are certain drawbacks to this muzzle. It is not impervious to the claws of tiny tigers. Some cats are able to use their claws to loosen or remove the muzzle.

Also, since it allows your cat to still see their surroundings, we don’t recommend this as a muzzle for taking your pet to the vet. Your kitty can still find their target and use their claws, even if their teeth are muzzled. This muzzle works best for behavioral training rather than trips to the groomer or vet.

Pros and Cons of the Zoopolr Breathable Cat Muzzle

Although it is made of strong nylon fabric, the muzzle features a mesh design that promotes better airflow and breathability.Since the muzzle is made with more of a mesh design, it is easier for your cat to snag their nails on it. They can loosen the muzzle or remove it easier than other options.
There is a hole in the front of the mask for the cat’s nose to fit through, allowing them to breathe in air.Since the mesh fabric allows your cat to see, it may not be a good fit for cats that tend to be vicious when they are nervous or target the vet or groomer.
The muzzle is thin and soft, making it flexible and more comfortable for your kitty.Although the muzzle is easier to put on, it also comes off much easier, especially if your cat moves around a lot.
There are Velcro fasteners on the muzzle, so you can adjust it to fit your cat’s face.
Cats can see through the fabric of this muzzle. This is helpful for cats that get nervous when their eyes are covered.
Since your cat has more visibility with this muzzle, it can be a helpful addition to at-home behavioral training.
Most Breathable
ZOOPOLR Cat Muzzle

•Comfortable mesh muzzle

•Great for cats who overgroom

•Velcro fasteners for easy, secure use

•Great breathability

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3. Best Fabric Cat Muzzle: Proguard Pets Softie Cat Muzzle

Nylon or similar products may cause irritation to some cats, so we chose Progaurd Pets Softie muzzle as the best choice for fabric.

Unlike our two other picks, the Proguard Pets Softie cat muzzle is made of patented Dupont fabric, which is a mixture of canvas and Kevlar. Now, that may not sound like a soft fabric, but it is! The addition of the Kevlar just makes this the most durable option because it’s more resistant to abrasions, punctures, and tears. Your cat won’t be able to claw this off or chew it to pieces should they find it discarded somewhere in the house.

Durability and comfort are not the only two things we liked about this muzzle. Its design is a little different compared to our other picks: Proguard Pets’ muzzle features a cone design instead of a wraparound. What’s great about this design is that you don’t need to make sure that your cat’s nose fits the hole in the front of the muzzle like with the other picks. Instead, the shape of the muzzle as your pet wears it ensures there’s always free-flowing air, allowing them to breathe normally.

We loved this muzzle because many felines don’t actually mind wearing it. And it looks less scary than all the other designs we’ve come across. Groomers seem to love this type of muzzle as well. 

By the way, there are three sizes to choose from: small for kitties weighing up to six pounds, medium for cats weighing six to 12 pounds, and large for bigger felines weighing more than 12 pounds. Velcro straps make it easy to attach the muzzle and adjust the fit.

So, what’s the catch? It costs a couple of bucks more than our overall pick. This may not be such a big deal, but it might be more than some pet parents are willing to shell out. In addition, this muzzle is not machine-washable. While you can clean it using wipes, we’re not so comfortable with the idea that you can’t wash it thoroughly with water. Pets can get smelly and so can their “gear.”  

Pros and Cons of the Proguard Pets Softie Cat Muzzle

This muzzle is made with patented Dupont fabric (a mix of canvas and Kevlar), so it’s both durable and surprisingly soft.Unfortunately, this muzzle is not machine-washable, although you can clean it with a cloth or wipes.
The design is different than many other options, featuring a cone structure rather than a wraparound. This allows more breathability and free-flowing air for your cat.
There is also a hole in the front of the mask for the cat’s nose to fit through, allowing them to breathe in air.
There are three different size options (small, medium, and large).
There are Velcro fasteners on the muzzle, so you can adjust it to fit your cat’s face.
Best Fabric
Softie Cat Muzzle by Proguard Pets

•Fabric is a mix of canvas and Kevlar - softer than nylon

•Safe for your cat and for you

•Cone-shape for easy air flow


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What to Look For in a Cat Muzzle

Of course, not all muzzles are made equal. It’s important that you choose one that suits your cat’s needs perfectly. To do that, you’ll need to know what features to look for, such as:

  • Type of muzzle
  • Size and adjustability
  • Materials used

Let’s look at these elements in more detail.

Type of Muzzle

The most important thing to consider is the type of muzzle. As we’ve already mentioned, there are muzzles designed for visits to the vet or for grooming. Others can be used to train a cat to stop meowing. In addition, there are muzzles designed to help your kitty to slow down while eating. Consider what you want to accomplish with a muzzle so that you can make sure that you are looking at the right type before you buy.

Size and Adjustability

The next factor you need to consider is size and adjustability. Cats come in all shapes and sizes. So do cat muzzles. You need to look for a size that would fit your cat’s head best. For instance, you would use a different muzzle for a Maine coon compared to an Abyssinian. You don’t want it too loose or your cat will be able to wiggle out of it and bite the vet. But you don’t want it too tight or it will make it difficult for them to breathe. Most muzzles come with adjustable straps to allow pet parents to get a good fit. When choosing the type of strap, experts recommend Velcro for ease of use.

Materials Used

When choosing the right cat muzzle, you’ll also need to take into account the material used. Nylon is the most popular material used to make cat muzzles. It’s tough, durable, comfortable, and easy to clean. Some cat muzzles are made out of synthetic fibers similar to those used in making protective gear in the medical industry. They’re more durable and breathable, which makes them more comfortable for your cat. However, these tend to be more expensive. Take note that you should avoid purchasing cat muzzles made out of leather, plastic, or metal, as these can pose certain risks such as low breathability. 

As for choosing which muzzle is best, it usually depends on the specific cat’s personality, stress level, anatomy, and skin type. If the cat is somewhat anxious and only hissing, a more breathable material is suitable. However, if the cat is highly anxious and offering to bite, a more durable muzzle is required. Muzzles that cover the cat’s eyes may also be beneficial in these situations, as they may reduce stress.

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About the Author

My passion is writing about animals. I’ve published articles on pet parrots, birds, and small animal care and reviews about pet food and products. I have an ever-evolving aviary and menagerie that has included cockatiels, parakeets, conures, European starlings, a chukar partridge, guinea pigs, dogs, and cats. I’m also the author of Faith without Labels: a Guide to Eclectic Spirituality.

Our Top Picks for Best Cat Muzzles: Reviewed for You FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

Is there a muzzle for cats?

Contrary to popular belief, muzzles aren’t just for dogs. There are muzzles for cats too, and they perform a similar function. A cat muzzle is a device that can be placed on your cat’s face to get them to calm down and prevent them from biting anyone. It features a small hole in the center that will allow the cat to breathe while preventing their mouth from opening. Some cat muzzles completely cover the eyes because it can sometimes calm cats down if they can’t see anything.

This device is typically used in veterinary clinics to prevent cats from biting when they’re feeling anxious or in pain. Groomers also use cat muzzles for anxious customers. Cat muzzles can also be used to correct certain behavior such as training a cat to stop meowing or to eat more slowly.

Are cat muzzles cruel?

To use or not to use? Obviously, a cat muzzle is not something that you should be using frequently. It is designed for temporary use and only for extreme situations where other solutions are not working such as training.

It is important that you monitor your cat closely while they are wearing a muzzle to make sure that they have no difficulty breathing. Wearing a cat muzzle improperly can also cause a cat to vomit.

That being said, there are certain situations where using a cat muzzle is inevitable — where the benefits outweigh the risk. For example, if you come across an injured cat, it’s important that you use a cat muzzle to prevent you from getting bitten or scratched, which can result in you getting rabies or other dangerous illnesses. A muzzle is also ideal if your cat will be unable to cope with a necessary procedure at the vet.  It will help keep them calm and enable the vet to proceed without any delays.

Simply put, the use of a cat muzzle is not cruel when done with good intentions, and the safety of the pet is kept in mind, like keeping them calm during grooming or training them to stop meowing. But if used improperly, then yes, it can be cruel.

It can also be considered cruel if you choose to use an improperly made cat muzzle. You can certainly DIY one if you want something with a more fashionable pattern, for example. In fact, anyone can make and sell one online, as there are currently no regulations for it. But this can be dangerous to your cat. Responsible pet parents should make sure that any muzzle they use on their cat is made by a reputable brand — one who knows what they’re doing — to ensure your pet’s safety.

What is the best cat muzzle?

According to the experts and based on our testing, the best cat muzzle is one that fits the following criteria:

  • Tough nylon
  • Comfortable
  • Available in different sizes
  • Machine washable
  • Adjustable Velcro strap
  • Easy to use
  • Covers the cat’s eyes
  • Affordable
  • Made by a trusted brand

It might be tempting to make your own DIY cat muzzle. There are plenty of instructions floating around online and you can even choose your own pattern. However, there is a risk that your homemade muzzle can endanger your cat. For example, there needs to be a big enough hole in the muzzle to ensure that your cat is able to breathe and pant. This is not something that you can leave to chance. Your design, while beautiful, has the potential to cause harm to your pet. It’s best to stick with cat muzzles that are recommended by your vet.

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