Campers Capture Wild Video of a Grizzly Bear Vandalizing Their Parked Car

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Written by Katie Melynn Wood

Updated: November 5, 2023

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Roaring Grizzly Bear behind bush
© Scott E Read/

The last thing that you want when camping is to have someone break into your parked car. If that someone is a grizzly bear, it’s even more incredible. Wisely, these campers decided to capture video footage rather than confront or try to scare off the bear. While their car sustained some damage, we got to enjoy the amazing video. We only hope that their insurance coverage includes bear attacks!

The bear goes after the spare tire on the back of the vehicle. Pulling at it with his teeth, the bear makes the car rock back and forth with the force of his bite. Generally, bears exhibit behavior like this when they are looking for food. While it’s unlikely that there’s food in the spare tire compartment, the bear doesn’t know that. He probably has experience finding food in other cars, campsites, or locations frequented by people. The bear relies on that knowledge and decides to explore the car to see if there’s a tasty morsel to be found.

Unfortunately for him, the bear doesn’t find any food. He does some damage to the spare tire and the back of the vehicle before cutting his losses. The video doesn’t show him leaving the area but he does begin to lose interest in the car toward the end of the clip. The people with the camera keep their voices to a whisper and let the bear move on when he is ready.

A brown grizzly bear churning up water as it runs through it.

The grizzly bear has great speed, even when running in water, which helps when it is chasing salmon.


How Much Bite Force Do Grizzly Bears Have?

Grizzly bears are large, often ferocious, animals. They are a subspecies of brown bears, second in size only to the larger Kodiak brown bears. They have a bite force of roughly 975 psi or pounds per square inch. To put things in perspective, this animal has one of the strongest bite forces in the world. It easily ranks in the top 10, with other predators like the polar bear and great white shark coming in ahead of the grizzly. This is still one animal that you don’t want to mess with.

These bears can get very large as well. They often top 6 feet tall and can weigh up to 700 pounds. They eat plants and animals, with fish and berries making up a large part of their diet. They will also eat larger mammals that they can kill, such as deer and even moose in some cases. Grizzlies enjoy plants, including flowers and roots, as part of their diet. Of course, they will also feast on human food leftovers that they can find in garbage cans, dumpsters, and, of course, cars and campsites.

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About the Author

Katie is a freelance writer and teaching artist specializing in home, lifestyle, and family topics. Her work has appeared in At Ease Magazine, PEOPLE, and The Spruce, among others. When she is not writing, Katie teaches creative writing with the Apex Arts Magnet Program in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. You can follow Katie @katiemelynnwriter.

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