Discover the 11 Countries in Africa With the Highest IQ

Africa flags on the map
© Alexander Lukatskiy/

Written by Patrick MacFarland

Published: February 2, 2024

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Some studies measure our intelligence. One such study is the Lynn and Becker study. It gathers data from standardized IQ tests in all countries to create the rankings. The study, in an obvious matter, does not reflect the intelligence of the entire country, as that would be impossible to measure. It can, however, provide a broad insight into the country’s IQ and attribute it to outside factors like education, standard of living, and socioeconomic factors. Let’s take a look at the 11 countries in Africa with the highest IQs.

1. Mauritius

Aerial view of Mauritius island and Le Morne Brabant mountain with beautiful blue lagoon and underwater waterfall illusion

The University of Mauritius is one of the best universities in Mauritius.

©Myroslava Bozhko/

There’s a reason that Mauritius comes at the top of the list. The country’s literacy rate stands at 91.9%. There has been an increase in the number of people attending higher education. The country ranks first in Africa when it comes to the Global Innovation Index. There have also been several reforms to ensure that students get the access to education they deserve. All of these factors contribute to a higher IQ. 

2. Libya


The University of Tripoli is one of the best universities in Libya.

©Hussein Eddeb/

Coming in at number two, Libya has one of the highest IQ averages in Africa. This is because of several factors. Education is mandatory from the ages of 6 to 15, but the majority do attend Secondary School from ages 15 to 18. Since the Gaddafi regime, Libya has focused on increasing the quality of its education system.

3. Tunisia

Tunisia. Djerba island. Guellala

The University of Tunis El Manar is one of the best universities in Tunisia.


Coming in at number three, Tunisia has one of the highest IQ averages in the African continent. This is all because Tunisia has invested a lot in its education system. Tunisia has ensured that children go to school and has tied education to the economy, which has spurred the education system in the country. Over the years, Tunisia has passed educational reforms to further ensure that children get the proper education.

4. Sudan

Al-Mogran Mosque, Khartoum, Sudan.

The University of Khartoum is one of the oldest universities in Sudan.

©Mina Tkla/

Although the IQ is higher than in other African countries, Sudan’s education system is quite dire. Education is mandatory from ages 6 to 13, but the literacy rate is only about 60%. Urban areas in Sudan do much better than rural areas, and there are some regions in the country where less than 20% of children go to school. Also, an estimated 35% of the country is in extreme poverty and that correlates with education levels, and thus IQ levels. 

5. Chad


Emi Koussi University is one of the best universities in Chad.


Although better than other African counterparts, Chad’s education system is problematic. Parents do not send their children to school and only about 2/3 of boys attend past elementary school. The number of girls attending school is even lower. The human rights measurement initiative has determined that Chad is only at a 52% rate in what the country should be doing for education based on its income levels.

6. Seychelles

Anse Patates, La Digue Seychelles, a young couple of men and women on a tropical beach during a luxury vacation in Seychelles. Tropical beach Anse Patates, La Digue Seychelles

The University of Seychelles is one of the best universities in Seychelles.

©fokke baarssen/

Unlike other African countries, things regarding education in Seychelles are better. This, of course, is directly tied to IQ. In recent years, human development and economic standards have also risen, which has a good correlation with IQ, as well. The literacy rate in Seychelles stands at 95% of people 15 or older. Education is mandatory for those ages 5 to 16, but from ages 16 to 18, education is free. 

7. Senegal

A bay in Ngor, Dakar.

Cheikh Anta Diop University is considered one of the best universities in Senegal.

©Anze Furlan / psgtproductions/ via Getty Images

So far, the African countries on this list have had similar IQ averages, except Mauritius. The reason for this is because of the lack of education funding and other socioeconomic factors that have plagued the African continent. The literacy rate in Senegal is nearly 60% which is quite low. The average is lower for women than for men. Many of the Senegalese also do not attend school and even more do not attain university-level education. 

8. Comoros

Countries with No Rivers - Comoros

One of the best universities in Comoros is the University of Comoros.


Although Comoros has a higher IQ than other African countries, there are still problems with its education system. This has a direct tie to the IQ of the country. There is usually inadequate funding when it comes to educational resources including facilities, teachers, and other things. In fact, the human rights measurement initiative found that Comoros has only fulfilled 70% of what it should be doing in terms of income and resources that they have for education.

9. Madagascar

Rova of Antananarivo, Queen's Palace, Antananarivo, Madagascar

The University of Antananarivo is considered one of the best universities in Madagascar.

©Artush/iStock via Getty Images

Although Madagascar may have a higher IQ than other African countries, the country is not without problems. Education is compulsory from the ages of 6 to 13. After that, education is usually attained by the wealthy. The political instability in Madagascar also has had a counterintuitive effect when it comes to education funding and other resources that can go to education. 

10. Uganda

Panoramic view of Kampala city from Gadafi Mosque, Uganda

Makerere University is considered one of the best universities in Uganda.

©Aleksandr Stezhkin/

Uganda is located in sub-Saharan Africa and there have been various studies to measure IQ in this region of the African continent. It is said that 20% of Africans do not attend school and that could be a possible factor as to why the IQ may be lower than other parts of the world. Some of the reasons why Uganda may have a lower IQ than other places are funding problems, lack of teacher training, and the fact that many girls face barriers when wanting an education. 

11. Egypt


Cairo University is considered one of the best universities in Egypt.


Ancient Egyptians were known to be extremely intelligent. They used their skills to invent things like medicine, astronomy, and other aspects of life. And that historical thread has carried over to modern times. It is said that because of socioeconomic factors and regional education, Northern Egypt has a higher IQ average than the southern part of the country. There are many reasons why, but usually education, nutrition, and socioeconomic factors have to do with higher IQ.


And there you have it, these are the 11 countries in Africa with the highest IQs. IQs measure intelligence and these countries have placed at the top in Africa because of a myriad of reasons. Socioeconomic factors and a robust education are some of the reasons why.

11 Countries in Africa With the Highest IQ

CountryAverage IQ

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About the Author

Patrick Macfarland is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering travel, geography, and history. Patrick has been writing for more than 10 years. In the past, he has been a teacher and a political candidate. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science from SDSU and a Master's Degree in European Union Studies from CIFE. From San Diego, California, Patrick loves to travel and try new recipes to cook.

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