Elements in Astrology: All About Fire Signs

Written by Dayva Segal
Published: December 16, 2023
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When browsing astrology content on social media, you may have seen people talking about “air signs,” or “fire signs.” This refers to the element of a zodiac sign. When most people say, “I’m a fire sign,” they are referring to their sun sign. However, any planet, luminary, or angle that falls into a sign also has the qualities of that element.

In astrology, there are four elements:

  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Air
  • Water

Because there are 12 signs, three signs correspond to each element, and they cycle throughout the zodiac wheel in the above order. The groupings of zodiac signs into the elements are also called “triplicities” because there are three signs in each element group.

Elements, Modalities, and Ruling Planets

The signs get their qualities from a variety of factors including their assigned element. They also fall into one of three modalities:

  • Cardinal
  • Fixed
  • Mutable

The groups of signs in each modality are called “quadruplicities” because there are four signs under each mode. There is one sign of each modality in each element.

Additionally, each sign also gets qualities from its ruling planet, in addition to its mythological origin, symbol, and other factors.

SignElementModalityRuling PlanetSymbol
CancerWaterCardinalThe MoonCrab
LeoFireFixedThe SunLion
ScorpioWaterFixedMars (Traditional), Pluto (Modern)Scorpion
AquariusAirFixedSaturn (Traditional), Uranus (Modern)Water Bearer
PiscesWaterMutableJupiter (Traditional), Neptune (Modern)Two Fish

Qualities of Fire Signs in Astrology

Fire Sign Quality: Energetic

People dancing in gym

Fire signs are good at getting people “fired up” about things.

©AnnaStills/iStock via Getty Images

Fire Signs have a lot of energy not only for themselves but for everyone else too. They are great at getting other people excited about something whether it is at work or for fun. Many people find Fire energy inspirational, but other people can find it threatening. Some people become insecure when a Fire Sign shines so brightly.

Fire Sign Quality: Blunt

Woman looking at her coworker with a displeased expression, woman working in her office

Fire Signs don’t sugar coat their criticism.

©justocker/iStock via Getty Images

People with strong Fire Sign placements often say exactly what they think and but don’t understand when people get upset. This is one reason why Fire Signs are rarely compatible with emotional and sensitive water signs. However, many people appreciate the fact that they can always rely on their fire sign friends to tell them the truth, even if it is a hard truth to hear.

Fire Sign Quality: Adventurous

People in a blue inflatable boat river rafting

Fire Signs typically enjoy adventure.

©rodehi/iStock via Getty Images

Fire signs, especially Aries and Sagittarius are extremely adventurous. Some take this quality to the max, getting into extreme sports or living on the road full-time. Others simply enjoy trips that are more off the beaten path. Still, others may prefer adventures of the mind, reading and learning about unique topics that allow them to explore and adventure in the mind.

Fire Sign Quality: Initiative

Man jumps from cliff to cliff over a precipice at sunset, a creative idea. Success and Risk Concept

Fire Signs don’t always look before they leap!

©Ales_Utovko/iStock via Getty Images

Of any zodiac elements, Fire Signs are the most likely to leap before they look. Like most elemental qualities, there are good sides and bad sides to this. Fire Signs are more likely to actually attempt their dreams and ideas. They are less likely to come up with excuses for why they shouldn’t try something. They make great leaders because they can get everyone jazzed up about almost anything. However, they are not as likely to think about the consequences of their actions, which can lead to some hairy situations.

Fire Sign Quality: Temper

Mad frustrated multiethnic employees sit at office meeting dispute quarrel have stressful job situation, angry diverse colleagues debate fight over paperwork financial statistics, work stress concept

Fire Signs are known to have a hot temper.


Many Fire Signs have trouble keeping their anger in check. However, their anger doesn’t run deep. Things do bother them, but they tend to move on quickly. However, their anger can leave a mark on a relationship, no matter how fast they move on. Others don’t always move on from an argument as swiftly. Many Fire Signs don’t understand why others stay mad. The only sign who might hold onto their anger for longer is Aries. They tend to be more competitive and may hold a grudge if they don’t get their way.

Fire Signs of the Zodiac

Aries: The Cardinal Fire Sign

The desert bighorn sheep is the state animal of Nevada.

The headstrong ram is the symbol of Aries.

©Tom Tietz/Shutterstock.com

Most Compatible Signs: Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It is also the sign that comes at the beginning of Spring in the northern hemisphere. This Cardinal sign has a lot of initiator energy. Aries are down for adventure and are quite passionate people. They are not necessarily innovators, but they are pioneers of a sort. They don’t need to be different, but they do need to do their own thing to be happy.

An Aries will not be happy if they feel hemmed in. They are exceptionally independent and need a bit of space in their life. They are more sexual than romantic. When it comes to relationships, they may feel fiery passion in one moment only to leave quickly the next. Their flame may burn out easily, only to become quickly reignited for someone new.

As previously mentioned, Aries are extra competitive, and some would do well as athletes. They are very much in their bodies. If an Aries doesn’t get enough physical activity, they can become depressed. Aries also loves debate. To them, it is just another form of competition. Pair this with their blunt affect, and they are not everyone’s cup of tea. An Aries may come across as playing devil’s advocate, but they are just trying to have their own kind of fun.

Leo: The Fixed Fire Sign

Single lion looking regal standing proudly on a small hill

Leo is represented by the regal lion.

©2021 Photography/Shutterstock.com

Most Compatible Signs: Leo, Aries, Libra

Leos are known for loving drama and enjoying being the center of attention. However, like every astrological sign, they are much deeper than their stereotypical traits. Many people assume Leos are self-centered in relationships, however that is not true. As much as they want their partners to worship them, like their royal lion symbol, they enjoy worshipping their partners. They are very much a spoil4spoil situation. However, they must receive their worship before they feel they can spoil their partner.

We can learn about Leo through the metaphor of a regal ruler. They may seem to act like the world revolves around them, but they take good care of their kingdom. Many in the sphere of a Leo feel the warmth of the Sun-ruled sign emanating around them.

Despite their confident appearance, Leos are prone to insecurity. That is part of why they feel the need to take up so much space. Leos show their initiative energy through generation and procreation. They are extremely generative, whether it is a creative project, creating their own family, or something else entirely. They are often drawn to creative arts, especially those involving performance. Many Leos enjoy center stage and they are one of the few signs that is well-suited to the stresses of life in the public spotlight.

Sagittarius: The Mutable Fire Sign

November Month, Greek God Centaur Chiron and an Old Man,  Sagittarius Astrology

The Centaur archer Chiron represents the sign of Sagittarius.

©Christine_Kohler/iStock via Getty Images

Most Compatible Signs: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a happy-go-lucky Fire Sign. They like to keep things on the surface emotionally, but not intellectually. They generally love to physically travel, taking voyages all over the world. If not, they use their intellectual pursuits to travel, virtually. When it comes to learning, Sagittarians enjoy learning about philosophy, religion, spirituality, and anything that makes the world work. They are usually open-minded and prefer to know everything before committing to one idea or ideology.

While Aries’ fire spreads enthusiasm for doing, and Leo’s spreads warmth and creativity, Sagittarius spreads their big ideas and expansive thoughts. Sagittarians also generally have good luck, which could simply be an effect of their optimistic outlook. It’s a chicken-and-egg scenario. Do Sagittarians have good luck, which gives them an optimistic attitude? Or do they seem to have good luck because their upbeat outlook means they tend to see the silver lining in everything?

The photo featured at the top of this post is © Jenniveve84/iStock via Getty Images

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About the Author

Dayva is a writer at A-Z Animals primarily covering astrology, animals, and geography. She has over 12 years of experience as a writer, and graduated from Hofstra University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Music and a Minor in French. She has also completed course work in Core Strengths Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and Technical Communication. Dayva lives in the SF Bay Area with her cute but very shy cat, Tula.

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